
Prohibition Hill




The top of the hill on the Ravenswood side of the creek, sits one of the highest concentrations of quality dolerite bouldering problems.

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Tasmania

Many locals continue to use community run website for crag/route updates and noting any access issues. The associated app can be downloaded and used offline!

Gerry Narkowicz also produces hardcopy guides to numerous venues across the state via the 'Climb Tasmania' website

Etica ereditato da Distillery Creek

This area (especially the boulders) is open for development to anyone. Please, If you are developing and establishing first ascents, clean the moss and dirt off the boulder, prepare the landing and take photos of the climb. If you are able to, please upload the route to 'The Crag', otherwise, notify someone who can do it for you (many suitable people can be found at Beta Park). We would love for this area to grow quickly and for it to be a quality community project.


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The large, hidden cave in the middle of the boulder field with a few quality routes and potential for more

The slopping lip traverse sit start at the far left of the rail, traverse right to the end of the rail and press up through the steep corner feature (avoid using the block below the rail for feet) and top out.

FA: Patrick Munnings & Nick Morgan, 24 Mag 2021

Starts in chimney using the undercling flake to traverse left. continue underclinging and round the lip to top out around the left arete.

The left arete of the steep boulder. Sit start following the line of compression holds to top out on the left side of the slab. Looks like a super quality line

The next line of edges up to a sloping topout. Sit start on large rail using edges to reach the lip

Hard technical climbing in a steep open corner

Hard compression of good left hand and bad right hand slopers, hard single move or two to the lip and mantle

Stand start, left hand on small edge on the slab and right hand on the lower large sidepull corner. Climb up via a hand foot match to top out

Distillery Creek's answer to Powerslave. hand start on good low left arete. Big moves to opposing sidepulls, and mantle over the lip.

Climb Brandy but use the boulder on the left for feet

The small nook slightly downhill from the bottom of Bender boulder.

Left side of nook. Sit start at large undercling and slopey rail, also using the low block for feet. Up then mantle?

Right side of nook. Technically on BoBB. Sit start at side pull with smeary feet, then up to lip to top out.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022

The next boulder/wall left (facing the creek) from the Box of Death.

Strong homemade blackberry wine was supposedly how all Launnies greatest climbing gurus put hair on their chests back in the dark ages - when soaring 100m+ FA’s we’re standard weekend practice - when men were men...these days us young pansy folk drink kombucha at the gym and FA poxy boulders in Ravo..

Stand start on left side of face at letterbox slot. Up to lip, traversing R to finish at triangle cut out/highest point of boulder. Sit start seems possible?

An eliminate/link-up kind of problem. Stand start at the letterbox slot as for Bramble On, but then traverse R along the faint crimp seam without using the top lip. Once the final good rail on Creme de Mure is reached - top out at lip as per that climb.

Sit start in middle of wall with LH on low triangle, and RH high on good crimp. Skid past the ground, then up on crimps to top out.

Large sloping boulder just left of Bender Boulder, with steep wall facing the creek.

Start as for Apple Juice, Head straight up into good RH pinch (very reach dependant) and then slap left into juggy gaston via difficult smears. Classic moves.

Sit start on the low block feature, with low LH undercling and RH blocky jug. Go up into thumbercling/gaston and head right to high blocky gaston. Top out marginally spicy.

Sit start at lower level with LH at low jug, and RH on slopey sidepull. Traverse L along vague rail to top out on slab.

FA: Nick Morgan & Jordan Grant, Feb 2022

Sit start as for previous climb at lower level. Up to jug and slab to finish.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022

Sit start at slopey triangle. Left along diagonal rail to LH arete. Compression moves up middle of face and over highest point of boulder.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022

Sit start at triangle, and up to RH arete. Traverse left turning lip at set back jug. Slab to finish.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022

Uphill and left of Cocktail Boulder.

Stand start at lower face/arete. Up under rooflet - before turning it on huge holds.

FA: Jordan Grant, Feb 2022

The small detached pillar on the left side of shelf. Sit start on L, avoiding the obvious dirty block on the R. Up arete to top out. Easiest to down climb rather than continue onto the other cliff.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022

Highball. Stand start, up the nice arete/crack line. Still needs a clean up high.

FA: Nick Morgan, Feb 2022


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Selected Guidebooks more Nascondi

Autore/i: Gerry Narkowicz

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9780646841946

Cracks, sea stacks, big walls, remote exotic locations, volcanic columns, no crowds and your choice of the predominant dolerite, some quartzite and a little sandstone to remind you of the mainland. Many a wilderness climbing experience can be had within a 2hr car trip from the main centers. By Gerry Narkowicz. This guide features 1280 routes.

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