
Tea Lounge Block

  • Contesto grado: AU
  • Ascensioni: 7




Freestanding boulder in the hairpin with quality lines from short to tall

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Tasmania

Many locals continue to use community run website for crag/route updates and noting any access issues. The associated app can be downloaded and used offline!

Gerry Narkowicz also produces hardcopy guides to numerous venues across the state via the 'Climb Tasmania' website


Park as for Hairpin Bloc, follow the logging track to the west of Hairpin Bloc for around 10m and follow the good track for around 30 seconds before getting to a big boulder. Head past the big boulder, following the trail and the next boulder you get to is Tea Lounge Bloc. Approach is a good 60 seconds from the car.

Etica ereditato da Tasmania

Crag Stewards

Many Tasmanian climbing areas have Stewards assigned as a point of contact for safety or access concerns.

For more details and the list of Steward emails please visit:

Statewide Ethics

  • The operation and use of drones by park visitors on reserved land including national parks is not permitted​

  • Peregrine Falcons nest from July - December each year. It’s important that climbers don’t climb near active nests during this period. Known sites (non exhaustive) are: Sand River (Far East, The Panopticon), Bare Rock (R of the Boneyard, L of Bisso of Orange), Rocky Cape, Pubic Wall/Duck Reach, Hillwood, Gunners Quoin, Lowdina.

  • Please note that Tasmania has notoriously patchy phone reception for particular service providers. Telstra is the most reliable. An emergency Personal Locator Beacon or similar is recommended kit when climbing in remote locations.

  • For more information - follow the link below for some local tips + tricks on how to better reduce your impact during your next Tassie climbing holiday



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Stand start with left hand in sharp pocket jug and right hand in mono pocket, punch out right to slopey dish and finish as for Bear Claw

FA: Jordan Grant, Dic 2023

Stand start in the hueco pocket, head left via good incut edges all the way to left hand in pockets, head up from here and mantle over the top

FA: Tommy Krauss, Dic 2023

Sit start on two edges, move up into hueco via powerful first move, head left via good incut edges all the way to left hand in pockets, head up from here and mantle over the top

Sit start with left around arete on good edge, right on flat rail to the right of the arete, make some big moves and top out via slopey mantle.

Sit start with left hand on the good vertical edge and right hand on the large juggy feature same as Boston Cream. Head up straight and mantle

FA: Jordan Grant, Dic 2023

Stand start in the big round dish jug and finish up via mantle as for Boston Cream

FA: Tommy Krauss, Dic 2023

Sit start with left hand on the good vertical edge and right hand on the large juggy feature. Head up to the crack like crease and head right to the good pockets, mantle from here

FA: Tommy Krauss, Dic 2023


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Selected Guidebooks more Nascondi

Autore/i: Gerry Narkowicz

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9780646841946

Cracks, sea stacks, big walls, remote exotic locations, volcanic columns, no crowds and your choice of the predominant dolerite, some quartzite and a little sandstone to remind you of the mainland. Many a wilderness climbing experience can be had within a 2hr car trip from the main centers. By Gerry Narkowicz. This guide features 1280 routes.

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