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701 - 800 di 1,000 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Sab 18 Apr 2015 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m Buona
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Molto buona
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Gio 2 Apr 2015 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V4 Around the World Boulder 9m Classica
Niko Eltarenko
V2 Love Jugs Boulder 10m Classica
Niko Eltarenko
V5 Paraplegic Boulder 9m Classica
Niko Eltarenko
And sent! However conditions were less than favourable. Damp holds all the way! Very good problem.

Mar 10 Mar 2015 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V2 Love Jugs - con Bonnie Boulder 10m Molto buona
Ben Young
too scared to go any further, but fun roof jugging!

Sab 14 Feb 2015 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
22 Stainless Steal Sconosciuto 15m Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Buona
Vanessa Wills
18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m Buona
Vanessa Wills
22 Fax Me Sportiva 9m Buona
Vanessa Wills
22 Fax Me Sportiva 9m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Good and technical moves. Needs another bolt high. We just put down long sling

22 Stainless Steal Sconosciuto 15m Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Didnt have any cams. Very stout for grade, but actually nice technical moves. Could easily add 2 grades

20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Buona
Vanessa Wills
RPt, Alzheimers onsight. The start is tricky if you cant reach the good crimp rail

18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Rptwarm up

Dom 1 Feb 2015 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m Media
Vanessa Wills
Alzheimer's OS, still find it average

17 Big Black Spider LHV Sportiva 12m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 31 Gen 2015 - Umina
Kingsview Kumagutsa Area
22 Mu Sportiva 15m Buona
Vanessa Wills
2bolts in 15m, no thanks, though setting up the toprope was more of an adventure than we had bargained. Nice arête moves

20 For Pete's Sake Sportiva 12m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Major ground fall potential if you lead this. Would be nice with a retro bolt as access to top is difficult

Dom 18 Gen 2015 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V4 Low Traverse - con Niko Eltarenko Boulder 12m Molto buona
Dominik S
V2 Love Jugs - con Niko Eltarenko Boulder 10m Mega Classica
Dominik S
V1 V3 Fat Lip - con Niko Eltarenko Boulder 14m Media
Dominik S
V2 Love Jugs - con Dominik S Boulder 10m Classica
Niko Eltarenko

V4 Low Traverse - con Dominik S Boulder 12m Molto buona
Niko Eltarenko
Agreed. Better than it looks. My body is prefect for this kind of problem though!

V5 Paraplegic - con Dominik S Boulder 9m Mega Classica
Niko Eltarenko
This is one of the best boulder problems I have attempted. Stuck the dyno and have all the moves down! Linking them in the end was a little too much for whatever skin and power I had left. Definitely will be back!

V4 Around the World - con Dominik S Boulder 9m Classica
Niko Eltarenko
Very Good. Maybe a bit soft for the digits. Ended up going clockwise (but planned in opposite direction). Got really disorientated!

Lun 29 Dic 2014 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V3 Fat Lip - con Jeanette Boulder 14m Molto buona
Dominik S
Fun climb. Gets a bit harder near the end when the slopers start.

V2 Love Jugs - con Jeanette Boulder 10m Classica
Dominik S
Awesome climb. I lose my feet going for the big jug which is something I gotta work on. Ended up with both hands on the big jug and let go from there thinking it was the end of the climb.

Dom 14 Set 2014 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
23 Deliverance Sportiva 15m Media
Tim Haasnoot
22 Stainless Steal Sconosciuto 15m Buona
Tim Haasnoot
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Ven 18 Lug 2014 - Umina
The Brown Room The Pergola
V2 Knob Jockey Boulder 5m Molto buona
Ben Jenga
Slope!! You have to think about the start then its heels to glory.

V4 Power Pergolas Boulder 4m Buona
Ben Jenga
Do you start from the big flat hold out left? Knee bar.

V4 Power Play Boulder Buona
Ben Jenga
Powerful start move with a great sneaky heel. Pity about the sand.

Ven 18 Lug 2014 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V3 Swiss Cheese Boulder 6m
Ben Jenga
Sandbag at V1 or I was just getting more tired. Lots of fun.

V2 Chump Cheese Boulder 3m Buona
Ben Jenga
I think i did it right?

V0- Easy Cheese Boulder 3m Buona
Ben Jenga
V4 Skip the Gape Boulder 6m Molto buona
Ben Jenga
Starting to feel tried by this point, a great mini battle. Great pockets.

V5 The Gape Boulder 5m Classica
Ben Jenga
The one that got away. Sick big dyno move just ran out of power to stick it. Something to come back for...

V7 Brown Wings Boulder Molto buona
Ben Jenga
Just adding a little Jenga fun to the infamous Brown Room. No chalk on most of the holds so I am fairly sure this has never been done. Big span moves on good incut along a roof. Pumpy!!!!

V5 Paraplegic Boulder 9m Molto buona
Ben Jenga
A quick look and the holds then committed to the long roof jug haul. The pockets are the crux but the hold rig is pumpy with good jugs to rest.

V4 Around the World Boulder 9m Molto buona
Ben Jenga
Pumpy but good fun, its all hands and heels but you wouldn't want to fall.

V4 De-fib Boulder 7m Molto buona
Ben Jenga
Oh the heart shaped rock, sums up my love of climbing. Messed up the crimp and pocket first shot sent second.

V4 Low Traverse Boulder 12m Buona
Ben Jenga
A bit of an ass dragger, nice and pumpy.

V2 Love Jugs Boulder 10m Classica
Ben Jenga
Great roof jugs on bomber rock, glad there is so many old mattresses to land on.

V3 Fat Lip Boulder 14m Buona
Ben Jenga
Long warm up traverse, a good sampler of the rock.

Sab 22 Mar 2014 - Umina
Lake View
24 23 Far Left Out Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Great climb. The moves from the start until the jugs after the crux (10m) are fantastic. After that it's a bit snappy and meh but it's definitely worth another lap. I did it second go but it felt like a fluke and I would give it more 24 than 23. The first half is a bit too full on and thin for 23

21 Forbes Fortune Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Enjoyable slab on crimps. The finish leaves a bit to be desired though.

16 Quick links ahoy Sportiva 11m, 4 Buona
Jimmy Mullan
Not a bad warm up

Lun 14 Ott 2013 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
19 Bike Boy - con Georgia Majoribanks Sportiva 15m
Jens Plinke
17 Big Black Spider LHV Sportiva 12m
Georgia Rose
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m
Georgia Rose
Sab 17 Ago 2013 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Buona
Jason Smith
Yeah - kinda pumpy

19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m Buona
Jason Smith
A fun bit of jug swinging

Dom 16 Dic 2012 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V0 Cheese Please Boulder 3m
Vanessa Wills
V1 V3 Swiss Cheese Boulder 6m
Vanessa Wills
V4 Skip the Gape Boulder 6m
Vanessa Wills
Bouldering is contrived nonsense

V0- Easy Cheese Boulder 3m
Vanessa Wills
V2 Chump Cheese Boulder 3m
Vanessa Wills
V1 Nope Slopes Boulder 3m
Vanessa Wills
V2 Love Jugs Boulder 10m
Vanessa Wills
V3 Fat Lip Boulder 14m
Vanessa Wills
All these done over last 4 yrs many times.

V4 Low Traverse Boulder 12m
Vanessa Wills
May be easier if short. Or Ive just got used to it.

Dom 16 Dic 2012 - Umina
Mt Ettalong- south side
22 Slopy pocket carrots Sconosciuto 11m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Some good stemming

22 Left most ring bolted route Sconosciuto 12m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Tricky at start and some slopers on a hot day

25 Undercut start Sconosciuto 13m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Rather bouldery start took several- 5- goes to sort, then some slopers up high

17 Left end carrots Sconosciuto 10m Media
Vanessa Wills
Hasd done it before. Some nice incuts.

Dom 9 Dic 2012 - Umina
The Brown Room The Pergola
V4 Power Pergolas Boulder 4m Molto buona
Jon Ash
Dom 9 Dic 2012 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V4 Skip the Gape Boulder 6m
Jon Ash
Climb is soo much better using the face pockets only

V2 Love Jugs Boulder 10m
Jon Ash
V4 Around the World Boulder 9m
Jon Ash
Bit Sketchy going around near the edge of the cave

Mar 12 Lug 2011 - Umina
The Brown Room Brownroom proper
V2 Love Jugs Boulder 10m Buona
Jimmy Mullan
Fun jugging. A good area to practice by limiting the holds you can use

Dom 7 Nov 2010 - Umina
Lake View
20 Chain anchor Sportiva 13m, 4 Buona
Vanessa Wills
more interesting than it looks,some nice moves

16 Quick links ahoy Sportiva 11m, 4 Media
Vanessa Wills
mossy, well featured rock

18 Step across gap Sportiva 13m, 5 Media
Vanessa Wills
Well bolted

21 Broken drill bit Sportiva 12m, 4 Buona
Vanessa Wills
Its not the name,but if people arent going to publicize.... Better than it looks

Dom 20 Set 2009 - Umina
Kingsview Mums New Home
18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m Media
dave white
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m Molto buona
dave white
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m Molto buona
dave white
18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m
Alan Knapman
19 Bike Boy Sportiva 15m
Alan Knapman
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Molto buona
dave white
20 User Friendly Sportiva 15m Molto buona
dave white
18 Big Black Spider Sportiva 15m Media
dave white
Ven 5 Dic 2008 - Umina
The Brown Room The Pergola
V10 Deep Brain Trauma Boulder 14m Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
Long Jumbo pump

Dom 23 Nov 2008 - Umina
The Brown Room The Pergola
V9 Rats Caused Broken Brains Boulder 13m Mega Classica
Daniel da Silva
The line. A rare 35move roof, sickness

V9 Deep Causes Boulder 10m Buona
Daniel da Silva
A harder extension awaits....

Dom 16 Nov 2008 - Umina
The Brown Room The Pergola
V8 Hot Causes Boulder 8m Classica
Daniel da Silva
Mega, hot rats into causes. First by jace in the dark ages

V8 Hot Causes Boulder 8m Classica
Daniel da Silva
Mega, hot rats into causes. First by Jaz in the dark ages i think. The whole link will go!

Gio 17 Lug 2008 - Umina
The Benz Benz Cave
V5 Little Grey Slugs Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
V7 Slong Shot Boulder Classica
Daniel da Silva
V5 Little Grey Slugs Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
V3 Mercedes Benz Boulder Classica
Daniel da Silva
Gio 17 Lug 2008 - Umina
The Benz Dyno Wall
V2 Soft Cock Boulder Buona
Daniel da Silva
V2 Soft Cock Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
campus the pockets

Dom 6 Lug 2008 - Umina
V6 Gobshite Boulder Classica
Daniel da Silva
Solid kudous to pommy. Bad ass press

V6 Nipple Cripple Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
Start as for penrith then travrse all the way into nipple

Dom 6 Lug 2008 - Umina
The Cape
V2 Cape crusader Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
Very nice

Dom 6 Lug 2008 - Umina
V6 Gobshite Boulder Classica
Daniel da Silva
Kudous to Pommy a tuf unit and the best here

Dom 6 Lug 2008 - Umina
The Cape
V4 Committed Boulder Molto buona
Daniel da Silva
nice high ball


701 - 800 di 1,000 ascensioni.

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