
Flora e fauna: Kácení stromů

V oblasti viklanů se intenzivně kácí. Od cesty u ohniště směrem k Bukovce je označena většina stromů. V sektoru kolem ohniště se lézt dá.

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Storia via

There is no known route history.


1 Oct 2023 Avvertimento Flora e fauna: Kácení stromů


Lat/Lon: 50.05733, 13.33438

Citazione grado

6A+ Grado comunitario registrato


Rules, principles and standards

Rock climbing in the Czech Republic is regulated by the rules, principles and set of standards for individual areas and crags. Please respect local traditions and rules.

Accept and make yourself familiar with:

  • principles of sport climbing (climb with the help of your own strength only, don't use artificial aids, etc.)
  • principles of first ascents and installing fixed protection
  • competence of regional climbing commissions of Czech Mountaineering Association (list)
  • prohibition of creating and chopping holds
  • which type of removable climbing gear is allowed and don't damaging rock (roped knots, slings, ufos vs. friends, wires, hexes, nuts and cams)
  • possibilities of using chalk (strictly prohibited vs. tolerated)
  • restrictions resulting from weather conditions (e.g. prohibition of climbing on wet rock (eventually hours or days after rain or during winter)


  1. Rules of climbing in sandstone rock areas in Bohemia (czech)

  2. Rules of climbing in rock areas of the Czech republic (czech)

  3. Rules of climbing in Jizerské hory area (czech)

ereditato da Czechia


Mega Classica
Molto buona

In base a 0 valutazioni.

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Autore/i: P. Resch und J. Sika

Data: 2023

The guide describes one of the best bouldering areas in the Czech Republic / currently approx. 5000 boulders + 500 pitches to climb, spread over 18 areas around Petrohrad

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