
Ascensioni in Europe come Onsight da Vanessa Wills

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1 - 100 di 220 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Mer 27 Set 2023 - Discoteca
6b Disc jockey Sportiva 27m, 15 Buona
Tricky slab crux

5c Il buttafuori Sportiva 26m Buona
Nice juggy route

Mar 26 Set 2023 - Acquafraggia
La Mezzera
6a La Capanna del Blondi Sportiva 12m Buona
A v1 mantle start then spaced bolts, generally ok to get to except the one that protects the crux

Lun 25 Set 2023 - Albigna
6b+ Buttamigiu
2 5c+ 35 Sportiva

Kind of did half of this in our confusion

3 6a+ 30 Sportiva

Hard moves getting to belay well above bolt.

4 6b+ 50 Da secondo

Used a nice kneebar low, and found the hardest move up stepping off a small pinnacle.

5 4a 45 Sportiva

A route takes off directly above where you top out that would make a good link up

Sportiva 160m Molto buona
Apart from route confusion which seems to afflict many people who start on Lascimili and end up on this, Pitches 3 and 4 were great. The bolting is weird, near good trad placements then run out. Route deserves more traffic. Best to walk off. The connecting cord at anchors is very tatty and needs replacing-Especially getting to top of pitch 3 where it appears some people aid on the long bit of rope hanging down. A single set of cams 0.3 to #2 helpful.

Sab 23 Set 2023 - Cranna
Lower Sector
6b+ Passaggio Chiave P1
1 6b+ 20 Sportiva

Nice climbing. We came to the crag because its rain sheltered, but it was a Saturday and half of chiavenna seemed to join us, then the sun came out and the temps went up 10 degrees. It was time to leave.

Sportiva 20m Molto buona
6a Pergola Sportiva 10m Molto buona
Nice route, anchors at full stretch though.

Mer 20 Set 2023 - Vho
6b+ Cappuccino Sportiva 30m Buona
On of the drier routes today ( first pitch) , and unlike the 10m boulder climb, Fipanza we found this one pretty easy

Mar 19 Set 2023 - Arrampicodromo Di Mese
6a+ Assessore Sportiva 25m Buona
Probably my favourite. A couple of tricky spots.

Dom 17 Set 2023 - Sottosassa
6a Diedro Gabrielli Sportiva 20m Buona
The bottom half was quite good, then a few mantles.

6a+ I bocce del paes Sportiva 17m
Ok, but not sure what was “ in” so did bridge into crack on opposite wall

Ven 15 Set 2023 - Höhlensteintal
Landro Settore 4
6a ~6a Gamaze Sportiva 15m Buona
Quite easier, and far easier than route to left.

6a+ ~6b Baum Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Way harder than the 6 a+ to the right, which I have take liberty of down grading while upgrading this- took me about 10 minutes to commit to standing up off the ledge.

6b ~6b+ Sandmännchen Sportiva 32m Buona
I thought I was on the 6c, and it didn’t feel that far off.

6b Hexentanz P1
1 6b 8m Sportiva

Too close to route to left making it escapable at crux (contrived direct, and hard for 6 b) but I did it both ways to cover the bases.

Sportiva 8m
6a Kinderspiel
1 5b 8m Sportiva
2 6a 9m Sportiva

Unfortunately the bolt matrix on this wall detracts from the climbing, I followed this middle pitch

Sportiva 17m
Ven 15 Set 2023 - Höhlensteintal
Landro Settore 3
5b Nigge-Riss Sportiva 24m Buona
Ok, but always sad to see a bolted crack.

6b+ ~6b Nigge-Kante Sportiva 24m Buona
I think it’s even soft for 6b, compared to other routes here.

Mar 12 Set 2023 - Sass Dlacia
6b Placca motoria Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Our start to Chernobyl. A good warm up due to some nice rest stances between the pocket pulling.

6b+ Chernobyl
1 5c 28 Sportiva

Did PM instead then continued up past final bolt of this to belay

2 6a+ 30 Da secondo

Go straight up to roof past 2 bolts then hand traverse right under roof ( rock fax topo quite poor for route)

3 6a+ 29 Sportiva

After exiting the short chimney at the second bolt I missed the next 2 bolts which were off to the right and got back to one above them, exciting! Thought this pitch was also 6 b

4 6b 30 Da secondo

More nice climbing on some old bolts

5 6b+ 23 Sportiva

Fantastic steep finale.

Sportiva 140m Classica
Started on PM as first pitch. Liked all the pitches. Would have done more routes here but sun had hit has by the time we abseiled. 60 m rope needed minimum.

Dom 10 Set 2023 - Parte Oscura della Luna
6a+ Indian Summer
1 6a 40m Da secondo

We started on first bolt of Legoland then joined Indian summer. Quite cold at the start.

2 6a 40m Sportiva
3 6a 30m Da secondo

I liked this pitch the best, straight up on amazing pockets

4 5c 30m Sportiva

Didn’t feel any easier than the rest of the route.

5 6a+ 20m Da secondo

You traverse right off the belay for about 4m, topo implied otherwise

6 6a+ 20m Sportiva

Quite a steep crack, some good moves.

7 6a 20m Da secondo

The corner crack

Sportiva 200m Molto buona
Pretty nice route, especially for a hot day. Seems like Rockfax digital is out of date for access and descent. The descent to the left has a washed away gully after a downclimb to contend with, but I guess we got to go canyoning as well as climb.

Ven 8 Set 2023 - Palla del Guide
6a+ Via Gino Bellumat
1 Da secondo
2 Sportiva
3 Sportiva
4 Da secondo
5 Da secondo
6 Sportiva
Sportiva 200m
Pleasant and fairly low stress outing on a hot day getting used to altitude and embracing life whilst Preserving knees. Well conceived route, reasonably bolted. Linked 2 and 3 and 4 and 5.

Gio 7 Set 2023 - Comano Terme
6a+ ~6b Dritdreiciodi Sportiva 16m Buona
Grade 20 I reckon, unless you Mc Dougall right badly. A bit polished

6a Gigliola Sportiva 18m
Good warm up as advertised

Mer 6 Set 2023 - Valle del Sarca
Sarche Piccolo Dain Parete del Centrale
6 Moon bears - con dave
1 5- Da secondo arrampicata in lead da dave

Slightly off route but got there in the end

2 3 Da secondo
3 4 Sportiva
4 5 Sportiva
5 6 Da secondo
6 6 Sportiva

A nice pitch that traverses leftwards via tufa features

7 4 Sportiva
8 6- Da secondo

Reachy crux

9 5- Sportiva

Finished our 2.5 L water by the top

Sportiva 250m Molto buona
Very hot, we tried to create a breeze by climbing fast, about 3 hours. Linked 1+2, 3+4, 6+7. May the memory of the FA live on.

Mar 5 Set 2023 - La Falesia Dimenticata
5c Pestacolo Sportiva 20m, 11 Buona
Nice enough, getting used to the rock. 3 pm too early for shade, improved at 4.

Lun 4 Set 2023 - Brenta Alta
Crag Raffael and Natalie Vidi
6b Brigot Sportiva 26m Molto buona
The rock is a bit ordinary down low, but excellent movement, varied climb, technical in places and pumpy start. Generally overhanging.

Sab 2 Set 2023 - Val d'Algone
6c Lo scorpione Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Nice varied and technical route, no real sting in the tail, but a few of cruxy sequences below

6b+ Il nido de ragno Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Nice varied route, a little bit of dodgy rock up top

Gio 31 Ago 2023 - Breguzzo
6a+ Prenzip Sportiva 18m Buona
Some nice pockets, but just too many ways to go

6c Bagoi Sportiva 25m Molto buona
The Sandinista of Breguzzo, about 5m overhanging. My crack glove tried to reject doing a sports route, I got spiders down my t shirt and there was some type of poo in some of the pockets. Great journey!

Mer 30 Ago 2023 - Croz de le Niere
5b Il pigro Sportiva 20m Buona
Pleasant, about grade 17

Ven 25 Ago 2023 - Ishoel
6- ~6 Trollfeit Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Fun route out over the water, felt like 19, so may just be a conversion factor issue with thecrag

6+ Nådeløs som Cola Sportiva 12m
6+ Kongla Sportiva 12m Buona
Routes squeezed in a bit, but it was a good work out

5+ Action Direct Sportiva 12m Buona
Quite a pumpy introduction

Gio 24 Ago 2023 - Flatanger
Hanshallaren Hans
6b ~6a+ Trykkokeren Sportiva 17m Buona
Compared to some of the other routes more 6a territory

5c Limpa Sportiva 20m Media
Several flakes with x on them, able to climb around but needs proper cleaning

Mar 22 Ago 2023 - Flatanger
Sandmælen Midtre
6a+ I siget Sportiva 38m, 14 Molto buona
The start was a bit wet and awkward, improved after that, nice flake and route harder than the corner to left

Mar 22 Ago 2023 - Flatanger
Sandmælen Venstre
6b+ Come back Sportiva 16m, 6 Media
The climbing didn’t really flow, largely due to bolt position.

6a ~6a+ Posible nick Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Without a triple rack to weigh me down I should have floated up this but it had me puffing.

Mer 16 Ago 2023 - Lofoten
Austvågøy Kabelvåg- området Finnvika
6b Bormeister Fausa Sportiva 22m Molto buona
Really nice climbing as well, with a very funky hold.

Ven 11 Ago 2023 - Vesterålen
Trollskåla Venstre
5 Sofaruta Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Grade 17, very 3D and quite steep

6a Mye botanikk Sportiva 15m, 7 Buona
The grade conversion seems out here, 19.

Mer 9 Ago 2023 - Ofoten
Narvik Haugfjellet Kjerringveggen
6 Holoholahoy Sportiva 15m
Looked deceptively easy. May have been the 25 degree day…

6- Jepperuta Sportiva 18m Buona
Some steep but good holds

7 ~7- Adjöss och tack för fisken Sportiva 18m Buona
Presuming this is the rebolted ex trad route left of Jeppenruta. Not too hard.

Dom 6 Ago 2023 - Himmeldalen
Main C
6+ Hulken Sportiva 9m Molto buona
Best route of the day, felt twice as long due to right to left and back movement throughout. Pleased with the OS, it kept me fighting.

Dom 6 Ago 2023 - Himmeldalen
Main west
7 St. Pavel Sportiva 25m Buona
Really enjoying the rock, looks pretty crappy but rewards technique. Reminds of stuff around wanaka

6+ St. Peter Sportiva 14m Buona
Nice roof to start

7- Himmelspretten P1 Sportiva 9m Buona
Found this harder than the N7. The slopers felt super slippery in the sun

Gio 3 Ago 2023 - Tromsø
Kvaløya Ersfjorden
6 På sva er vi alle trist som faen Sportiva 20m, 9 Buona
Interesting slab and corner

6b Sekspress Sportiva 20m, 10 Molto buona
Quite fun and great views

Ven 28 Lug 2023 - Tromsø
Kvaløya Brensholmen Psykologveggen
6 Akrofobi Sportiva 26m Buona
Interesting route on some large quartz holds

Ven 28 Lug 2023 - Tromsø
Kvaløya Brensholmen Panoramaveggen
6a Nesheim-ruta Sportiva 15m Buona
Seems the main route now on head wall

Gio 27 Lug 2023 - Sør-Troms
Senja Ørnfjord
5+ Hilda Sportiva 54m Buona
Had to get the final route in before we left. Small climbing world, ran into expat kiwi Rick Macgregor, responsible for many fine Kiwi and Australian FAs. Unfortunately the route has a couple of chips. The crag was the ultimate in consumer climbing, not something to emulate back home.

Mer 26 Lug 2023 - Sør-Troms
Senja Ørnfjord
5+ Valhall Sportiva 65m
5+ Sondre Sportiva 52m Molto buona
Nice climb, dave ran both pitches together

5+ Tiril Sportiva 55m Buona
Ran both pitches together

Mar 25 Lug 2023 - Sør-Troms
Senja Ørnfjord
5+ Viking Sportiva 65m Buona
First pitch only

5+ Saga Sportiva 65m Buona
5+ Frigg Sportiva 65m Molto buona
Probably my favourite of the five

5+ Odin Sportiva 65m
5- Thor Sportiva 65m Buona
Lovely setting, amazing rock, great to get out of the car

Dom 23 Lug 2023 - Brattberget
Stora väggen
5a Nebula Sportiva 20m, 9 Buona
Good warm up

6a+ Halvrobban Sportiva 20m, 7 Buona
Easy first part then a little cruxy

6b Red Ajah Sportiva 20m, 9 Molto buona
Nice technical route

Mar 15 Ott 2019 - Os de Balaguer
Paret Sur Aida
6b+ Aida Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Great mix of climbing styles with muggy roof to finish

6c Vasectomia al dia Sportiva 27m Molto buona
Nice steep flake to start then cool pocket sequence up high

Dom 13 Ott 2019 - Collegats
6c Fina Sportiva 28m Classica
Thouroughly engaging incipient finger crack and pockets

6b Áustria Sportiva 30m Media
Average rock, got steeper at the top, but didn’t find it that good. Easy if you can hand jam

Sab 12 Ott 2019 - Camarasa
La Selva
6c Gorronya Kejorronya Sportiva 35m Molto buona
Full value

Mer 9 Ott 2019 - Camarasa
Crestes de conill Cara nord
6b+ No Em Facis La Cobra Sportiva 28m Media
Climbs ok, but marred by the bolting I think which should have been more to the left in the upper part.

Mer 9 Ott 2019 - Camarasa
Crestes de conill Cara sud
6a Sbutnic Sportiva 20m Media
Rebooted, starts of across groove, but then gets into sharp pockets.

Sab 5 Ott 2019 - Camarasa
La Pera
6b Aixo es la Pera Sportiva 25m Media
Not that memorable. An ok warm up

7a Un Bon Passage Sportiva 32m Classica
Almost Blueys feeling, crimps, side pulls and some glue. Climbed up and down at the lower crux about 6 times working out the reachy sequence ( dave didn’t even notice this) and got the top crux well, quite exciting.

Ven 4 Ott 2019 - Camarasa
6c Dolce & marrana Sportiva 25m Molto buona
More awesome pockets with no polish

6a+ Vitorio & cochino Sportiva 25m Buona
Fun fun fun

Gio 3 Ott 2019 - Collegats
6b Fidel no T’agobies Sportiva 20m Buona
Rock looks suspect, but climbs well.

Sab 28 Set 2019 - Rodellar
El Camino
6a+ Bugs Bunny Sportiva 12m, 6 Media
I think I went right to the anchors of the 6c at the top. Rather polished, pumpy warm up

Gio 26 Set 2019 - Rodellar
La Fuente
5 Ta Finde con Tónica Sportiva 15m Media
Not much of a warm up.

Sab 21 Set 2019 - Mallos de Agüero
Os Bolicos
5+ Via 1 Sportiva 15m, 6 Media
A bit better than the first route, more limestone cementing the pebbles

Lun 16 Set 2019 - Somahoz
6a Harakiri Sportiva 15m, 5 Media
Ok, a bit blocky

6b+ Block and rock Sportiva 15m, 6 Pessima

6a+ Maquina Total Sportiva 12m Buona
Nice juggy roof

Lun 16 Set 2019 - Pechón
6a+ Jandro Cotizando Sportiva 18m, 9 Buona
The best of the 3 easier routes, but still climbing delicately past a big block. Hard start.

6a Belén (Belen) Sportiva 20m Media
6a Variante Jato Sportiva 20m Pessima
Sharp and generally not great

Lun 9 Set 2019 - Oriente
Caldueño Cuevas
6b Toro sentado Sportiva 15m Buona
The reconcreted blobs up high look bad but seem ok.

6a+ El secrets del Esquilu Sportiva 15m Buona
These climbs looked pretty average, but they are well bolted, and climbed well

Dom 8 Set 2019 - Oriente
Cuevas del Mar Cuevas
5+ 5 Variante Tunante Sportiva 10m Media
Quite polished. Much preferred the Mar sector. Hard finish due to dirt.

6a+ El Repris de Rafita Sportiva 11m, 4 Buona
The nicest route from today, and easier than the 5 +.

Sab 7 Set 2019 - Oriente
Cuevas del Mar Mar
6a+ Chupa de me voy Sportiva 11m Buona
This felt harder than the 6 b+

6a Bota de Vino con Cordino Sportiva 12m Buona
Fun tufa climbing on the beach

6a Mucho Jeta Legarreta Sportiva 11m Media
Mer 4 Set 2019 - Oriente
Las Cabadas
6b Latena Sportiva 14m Molto buona
The best route I did, should have started on this wall

6b+ Cayuenga Sportiva 12m Buona
Quite hard, a bit polished, and committing mantle

6a Barriu Mediu Sportiva 10m Media
Mar 3 Set 2019 - Los Zaborros de los Llanos
Los Zamorros
5+ 2 - Paticalzada (Five plus) Sportiva 14m, 5 Buona
The rock looks a bit dodgy, but it climbs well, and well bolted

Lun 2 Set 2019 - Desfiladero de la Hermida
Lebeña Puente de Lebeña
6b+ Cinco Sportiva 15m Media
A bit contrived to stay direct, these 3 routes bolted very close

6a Seis Sportiva 15m Buona

1 - 100 di 220 ascensioni.

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