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Lat/Lon: 43.19151, 5.58144

Citazione grado

6b+ Grado comunitario registrato


Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.

ereditato da France


Mega Classica
Molto buona

In base a 0 valutazioni.

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Selected Guidebooks more Nascondi

Autore/i: G. Bernard, G. Grouot, H. Guigliarelli

Data: 2012

650 routes directly on the French Riviera between Cassis and La Ciotat

Autore/i: Chris Craggs

Data: 2017

ISBN: 9781873341285

A selective guidebook describing 10 major sport climbing areas in the Cote d’Azur region, which are Verdon Gorge, Sainte Victoire, Les Calanques, Toulon area, Chateavert, Chateaudouble, Massif del’Esterel, Gorges du Loup, Saint-Jeannet, and around the Monaco. area.

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