
Ascensione di Herzblut

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Sab 22 Ago 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Sachsenmühle Sachsenturm
8- Herzblut - con Tobias Sportiva 37m Molto buona
Christoph Rauch
Long and good. The first third is the hardest part, with mostly crimps in splintery rock (the line crosses through the most compact part of the lower wall, but that's still brittle) to a nice layback flake. The upper part is jug hauling in yellow rock with a nicely exposed and tough finish (I overlooked the last bolt, which is to the left of the little cave, so it was quite spicy). Some hollow flakes in the upper part, too, but well avoidable.


Tutti 1 ascensione visualizzati.

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