
Ascensioni in Armeos da Lorenzo Doria

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1 - 100 di 130 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Dom 19 Feb 2017 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b The Beast Sportiva 25m Media
sharp rock and technical climbing, not the best route of the sector...

Sab 29 Ott 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Ivory Tower
7b+ The Craic Sportiva 36m Molto buona
7c Lactic Shock Sportiva 36m Mega Classica
I should onsight this kind of route, but... grrrr 2go

2nd Go

Mer 26 Ott 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7a Elefantenhimmel Sportiva 30m Molto buona
3 go, this was a little nightmare for me, but today it went down! Last route of Grande Grotta finished... now only monster extensions!

8a Punto Caramelo Sportiva 30m Molto buona
3th go - climbed the original line. The grade is 7c+ if you avoid the crux climbing around on the right (so far from the bolt that you have to skip it). Anyway, I felt it soft even going straight

Sab 15 Ott 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c+ Andromeda Sportiva 20m Molto buona
the route need good grip conditions. Nice and difficult tufa action!

Dom 9 Ott 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b Alcinoo Sportiva 20m Molto buona
short section

Dom 28 Ago 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7b+ Ivi Ole (Ivi Olé) Sportiva 20m, 9 Molto buona
nice dyno !! this route was a nightmare... 6th go!

Sab 13 Ago 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
8a Daniboy Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
one of the best line in Kalymnos (solid 8a in August at 30°C)

Dom 22 Mag 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c+ Orion Sportiva 20m Molto buona
bas***d hard move! good power training

Mer 11 Mag 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Olympic Wall
7c+ Hellas Rodeo Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
today's warm up!!! I think it's easy (7c?) but you need good tufa-climbing skills - the line is fantastic

Mer 27 Apr 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
7c Broken Souls Sportiva 30m Molto buona
first go 3 yeasr ago, today I sent putting up QDs - nice moves on not polish rock (you can belay from the ground)

2nd Go

7c+ The Path to Deliverance Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
technical wall, tricky moves

7c+ The Path to Deliverance Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
technical wall, tricky moves

Mar 19 Apr 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c+ Arugliopoulus (Arugliopoulos) Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Sab 16 Apr 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Jurassic Park
7a+ Nike Sportiva 33m Molto buona
nice route with a bad finish

7c Nicola la Tigre Sportiva 16m Molto buona
very close to onsight

2nd Go

Gio 31 Mar 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b+ Morfeas Plus Sportiva 28m Molto buona
Biiiiiig moves and sharp rock !!

Mer 24 Feb 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos North Cape North Cape Main
8a Helios Sportiva 15m Molto buona
power endurance - sent as warm up !!!

Sab 20 Feb 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
7c+ Neska Polita Sportiva 20m Molto buona
3th go

7c+ Neska Polita Sportiva 20m Molto buona
3th go

Dom 14 Feb 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a Bye-Bye Felix Sportiva 35m Mega Classica

Sab 16 Gen 2016 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7c 7b+ Manou Tchao Sportiva 40m Molto buona
in a couple of points I felt like I was already fell, but for unknows reasons I was still up.. ok... I didn't know how, but ok, I went on

Mer 18 Nov 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7a Ulisse Coperto di Sale Sportiva 20m Media
one move

7b+ Fourtouna Sportiva 30m Molto buona
not the easier 7b+ of the Island but I agree with the given grade

Sab 14 Nov 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7b+ Kopakabana Sportiva 35m Molto buona
2nd Go

Mer 11 Nov 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c+ Boom Boom Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
fantastic moves!

7c+ Boom Boom Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
fantastic moves!

Gio 5 Nov 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos North Cape North Cape Main
6c+ Stachelschwein Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Sostenere theCrag non fa bene solo al tuo karma
avrai accesso anche a incredibili vantaggi su theCrag e non solo.
7b+ Nirvana Sportiva 15m Mega Classica
old Kaly grade

7a+ Funatiker Sportiva 22m Molto buona
Dom 1 Nov 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Olympic Wall
8a+ 8a Yamas Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
f*** spaced bolts - many 10/12 meters falls to try the sequence

Mer 7 Ott 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
8a Sardonique Sportiva 33m Molto buona
hard middle section, with a final morpho move

Sab 3 Ott 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
6c+ Calipso Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Sab 26 Set 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
7c Magnetus Sportiva 18m Molto buona
short & bouldery - not easy at all if you are short, expecially in humid conditions

7b+ Kerveros Ext Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
super long and nice route

2nd Go

Gio 24 Set 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c+ Marci Marc Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
Another gem route - good endurance training (3th go) - best route on Odyssey?

Mer 16 Set 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
7b+ Fran-Fran Sportiva 32m Mega Classica
7a+ Sickle Sportiva 35m Mega Classica
Sab 12 Set 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
6c+ Satyros Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Sab 5 Set 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7b Where Is My Mind? Sportiva 28m Mega Classica
New nice route on tufas and colonnettes. Wrong chain position

Dom 30 Ago 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b Meltemi Sportiva 20m Molto buona
7b only if you go straight up (7a+ if you go to the right)

Sab 22 Ago 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c Polifemo Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
too many attempt...more than any other route in Kalymnos. Hard if you are short

Mer 19 Ago 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Afternoon
7b+ The Butcher of Baragwanath (Butcher of Baragwanath) Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
2nd Go

7b+ The Butcher of Baragwanath (Butcher of Baragwanath) Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
2nd Go

Gio 13 Ago 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b Kulturistika Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Dom 9 Ago 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Iliada
7b+ Mythologie Sportiva 35m Mega Classica

2nd Go

Ven 3 Lug 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
7b+ Harlem Nights Sportiva 17m Molto buona
boulder with rope! very nice moves (3go)

Dom 28 Giu 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7c Aegialis Sportiva 30m, 15 Mega Classica
The trademark, the symbol, the King line of Kalymnos (1st try 2 years ago, today 2 go)

Gio 25 Giu 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Iliada
7b+ Thetida Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
nice and varied: roof, tufas, wall in the same route

2nd Go

Dom 21 Giu 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
7a+ Tassir Sportiva 28m
7b+ Tassir Ext Sportiva 45m Mega Classica
very nice moves at the crux, thanks Simon!

2nd Go

Dom 17 Mag 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Olympic Wall
7a+ La Bite ne Fait pas le Moine Ext (La bite ne fait pas le moine extension) Sportiva 40m, 19 Mega Classica
7b Kalyty Sportiva 25m, 10 Mega Classica
super rock quality

Mer 13 Mag 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7a+ Lucky Luca Sportiva 15m Molto buona
short route

7b Amphora Sportiva 20m Molto buona
first go one year ago

2nd Go

Dom 10 Mag 2015 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c Sirene Sportiva 33m Mega Classica
First try 5 years ago in summertime, today second go in perfect spring conditions

Ven 12 Set 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7c+ Zawinul Syndicate Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
Happy end of the holiday! Interesting, long and varied line! 4th go

Lun 8 Set 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Ivory Tower
6c+ Sidewinder Sportiva 30m Molto buona
not the best route of Kalymnos...

Dom 7 Set 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b Meltemi Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
phisical climbing on good pockets

7a+ Elies Sportiva 18m Mega Classica
short route on tufas

Ven 5 Set 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a+ Reptil Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
super line, technical climbing on different styles

Sab 30 Ago 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
8a Aurora Sportiva 70m Mega Classica
55 mt !! the more you climb up the harder it is!

2nd Go

7b Aurora (Historical) (Aurora (Part 1)) Sportiva 52m Mega Classica

6c+ Calida Sportiva 28m Molto buona
Hard if you dont escape to the right


Gio 28 Ago 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
7a+ Alexis Zorbas Sportiva 18m Media
morpho crux... think different! not nice route

2nd Go

Mar 26 Ago 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
6c Feta Sportiva 18m Mega Classica
3 stars tufa climbing

7b Patroclos Reborn Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
Long and varied, super pleasure climbing

Mer 20 Ago 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a+ Mecki Messer Sportiva 30m Molto buona
gray slab, verdon style. In my opinion is hard!! big fight to onsight


7a Steinpilz Sportiva 30m, 14 Mega Classica
long and varied, pleasure climbing

Mar 19 Ago 2014 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
7a+ Leonidas Sportiva 35m Mega Classica
very technical climbing

7b+ The Shield Sportiva 30m Molto buona
short section on small crimps

Lun 9 Set 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
6c+ Spartakiada Sportiva 25m Media


Gio 5 Set 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7b+ Alfredo, Alfredo Sportiva 20m Molto buona
short and hard

2nd Go

7b+ Inti Raymi Sportiva 35m Mega Classica
Excellent !! Thanks to Kopa, Carolina, Tiia, Paul, Anto, a climbing day with you is really special and super-motivating

Mer 4 Set 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a Commandante Marcos Sportiva 25m Molto buona
hard start: maybe 7a


Mar 27 Ago 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a Chnosi Family Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
Long, varied, super nice !!

Sab 24 Ago 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7b+ The Call of the Ktulu Sportiva 40m, 18 Mega Classica
I found the boulder harder then any single move on Priapos, then easier and spectacular tufa climbing with good rests

Mer 21 Ago 2013 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
7a Ixion Sportiva 25m, 11 Molto buona
technical and very soapy

7b+ Uschana Ext Sportiva 45m, 23 Mega Classica
5 stars !! one of the best route of it's grade in Kalymnos. 45mt!

Lun 10 Set 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
7c Paris, Texas Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
something different from tufa and blobs... a super vertical wall with nice and technical moves

2nd Go

Dom 9 Set 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Olympic Wall
7a+ Telendos Sportiva 30m Molto buona
a monster route! many dynamic moves on monos, jumps to slabs, several janiros, 3D climbing on slab... very hard to onsight... but sorry I give it only 6c+ be generous


Gio 6 Set 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a Steps Ahead Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
technical with final surprise...

Mar 28 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
8a Fun de Chichunne Sportiva 40m, 28 Mega Classica
My best onsight performance ever. 1h30' on 45°/50° impressive overhang cave - this monster route fits perfectly my climbing style and this Os was my dream for two years... a long time waiting for perfect meteo and phisical conditions. (Pure onsight, no info, no kneepads)

Ven 24 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
7a Kurva Sportiva 38m Molto buona
F****ing bastard move.. where you don't imagine !! (putting up QDs)


Mar 21 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7a+ 7b Lulu in the Sky Sportiva 40m Mega Classica
40 mt trip into tufa and blobs labirint - incredible route! In my opinion the best 7b in Panorama

Dom 19 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Iliada
6c+ Paris Sportiva 30m Media
slab then small tufa. Technical route but not nice

Sab 18 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
7a+ Jellyfish Pie Sportiva 30m
very good test for your onsight capabilities, not easy for short climbers


Sab 18 Ago 2012 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
6c+ The Siege of Thermopylae Sportiva 33m, 14
very technical wall, not easy

Lun 12 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Panorama
7b Bitman Sportiva 30m Mega Classica
Superb! nothing else to say!!! last route of the holiday, dedicated to all my old and new friends in Kalymnos, thanks for your friendship!!

Dom 11 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
7a+ Nickel Sportiva 32m Mega Classica
long and funny tufa blobs climbing - dont relax until the anchor

7a Theodora Sportiva 30m Molto buona
Nice slab until the very easy but exposed finale - my partner fell down for 10 meters from the stupid anchor position, with some not nice conseguences

Sab 10 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Jurassic Park
7a Dike Sportiva 32m Mega Classica
Sustained climbing on good pokets

Ven 9 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Olympic Wall
7c Hogo Fogo Sportiva 35m Mega Classica
3go Fantastic and varied climbing: overhang, boulder, endurance, tufa, slab... 5 star route!

7a+ Saule Sportiva 30m
funny climbing on tufas and big huecos (would be 6c in Finale)


Lun 5 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
6c+ Xerxes Sportiva 37m, 19 Molto buona
nice slab wirh technical moves, in wet conditions may be horrible!

Sab 3 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Iliada
7a+ Polipitis Sportiva 25m Media
just one big move - hard to OS for short climbers

Ven 2 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartan Wall
7b Yanap Sportiva 50m, 21 Molto buona
50 mt of nice & technical climbing on compact slab


7b+ The Beginning at the End Sportiva 17m Mega Classica
Power and technical, very good test on overhanging tufa climbing


Ven 2 Set 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Spartacus
7b Gladiator Sportiva 25m, 10 Mega Classica
slippery & chalked, but still nice classic route



1 - 100 di 130 ascensioni.

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