
Vie in Taurus Wall

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Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
{UK} VD Simon's Slab

The grey wall right of a corner. Up to a detached boulder.

Trad 20m
{UK} VS 4c Easter Parade

The grey wall, finishing over two large flakes

Trad 17m
{UK} E1 5b Biċċa Kejk (Piece of Cake)

Climb the weird pillar and exit above the left hand stalagtite or direct finish at 6a

Trad 18m
{UK} E2 5b Tales of Ordinary Madness

Up the same weird pillar, exiting above the right hand stalagtite.

Trad 18m
{UK} HVS 5a Noni
Trad 23m
{UK} E1 5b Taurus

Bulges directly below the split grey roof, avoiding the last bulge by stepping right and then back left. Jugs on the left wall help you past the overhanging wide crack.

Trad 18m
{UK} VS 4b Pisces 2

The orange grey border to a traverse and up the column beyond.

Trad 30m
{UK} HVS 4b Capricorn

The black wall just right of the orange, passing a faint leftward crack.

Trad 25m
{UK} E3 5c Vegemite

Start at the left hand edge of the cave with numerous stalagtites. Trend left, then straight up past pockets and bulges

Trad 25m

Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

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