
Ascensioni in Waitaha / Canterbury come Repeat

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1 - 100 di 167 ascensioni.

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Dom 26 Mag 2024 - Elephant Rocks Bouldering
Map 1
V0 NO.5 Boulder Molto buona
Pippin Clearwater
Lun 20 Mag 2024 - Waterfall Crag
V1 End of the Rainbow Boulder Buona
David Jefferson
V1 Unknown Warm-up 1 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V2 Unknown Warm-up 2 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V2 Unknown Warm-up 3 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V4 Golden Tears Boulder Molto buona
David Jefferson
V6 Sloper Groper Boulder Molto buona
David Jefferson
V4 Arachnophobia Boulder Buona
David Jefferson
Ven 17 Mag 2024 - Waterfall Crag
V1 End of the Rainbow Boulder Buona
David Jefferson
V1 Unknown Warm-up 1 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V2 Unknown Warm-up 2 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V2 Unknown Warm-up 3 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V4 Golden Tears Boulder Molto buona
David Jefferson
V6 Sloper Groper Boulder Molto buona
David Jefferson
Gio 18 Apr 2024 - Bridle Path Boulders
V5 Dura Opération Satanique — 7 tentativi Boulder 3m Molto buona
Probably on the harder side of the grade, by crag standards. Gotta get the heel perfectly right.

V3 Dura Murder in the Pacific Boulder 3m Buona
Quite possibly V4.

V5 ~V5 Ammonium — 2 tentativi Boulder 8m Molto buona
V5 ~V5 Ammonia Boulder 8m Classica
V4 Hangin' out with Friends Boulder 8m Molto buona
V0 V0 Boulder 6m
V2 ~V1 Zig Zag Boulder 6m Buona
V2 Refresh Boulder 5m Buona
V3 I Saw a Sheep Sneeze Boulder 6m Buona
Dom 7 Apr 2024 - Bridle Path Boulders
V5 Dura Opération Satanique Boulder 3m Molto buona
V5 Second Mouse Gets The Cheese — 3 tentativi Boulder 2m Classica
Just needed cooler conditions. Still my favorite in the area.

V5 Facile Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica — 3 tentativi Boulder 2m Buona
Only marginally harder than line to the left. At most a soft 5.

V4 Alderaan's Not Far Away — 3 tentativi Boulder 2m Buona
Sab 6 Apr 2024 - Bridle Path Boulders
V3 Dura Murder in the Pacific Boulder 3m Buona
V4 Dab Police — 3 tentativi Boulder 4m Molto buona
Lun 25 Mar 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Meteorite Boulder
V1 ~V1 Traveler of Both Time and Space Boulder 3m Buona
V5 Facile Rings of Smoke Through the Trees — 7 tentativi Boulder 4m Buona
Incredibly contrived with the juggy lip staring you right in the face the whole way. Weirdly engaging and fun though.

V4 Dura Beneath the Summer Moon — 5 tentativi Boulder 2m Molto buona
V0 Jesus in the Day Spa Boulder 2m Buona
V1 P1 Cleaner than Your Church Shoes Boulder 3m Media
V3 With Birds I Share This Lonely View — 2 tentativi Boulder 3m Buona
V4 Bandidos Low — 2 tentativi Boulder 4m Molto buona
V3 Somos Bandidos Boulder 3m Molto buona
V5 Facile Dame Más Gasolina — 5 tentativi Boulder 3m Classica
Found new beta going left hand up to the crimp. Easier this way, perhaps only V4. Either way my favorite problem on this boulder and top 3 in the Valley.

V2 Gasolina Boulder 1m Molto buona
Ven 23 Feb 2024 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Spittle Hill Map 31 Submarine Boulder
V1 35 - con HyeonJoo, Xena Telequido Boulder 5m
Mer 21 Feb 2024 - Waterfall Crag
V4 Risk vs Reward — 2 tentativi Boulder Molto buona
V1 End of the Rainbow Boulder Media
V1 Unknown Warm-up 1 Boulder 3m Media
V2 Unknown Warm-up 2 Boulder 3m Buona
V2 Unknown Warm-up 3 Boulder 3m Buona
V4 Golden Tears Boulder Molto buona
Probably the hardest of the 4s at this crag, especially on the flash go. Felt much easier today with the beta dialed. Best problem around?

Mar 13 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Farm Track Boulder
V1 Wrong Way on a One-Way Track Boulder 1m Buona
V2 Six Lanes Left Boulder 1m Media
V4 Six Lanes of Traffic — 4 tentativi Boulder 1m Buona
V2 Dura Three Lanes Moving Slow — 3 tentativi Boulder 1m Media
Mar 13 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Fence Side Boulder
V3 Facile Tragedies Stand Boulder 2m Buona
V5 Facile Mistakes of Cowardice — 2 tentativi Boulder 3m Molto buona
Felt nearly impossible the other day, very easy today. Hard one to grade🤔

V4 Facile The Tragedies Reside in You Boulder 3m Classica
V3 Facile Tragedies Stand — 2 tentativi Boulder 2m Buona
V1 Mistakes Stand Boulder 2m Molto buona
V1 Mistakes Stand Boulder 2m Molto buona
Dom 11 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Fence Side Boulder
V3 Facile Tragedies Stand Boulder 2m Molto buona
Sab 10 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Fence Side Boulder
V1 Mistakes Stand Boulder 2m Molto buona
Sab 10 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Meteorite Boulder
V4 Bandidos Low — 3 tentativi Boulder 4m Molto buona
V1 ~V1 Traveler of Both Time and Space Boulder 3m Buona
V3 Somos Bandidos Boulder 3m Molto buona
V2 Gasolina Boulder 1m Buona
Sab 10 Feb 2024 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Farm Track Boulder
V4 Six Lanes of Traffic — 3 tentativi Boulder 1m Buona
V2 Dura Three Lanes Moving Slow — 2 tentativi Boulder 1m Media
V3 Facile Dura Rivers of Headlights Boulder 2m Molto buona
Ven 15 Dic 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 2 Omertà & Remorse
V6 Dog eat Dog — 6 tentativi - con David Jefferson Boulder Molto buona
Alexei Drummond
Took more goes than I expected to repeat this again. But found out I can use the lower side pull and get my body further up and left in order to reach higher. Also avoided the small detached block at the start for slightly better style, although it doesn't change the difficulty.

Ven 8 Dic 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 2 Omertà & Remorse
V6 Dog eat Dog — 2 tentativi - con Alex Popinga Boulder Molto buona
Alexei Drummond
Wanted to get a video. Felt a little harder doing the crux move and then got my feet a bit out of order for the top moves but it went a second time

Sab 21 Ott 2023 - Mt Cook Bouldering
Pūkaki River Bed Black Beard Boulder
V5 The Truth Over Solace In Lies Boulder 3m Classica
Repeat for the cheeky video.

Sab 21 Ott 2023 - Mt Cook Bouldering
Pūkaki River Bed Didymo Boulder
V5 Spoc Snot Boulder 2m Molto buona
So good had to do it twice.

Sab 21 Ott 2023 - Mt Cook Bouldering
Pūkaki River Bed Black Beard Boulder
V4 Walk the Plank — 7 tentativi Boulder 3m Classica
Best problem in the area.

Ven 13 Ott 2023 - Halfcar
V1 Roland's Warm-Up Boulder 4m Molto buona
V5 Facile Drop the Knee Boulder 5m Molto buona
Stopped at the Roland jugs, didn’t top out.

Dom 8 Ott 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Spittle Hill Map 11 Cyclops Boulder
V5 Facile The Element — 7 tentativi - con Simon Boulder 5m Classica
Polished feet at the start but still a great climb.

Sab 30 Set 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Spittle Hill Map 5 Philtrum and Episto
V2 Turn To Stone Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson
V3 Don't Bring Me Down Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
Ven 29 Set 2023 - Horotane Valley Bouldering
The Meteorite Boulder
V2 Gasolina Boulder 1m Molto buona
V3 With Birds I Share This Lonely View — 5 tentativi Boulder 3m Media
V3 Somos Bandidos — 2 tentativi Boulder 3m Molto buona
V0 Yellow Desert Stream Boulder 2m Buona
V1 ~V1 Traveler of Both Time and Space Boulder 3m Buona
V4 Dura Beneath the Summer Moon — 3 tentativi Boulder 2m Molto buona
Sab 26 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 5 Trinity Boulders
V3 Static Boulder 3m Buona

V3 ~V3 20 Boulder 3m Buona
V5 Never Say Never Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Had to work a lot harder to repeat this one today than to send it last week!

Sab 26 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 9 Horseshoe Rear
V2 10 Boulder 5m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Ven 18 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Spittle Hill Map 30 Tricky and Dr. Jones
V4 Quake Boulder 6m Molto buona
David Jefferson
V1 Jericho Boulder 5m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Ven 18 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 25 Odyssey and Oracle
V4 14 Boulder 4m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Ven 18 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 5 Trinity Boulders
V4 Static Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Sab 12 Ago 2023 - Bridle Path Boulders
V6 Facile Dab on the swing Boulder 3m Molto buona
V6 Facile Dab on the swing Boulder 3m Molto buona
V4 Dab Police Boulder 4m Molto buona
Still great fun.

V5 ~V5 Ammonia Boulder 8m Classica
Ven 11 Ago 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Spittle Hill Map 30 Tricky and Dr. Jones
V1 Jericho Boulder 5m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Dom 6 Ago 2023 - Bridle Path Boulders
V6 The Trans-Siberian Railway Boulder 5m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Found better beta for the top out this time. Really good traverse.

V3 Unnamed V3 Boulder 3m Buona
David Jefferson
V4 Board Warmup Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson
V5 Second Mouse Gets The Cheese Boulder 2m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Did a couple of laps working the 8.

Gio 27 Lug 2023 - Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin
Quantum Field Map 5 Trinity Boulders
V4 4 Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson
Gio 1 Giu 2023 - Bridle Path Boulders
V4 Board Warmup Boulder 3m Molto buona
David Jefferson

1 - 100 di 167 ascensioni.

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