
Vie in Pico Grande

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Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

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1b Normal Route

[P] Duas seções curtas de cabos supérfluos protegem, mas não uma via ferrata.

Two short sections of scrambling, superfluous cable protects but not a via ferrata.

Sostenere theCrag non fa bene solo al tuo karma
avrai accesso anche a incredibili vantaggi su theCrag e non solo.
Yellow Cliffs? Trad

Little rock tower listed here. Translated route description: Via Funchal and Jardim da Serra to Pico da Malhada 1228 m. Hike to the Pico Grande 1654 m. In the summit area shortly before reaching the summit on the right path lane over meadow to rock. traverse right, cross to an old barbed wire and underneath the small dry stone wall to the notch behind the rock.


Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

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