
Vie come trad in Trident Kloof

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1 - 100 di 119 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
19 Elephant Man
1 15 11m
2 19 20m

The climb is located on the left hand faces opposite the descent gully at the top of the kloof. Start at the base of an open book which leads up to a red overhang. The climb skirts this overhang to the right and then breaks through a second overhang via a bottomless shallow open book.

  1. [11] 15m
    Climb open book, stepping right at tree at 5m. Belay in corner on broken rock 2m below first overhang.
  2. 20m 19 Climb up diagonally right to below overhangs (3m). Traverse right on good holds onto sloping arete. Swing left on good holds and move up diagonally left to break/open book in second roof. Step up on loose block and wedge trunk into shallow open book. Wedge up open book until a resting point is reached. Climb up break line until angle eases at grade 17.

FA: S . Morkel & T . White, 1982

Trad 31m, 2 Magaliesberg
9 Grandstand Traverse
1 9 18m
2 7 14m
3 8 20m

The climb starts about 16m upstream from the start of 'Grandstand' at a small gnarled tree 2m downstream from the boulder at the corner of the gully leading out of Trident kloof to the west.

  1. [9] 18m
    Climb almost vertically for 9m to a large sloping ledge from which the route angles slightly to the right while climbing a further 5m. Scramble up the last 4m to the base of 'Grandstand' pinnacle.
  2. 14m 7 Climb the face just to the left of the pinnacle, surmount overhang 3m up (some moves encroach on 'PINNACLE CHIMNEY) and continue to top of pinnacle. Alternatively the east face of the pinnacle can be climbed which maintains a grade 9 difficulty to the top.

  3. 20m 8 Belay leader from the pinnacle top from where the pitch starts as a horizontal traverse to the left for 6m, at the same level as the belayer, turn the corner above an overhang, angle upwards to the left for 9m to a big chockstone which is the last obstacle before reaching the top, which is only 3m to the left of the top of 'Grandstand'.

FA: J. Langmore & Dan Scott, 1977

Trad 52m, 3 Magaliesberg
7 Grandstand

The climb is on a prominent buttress at the corner formed by the main kloof and the wooded gully opposite 'Trident Ridge'. Variations to the right and left are possible. Ascend the buttress to a small pinnacle, thence directly to top of krantz.

Trad Magaliesberg
15 A Kwikkie

On right hand side looking up Trident at the last high yellow buttress at the top of the kloof, opposite the descent gully. Start 25m downstream from the corner of the buttress, after scrambling up to a wide grass ledge.

  1. [15] 30m Climb the bulging wall and traverse diagonally right up to a block which looks as if it is standing on nothing. Climb over it to a large ledge. From the ledge follow a crack which slants right. Continue up a steep wall above and finish left of an overhang.

FA: Clive Ward & John Gregory, 1976

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
17 Floyd Climbs Two
1 11 15m
2 17 25m

The start is located opposite 'George' descent gully slightly upstream in a woody side gully to the main kloof. The route follows the arete formed by the upper limits of the main kloof and the side gully. Start in a pronounced open book in side gully (near 'Grandstand').

  1. 15m 11 Ascend open book, climbing diagonally right across right hand page to ledge on arete.

  2. 25m 17 Above the ledge is a vague recess capped by an overhang about 3m to the right of arete. Climb to overhangs breaking out left (crux). Follow arête to top.

FA: Tim Hoole & Ian Guest, 1985

Trad 40m, 2 Magaliesberg
6 Cosmopolitan

On the left side of the kloof immediately below the entry of the side kloof is a prominent buttress which due to its good rock, easy angle and general rough structure offers opportunity for easy climbs of grade 6 standard with the possibility of many variations and the linking together of different routes.

FA: D. P. Liebenberg, 1948

Trad Magaliesberg
6 Baboons Walk

No Description.

FA: D. P. Liebenberg, 1948

Trad Magaliesberg
7 Trident Traverse

No Description.

FA: J.P.K. Roux, 1948

Trad Magaliesberg
13 Oblivious

Directly opposite 'Skeleton' cavern is a steep wall topped by a series of open books leading up diagonally leftwards. Scramble 10m up to the base of the wall. The route starts at the base of the wall approximately 5m to the left of a long prominent overhang which occurs very close to ground level.

  1. 35m 13 Ascend the wall in a shallow recess (strenuous) to a slight overhang. Traverse right to a comfortable ledge with tree (15m). From the ledge ascend diagonally leftwards through a pronounced series of open books to the top where a large tree in the centre of a gully may be used as a belay. The crux is on the wall at the beginning of the pitch.

FA: Tim Willmot, T. O'Connor & P. Greenfield, 1984

Trad 35m Magaliesberg
15 Dripgrip
1 15 5m
2 11 15m
3 7 17m

Directly opposite 'Pink Corner' is a rather broken buttress. Scramble 12m up to its base. The initial objective is a cave at 5m guarded by a short steep wall providing the crux of the climb.

  1. 5m 15 Ascend the shallow recess which leads directly up the cave, where there is a wild fig tree, and tree belay.

  2. 15m 11 Continue up the crack line behind with a step left at 5m then over blocks to tree belay.

  3. 17m 7 Ascend rightwards then up left to avoid a detached flake to the top. Alternatively continue up towards right finishing up a small rib.

Note: Pitch 1 is often wet, but the following variations are usually dry:

1a. 17 Start 6m left of the original start and move up to a semi-hand traverse right to gain the ledge.

1b. 15 Start 5m right of the original start and ascend a steep wall on good holds.

FA: Merv Prior, A. Carmen & A. Koster, 1968

Trad 37m, 3 Magaliesberg
16 The Rain in Spain

Situated approximately opposite 'Bayonet' (or 'Pinnacle Route'). Scramble up vegetated ledge starting opposite 'Illegitimate' and move along ledge up to left. Route starts up steep wall to right of corner with tree root in it (cairn). A tree with a 30cm diameter trunk grows on this ledge about 2m from start.

  1. 35m 16 Climb steep wall moving right to small cubbyhole (5m). Climb straight up steep rock above to base of short open book with tree. Climb open book and arete above to top.

FA: Stewart Middlemiss & Adele Margetts, 1986

Trad 35m Magaliesberg
15 Festivity
1 11 12m
2 11 22m
3 15 18m

Directly opposite roots below 'Ogive'. Climb starts next to large tree with hammerkop's nest.

  1. 12m 11 Ascend face, bearing slightly left, to large ledge and tree belay.

  2. 22m 11 Climb steep broken face at left of ledge, moving gradually left, to a point at the right of large cave.

  3. 18m 15 Climb easy face for 12m to base of open book. Climb steep open book 6m to top of climb.

FA: Merv Prior & R. Green, 1970

Trad 52m, 3 Magaliesberg
14 No More Heroes

Two low-angle tree-filled gullies enter Trident on the true left at the dogleg between the upper and lower climbing area. (These gullies are extensions of the upper and lower parts of the kloof respectively.) From the stream bed walk about 100m up the upper gully to where the true left side reaches its' highest. The route follows a red dihedral, topping out at a one meter long horizontal rock finger. Belay on top of a four meter high rock buttress between a tree and the base of the face.

  1. 30m 14 Climb diagonally left over an easy juggy wall to gain the dihedral just above a large creeper. Keeping in the corner as much as possible, climb to the top.

FA: M. Smith & Kevin Smith, 1987

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
19 Tommy's Hymenotomy

About 100m upstream of 'Lifebuoy', on the same side of the kloof, is a gully, after which you come to a small rock buttress. The route takes the face facing the kloof. Half-way up there is a ledge where a small tree is visible. Above the ledge is an open book.

  1. 30m 19 Climb the face starting about 2m left of the arete. Directly up for 4m and then tend diagonally right towards the arete for 3-4m and then up left to a large ledge with a tree growing on it. Climb the open book directly above and swing up and left to a resting place. Continue up the steep crack directly above to the top.

FA: T . Gluck, M . Greenslade, Kevin Smith, George Mallory & Charles Edelstein, 1985

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
19 Reach for the Stars
1 19 20m
2 12 15m

Walk upstream of 'Lifebuoy' and as the kloof takes a turn to the left a face can be seen with roots hanging down.

  1. 20m 19 Climb up past the roots to an open book on the left. Move up the open book to a small ledge. Continue up steep face to a good belay ledge.

  2. 15m 12 Above is a recess with a face - climb the recess to the left.

Note: Reach dependent.

FA: Martin Seegers, Darryl Margetts & Adele Margetts, 1989

Trad 35m, 2 Magaliesberg
16 Come-Back
1 16 20m
2 14 15m

Climb the off-width above the roots to the right of 'Reach for the Stars'.

  1. 20m 16 Start at the base of the off-width at the roots. Climb the roots then the off-width to a good ledge.

  2. 15m 14 Climb the short face to the left of the second pitch of 'Reach for the Stars'.

FA: Darryl Margetts, Martin Seegers, R. Brand & A. Mercer, 1990

Trad 35m, 2 Magaliesberg
13 Amused to Death
  1. 30m 13 Climb the break 2-3m right of 'Come-Back'.

FA: Martin Seegers, Darryl Margetts, A. Mercer & R. Brand, 1990

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
13 Wicket Game
  1. 30m 13 Climb the break 2m right of 'Amused to Death'.

FA: Martin Seegers & Darryl Margetts, 1990

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
13 Soul Provider
  1. 30m 13 Climb the break 2-3m right of 'Wicket Game'.

FA: Martin Seegers & Darryl Margetts

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
16 Famous Last Words

Situated about 80m upstream and on the same side as 'Lifebuoy', just downstream of the wide gully. The first major feature of this wall downstream of the gully (marked as 'Steep pink crags roots at base', on map of lower kloof), is a downstream-facing corner, liberally festooned with roots. Downstream of this corner is a large tree next to the face; start 10m right of this tree, below a red open-book (8m up), at some tree roots.

  1. 35m 16 Climb easily up stepped ledges towards the open-book. Ascend this for 2m then move out easily rightwards, below its capping roof. Climb the clean, attractive face above via the obvious break, to a ledge adjacent to a tree. Continue directly up a short wall and recess to belay on a large, horizontally-growing fig tree. Note: Nice climbing. Good afternoon pitch.

FA: Russ Dodding, R. Barker, G. MacKintosh & Rolf Persson, 1991

Trad 35m Magaliesberg
7 - 13 Belay Practice

At the left hand side of the smooth rock wall on which 'Lifebuoy', 'Shady Overhang' and 'Bat's Overhang' are situated. The route follows an obvious line immediately to the left of the smooth rock wall.

An easier start is up the deeper recess about 5m left of the smooth face.

A more difficult first pitch 13 is up the shallow recess about 1,5m left of the smooth face. From the belay practice ledge (large block here) continue on up right-angled recess.

Trad Magaliesberg
18 Contrivitis

Start 5m to the left of 'Lifebuoy'.

  1. 40m 18 Climb the face tending diagonally right to just above the "lifebuoy" hold. Continue up the face to the top, just to the right of the 'Lifebuoy Direct' crack.

FA: A. J. Smith & Charles Edelstein, 1986

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
20 Lifebuoy
1 20 15m
2 15 8m
3 13 23m

The route starts 9m to left of 'Shady Overhang'.

  1. 15m 20 Ascend 6m to beginning of a shallow recess, where a vertically inserted piton was left. Move up to overhang. Then move left out of recess, up for 2,5m then diagonally right and up for 8m to a small stance. On this portion the grips were rather smooth. A "lifebuoy" grip is encountered however, which enables one to rest for a few seconds.

  2. 8m 15 At stance level traverse right 6m and descend slightly to share a stance with 'Shady Overhang'.

  3. 23m 13 Ascend diagonally left and up to base of recess (dead bush halfway when climb was opened) and exit left at top. From here traverse left and up to base of chimney-like recess up to a good tree belay.

FA: H. Graafland & J. Anderson, 1964

Trad 46m, 3 Magaliesberg
20 Lifebuoy Direct

Start as for 'Lifebuoy', but continue directly up the crack above the 'Lifebuoy' hold, instead of moving right. Can be done as 1 pitch.

FA: B. O'Meara, A. J. Smith & Charles Edelstein, 1986

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
22 Shootout

Start a few meters downstream of 'Lifebuoy', in a left-facing corner.

  1. 15m 22 Climb straight up to the largest flat roof and break through the right hand side of this. Continue up to a ledge on the right. Easy rock leads to the top.

FA: A. Smith & J. Brown, 1980

Trad 15m Magaliesberg
21 Angel
1 21 12m
2 15 30m

The route starts 1m to the left of 'Shady Overhang'.

  1. 12m 21 Climb onto a block and traverse left 1m, from where a wedge can be placed in a crack high up on the left. Climb up to the roof and continue through the roof 1m to the left then up right to gain a stance on top of a block.

  2. 30m 15 Traverse right 2m, here the route crosses 'Lifebuoy', and ascend 2m then left 4m. Continue up a recess to the top.


FFA: E. Pickl, E. Budding & Eckhart Haber, 1976

Trad 42m, 2 Magaliesberg
23 No Room for Chalk

Start as for 'Shady Overhang'.

  1. 15m 23 Climb straight up to the roof (SHADY OVERHANG trends right). Break through about 2m left of 'Shady Overhang' and follow the thin crack to a ledge. Easy rock leads to the top.

FA: Adrian Jardin & Steve Bradshaw, 1984

Trad 15m Magaliesberg
20 Shady Overhang
1 20 12m
2 10 18m
3 11 6m

The climb is on the polished face downstream of the practice belay pitch. There are large trees in the kloof in this area, which shade the lower half of the face. The upper branches actually brush the face in places.

  1. [20] 12m
    Ascend 8m on steep rock to an overhang. Climb the overhang at its least severe point i.e. via a shallow cleft which slopes diagonally up to the right. About 4 pitons (A2) were used in the opening ascent at the overhang. The pitch continues up diagonally right to a prominent ledge with piton belay.
  2. 18m 10 Traverse left to above first pitch and then ascend to stance.

  3. 6m 11 Continue upwards to top.

FA: J. Cottrell & P. Harris, 1956

FFA: Charles Edelstein, 1980

Trad 36m, 3 Magaliesberg
16 Bat's Overhang
1 16 15m
2 11 28m

This climb is situated 20m upstream from 'Convalescence' on the same side of the kloof.

  1. 15m 16 Climb an obvious route on polished-looking rock to point underneath overhang. There is a fixed piton above an obvious block on the left 1,5m below the overhang. Use small upturned nose halfway up to break through overhang, as sling point and key hand hold. After passing crux move, next sling point is large polished block on right. Move up to right of this sling point and traverse left to obvious stance. Use piton belay in vertical crack 1,5m above stance.

  2. 28m 11 Proceed slightly left up obvious route to recess 10m up. First 9m vertical with no sling points. First sling point is root in slight recess. Second sling point 3m higher in crack. Proceed up, bearing left, to large block with layback move to final belay point.

FA: R. Cameron, A. McGrindle & E. Adcock, 1956

Trad 43m, 2 Magaliesberg
17 Brats Overhang

Start just to the right of 'Bat's Overhang'.

  1. 40m 17 The route takes the overhanging rock and continues in a direct line to the top of the crag.

FA: B. O'Meara, A. J. Smith & Charles Edelstein, 1986

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
17 Skewer

The route follows a line which starts 3m to the right of the start of 'Bat's Overhang' and goes straight up and through V-shaped open book at the top of the crag. This open book is to the right of the final Convalescence slab.

  1. 35m 17 Climb up broken rock to below first overhang. Use hand jam to move through overhang to below second overhang. Swing left on good handhold and reach 1,5m to another good hold. Climb 2m and then move right into mantelshelf. Climb up easier rock to base of V-shaped open book to the right of the final slab of CONVALESCENCE. Climb up open book.

Note: The route write-up was submitted by T. White and S. Morkel.

Trad 35m Magaliesberg
13 Convalescence
1 11 18m
2 7 18m
3 13 12m

The climb is situated on the first sizeable face on the right hand side of the kloof, ascending. The face is topped by a prominent overhang.

  1. [11] 18m
    Commence from the path which runs along the base of the face at this point. Ascend to within 3m of the prominent overhang where a piton belay can be made.
  2. 18m 7 Traverse left, gaining height at the same time, to a small ledge of white rock 6m up. (Fixed piton.)

  3. 12m 13 Ascend the steep red face above the stance on small but sharp grips, and finish up a crack 3m to the left of the start of the pitch.

Variation: A slight recess midway between the normal start and 'Bat's Overhang' takes one from the ground to a point about three-quarters way along the traverse pitch.

FA: R. Davies & I. Keith, 1951

Trad 48m, 3 Magaliesberg
8 Lumberjack
1 7 18m
2 8 15m

Crack/chimney with large wedged block 12m downstream from 'Convalescence'. The climb finishes through the first obvious break in the overhangs to the right of Convalescence.

  1. 18m 7 Follow crack to block (one can pass between block and face). Gain top of block via its right hand face. Continue up nose, starting a few meters to right of stance on large ledge.

  2. 15m 8 Up and a shade left on face above, passing left of small overhang. This gives access to small recess which leads up into open book formed by the face and the right side of the above mentioned break in the overhang.

FA: R. Kinsley, J. Holland & P. Bloomfield, 1959

Trad 33m, 2 Magaliesberg
18 Double Vision

Ascends the obvious couloir capped by a large overhang, on the left hand side of the kloof, directly opposite the First Aid dump.

  1. [18] 38m Climb right hand side of couloir on good but extremely polished holds. Move into the back of the couloir and ascend to below the overhang immediately right of slab. Move up and left across slab to gain easier ground. Finish up easier rock above.

FA: A.M. Maddison & R Brand, 1984

Trad 38m Magaliesberg
19 Before Head - Fist

The climb starts about 3m downstream from 'Before Breakfast' following a crack just right of the roots.

  1. [19] 17m Climb the crack to a platform on the left. Step right and up onto bulge gaining a handrail on the headwall (piton). Rail right awkwardly and then up to stance.

Note: The piton was found in place.

FA: Ian Guest & Tim Hoole, 1985

Trad 17m Magaliesberg
20 Before Breakfast

This is a steep short crack about 50m upstream of 'Lifebuoy' but on the opposite side of the kloof. It is about 20m upstream from 'Double Vision' and just before a very large tree.

  1. [20] 15m Climb the crack in the red rock breaking out right at the top to a tree belay. Scramble off on right.

FA: Ian Guest & Tim Hoole, 1985

Trad 15m Magaliesberg
17 Slippery Snatch

The route is about 80m upstream of 'Double Vision'. A steep (slightly overhanging) face is partially obscured by a large and prominent stamvrug (forked near the base), which also marks the start of the climb.

  1. [17] 20m Climb the well defined recess behind the tree, following its natural curve. Break through the recess in the overhang to belay at a stamvrug bush.

FA: George Mallory & Charles Edelstein, 1983

Trad 20m Magaliesberg
13 Sand Frogs Convention

About 5m downstream of 'Under Pressure' is a left slanting rock. The route takes this crack - cairn.

  1. [13] 26m Climb up to the clearly defined left slanting crack. Move up the face to the left of the crack, at times awkwardly, until able to clear on the left. Climb up the broken rock to reach a comfortable belay stance above.

FA: Ulrike Kiefer & Tim Willmot, 1995

Trad 26m Magaliesberg
17 Under Pressure

Approximately 40m upstream of 'Double Vision' is a low (more or less two body lengths) buttress sticking out into the kloof. The route takes the broken looking faint open book just downstream of this buttress. The route makes for the white alcove (capped by a roof) high up and breaks right to clear.

  1. [17] 32m Start up the faint open book (cairn). After a few meters move slightly left and pull up by means of a long reach. Climb up to the white alcove beneath the roof (by moving slightly right). Step down to the right and gain the upstream open book awkwardly. Pull up to easier ground and climb the crack (clearing the ledge on the left) and steep wall above to clear the small roof. Take a stance on the top of the prominent gendarme.

FA: Ulrike Kiefer & Tim Willmot, 1995

Trad 32m Magaliesberg
13 Left Beetle Bonnet

The route takes the left crack line of the Y-shaped Volkswagen Beetle Bonnet feature mentioned in 'Right Beetle Bonnet'. Start at the same point as this route - cairn.

  1. [13] 25m Move up to the base of the left leaning crack. Climb up to the large left leaning detached block. Climb up behind this to reach the left leaning open book above. Move up to exit left. Climb up to the comfortable belay stance on top.

FA: Ulrike Kiefer, Rolf Persson & Tim Willmot, 1996

Trad 25m Magaliesberg
13 Right Beetle Bonnet

Just upstream of the low buttress sticking out into the kloof (see 'Under Pressure') is a Volkswagen Beetle Bonnet shaped feature. The route takes the right hand crack line of the Y - cairn.

  1. [13] 25m Move up to the base of the crack. Climb this, fighting through the tree close to the start of the crack. Climb up steepening rock to exit right. Fight through some hanging creeper and then take a line straight up to a comfortable stance on top.

FA: T.P. Willmot, Ulrike Kiefer & Rolf Persson, 1996

Trad 25m Magaliesberg
17 Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Approximately 5m upstream of the Beetle bonnet duet is a grotty looking broken groove. The route follows this until it becomes very steep, traverses right and then moves up a small broken corner to reach the top - cairn.

  1. [17] 30m Climb the groove to reach a small ledge above which the groove becomes very steep. Move up for about 2m and then traverse delicately right (crux) across the steep wall to reach the small broken open book. Climb this and tend diagonally leftwards to reach the comfortable belay stance on top.

FA: T.P. Willmot, Ulrike Kiefer & Rolf Persson, 1996

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
16 Dancing on the Ceiling

The route takes the clean crisp deep open book capped by a roof approximately 3m up. The line is the first salient feature when moving upstream from the route 'Bridge Over Troubled Waters' (approx. 20m). At the right extremity is a left leaning, tree root choked slab which moves up leftwards to meet the line, next to the roof (cairn).

  1. [16] 28m Move up the open book to just under the roof. Move rightwards, doing a foot swap in mid stride and lay back up to reach the base of the clean open book above. Climb the open book dodging to the right at the top to clear a clot of vegetation. Ascend an arbitrary line to the top. Take a comfortable stance.

Notes: Protection is good at the crux. A worthwhile, technically pleasing, mid range route.

FA: Tim Willmot & Greg Devine, 1997

Trad 28m Magaliesberg
10 Thanks for the Mammaries

About halfway between 'Dancing on the Ceiling' and 'Library Freak' is a pronounced roof and curving crack above a smooth slab. The route takes a line up the centre of the clean buttress just downstream of this roof/slab combination ( cairn ).

  1. [10] 30m Take an arbitrary line up to the top. Probably the most interesting part is pulling through on huge jugs to exit before taking a stance.

Note: Despite the easy grade a worthwhile pleasant clean climb for a beginner. Descend as for 'Midnight Sprawl'.

FA: Tim Willmot, Bob Buckley & Kaffie Van Graan, 2002

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
14 Library Freak

The route takes the bottomless laid back open book(s) immediately downstream of the 'Midnight Sprawl' buttress - cairn.

  1. [14] 40m Climb up the base of the first open book (approximately 4m up). Gain this with some trepidation (crux). Climb up the laid back open book above to reach the bulge at the top. Move through the bulge on left to gain the second open book above. Climb this. Careful of the loose block above the tree. Move left and climb the clean crisp rock above until forced to exit left. Climb up to the comfortable stance on top via the short wall. Careful of another possibly loose block on top of the wall.

Notes: Easier than it looks. The holds are all there. Superlative clean climbing. Descend as for 'Midnight Sprawl'.

FA: Greg Devine, Tim Willmot, Ken Thrash & Darryl Margetts, 1998

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
8 Midnight Stagger

Takes the crack up the centre of the 'Midnight Sprawl' slab - cairn.

  1. [8] 40m Climb the centre of the slab using the crack for protection. Climb straight up to take a comfortable stance on top.

Notes: A good route for its grade. Descend as for 'Midnight Sprawl'

FA: T.P. Willmot, Darryl Margetts, Ken Thrash & Greg Devine, 1998

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
8 Midnight Sprawl

On reaching the bottom of the scramble gully downstream of the 'Midnight Crawl' buttress, one finds a slab reminiscent of that climb on the downstream side of the gully. The route ascends the crack on the right boundary of the slab - cairn.

  1. [8] 40m Climb the slab using the crack on the right for protection. Exit at the top of the slab and move slightly right up the groove to take a comfortable stance next to the tree at the top.

Notes: A good route for its grade. Descend by moving slightly upstream and scrambling down the gully by zigzagging upstream and zagging downstream. At the downstream extremity of each zigzag down climb the groove until the scree slope is reached.

FA: Tim Willmot, Greg Devine, Ken Thrash & Darryl Margetts, 1998

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
8 Jumping Crack Flash

The route takes the vertical crack up the downstream retaining wall of the descent gully downstream of the 'Midnight Sprawl' buttress. Start just up from the start of the descent gully at the start of the crack - cairn.

  1. [8] 35m Climb the crack breaking through the roof above and take a stance on the comfortable ledge on top. Be careful on pulling the jug at the outer extremity of the roof as its integrity may be suspect.

Notes: Protection is excellent and the route is easier than it looks. Descend as for 'Midnight Sprawl'.

FA: Darryl Margetts, Tim Willmot, Ken Thrash & Greg Devine, 1998

Trad 35m Magaliesberg
14 Me Too

The route climbs the pronounced chimney some 5m downstream of 'Low Earth Orbit'. Start from the same long sloping ledge marking the start of 'Low Earth Orbit'.

  1. [14] 25m Climb the chimney, delicately at first, to reach the tree above. Regain the chimney, with difficulty, and continue to reach the comfortable belay stance on top.

Notes: Protection is adequate though hard to find. When the tree disappears one suspects that the grade is going to jump a tad. Descend as for 'Midnight Sprawl'.

FA: E.A. Lombard & Tim Willmot, 1998

Trad 25m Magaliesberg
16 Low Earth Orbit

Just downstream of the 'Midnight Crawl' buttress is a scramble gully. A long sloping ledge starts just upstream of the base of this gully. Start at the upstream extremity of the sloping ledge below the crack system on the left hand side of a gendarme.

  1. [16] 25m Climb the steep crack making for the short curved crack high up out on the arete. Ascend this and then climb up the blocky arete to reach the comfortable belay stance on top.

Notes: The holds slope in such a way that it feels as if the route is trying to spit you out. Descend by moving slightly upstream and then scrambling down the gully.

FA: Ken Thrash, Darryl Margetts, Greg Devine & Tim Willmot, 1998

Trad 25m Magaliesberg
15 Pocket Rocket

On scrambling down the gully just downstream of the 'Midnight Crawl' buttress one comes across a groove system at the downstream extremity of the buttress. A salient feature of the route is a small rock pinnacle just underneath a horizontal dinner plate protrusion. The route starts on top of a large block just up from the start of the crack-cairn on the top of the block.

  1. [15] 30m Climb the crack just below the erectile projectile. Move cautiously up, pass the little pinnacle, and climb the faint open book above to reach the top of the gendarme. Move across the little gully and climb the rough wall behind to reach the comfortable belay stance on the top.

Notes: The holds slope in such a way that it feels as if the route is trying to spit you out. An excellent route on rock which is not as easy as it first appears.

FA: Greg Devine & Tim Willmot, 1997

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
17 Berg Adder

On the left hand side of the kloof approximately 200m upstream from 'Double Vision' is an obvious short buttress/ pinnacle. The climb takes the obvious line through the large flakes above. Cairn.

  1. [17] 30m Ascend gully on upstream side of pinnacle to gain the start of the flake. Ascend flake to top.

FA: A.M. Maddison & R. Brand, 1984

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
15 Bite

This route ascends the obvious overhang a few meters to the right of 'Berg Adder', immediately before 'Grass'.

  1. [15] 30m Ascend open book to gain the base of the overhang. Traverse out right to gain a small ledge. Finish as for 'Grass'.

FA: A.M. Maddison & R. Brand, 1984

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
13 Grass

A few meters upstream from 'Bite' is an obvious steep slab bordered on the right hand side by a steep wall.

  1. [13] 30m Ascend the slab, easily on the left hand side or with more difficulty on the right, to gain a small ledge below an undercut shallow open book. Climb open book to top.

FA: A.M. Maddison & R. Brand, 1984

Trad 30m Magaliesberg
8 Baviaans Pad
1 8 17m
2 7 11m

The climb starts in well defined small corner about 20m below 'Solo' and either a grade 7 or 8 start may be made.

  1. [9] 17m
    Climb a shallow recess with a narrow opening at the top. 7m of grade 8 onto a square ledge. Or alternatively, climb easy rock about 5m to the left of this, moving up and to the right to reach the same square ledge (7). Climb straight up following the crack for 10m to tree stance.
  2. 11m 7 Move to the right onto big block of rock and around the corner 3m and climb in recess to reach sloping grassy ledge 3m. Walk 5m to big tree for belay.

  3. 17m 8 Climb the main face behind big tree (at this point climb crosses 'Solo'). Belay at ledge with tree growing out horizontally.

  4. 12m 7 Climb up and to the right to final V-shaped recess at top.

Variation: 2a. 10m 10 Climb the steep crack directly above the tree on good grips. Continue straight up to the large ledge. (M. Arsenjevic and D. Peters)

FA: R. Charlton & M. Urban, 1964

Trad 28m, 2 Magaliesberg
13 Technique
1 13 25m
2 11 30m

The climb starts on the right hand (i.e. upstream) side of the dark face just downstream of the polished slabs ascended by 'Solo' and 'Relapse'. The start is 5m to the left of an overhang 6m up the dark face and 8m downstream of the polished slab.

  1. [13] 25m
    Climb the face using a vague recess until it peters out on narrow ledge going up to the right. Gain ledge, move left and continue directly up to the large ledge. There are two large trees at the back of the ledge from where the shattered chimney/corner used by SOLO begins.
  2. 30m 11 Start 5m to the left of the chimney/recess used by 'Solo' at a short crack. Climb up trending slightly right for 5m on steep rock with good grips. Move left and then up to gain a short corner and continue directly up to the top.

FA: D. Peters & M. Arsenjevic, 1983

Trad 55m, 2 Magaliesberg
17 It

To the left of the polished slab of the first pitch of 'Midnight Crawl' one finds 'Relapse'. The route commences about 3m to the left of 'Relapse' on the corner of the block proceeding up a shallow undercut recess.

  1. [17] 12m From where the earth bank falls away to the left around the corner, traverse left to under the base of the recess. Using a small foothold stand up and pull into recess taking care not to dislodge a very loose block on the left page. A piton affords some protection from this point. Proceed easily up recess to large ledge. From here various easy routes lead to the top.

Note: There is no protection for the cruxes.

FA: Ian Guest & Tim Hoole, 1985

Trad 12m Magaliesberg
7 Solo
1 7 16m
2 7 17m

The climb starts in the middle of a small face set at right-angles to the main kloof, immediately after the first narrow part of the kloof, after the junction with the side kloof on the true left side.

  1. [7] 16m
    Climb a crack about 0,5m wide, in which is a large root. The first 6m is grade 7, after which the crack eases off and the next 10m is 5/6 which leads onto a sloping grassy ledge with a big tree.
  2. 17m 7 Continue the same line, behind the tree and into the recess; at the second tree, more pleasant moves are made by climbing the face on the left of the recess, although the recess may also be climbed. 17m of grade 7 rock and scrambling to top.

FA: R. Forsyth

Trad 33m, 2 Magaliesberg
9 Relapse
1 9 15m
2 9 20m
3 9 20m

Start as for 'Solo' in a crack to the left of an upstream facing slab.

  1. 15m 9 Climb up and left over dark coloured bulging rock, then up to tree.

  2. 20m 9 Move right into corner then do a step over onto the front of the prominent arete.

  3. 20m 9 Climb steep face moving left past tree to top, or go directly up corner (10).

Trad 55m, 3 Magaliesberg
14 Tanja's Lead
1 14 20m
2 13 20m

This climb starts left of 'Midnight Crawl'.

  1. 20m 14 Climb the short face, pull through an overhang and continue up to a good ledge.

  2. 20m 13 Climb the break above to the top of the crag.

FA: Tanja Truter, Martin Seegers & Darryl Margetts, 1989

Trad 40m, 2 Magaliesberg
15 Midnight Crawl
1 15 15m
2 11 15m
3 15 28m

Start in large cave bounded on the left by a smooth red face and on the right by an overhanging wall. There are some blocks trapped in the "roof". Ascend the upstream facing left hand retaining wall of the cave.

  1. 15m 15 Climb the slab, initially up a faint crack in its middle and finally in the corner on the right, the crux being the rounding of the final overhang to gain a belay ledge.

  2. 15m 11 After a delicate step over to the right, traverse 3m to the right to a big ledge. Scramble 12m up easy rock to tree belay.

  3. 28m 15 Climb up in corner until forced out right by overhang. Diagonally right to a block jutting out from face 40cm, where a piton safeguards the move onto the ledge (the last 5m to the block are strenuous). Easier climbing on face to top.


3a. 28m 11 Step down and traverse right for 8m into corner, from where it is possible to climb up to the block mentioned above from the right (easier) and to top.

3b. 28m 16 Continue up crack through overhang to top.

FA: R.J. Stallebrass, A.D. van Doornum & D. Lubbe, 1963

Trad 58m, 3 Magaliesberg
23 The Empire Strikes Back

To the right of 'Midnight Crawl' there is a cave at ground level, and right of this an obvious overhanging crack line.

  1. ?m 23 Start up the hanging tree roots for 6m to join the crack. Follow this through a roof. It is possible to step left above the roof onto a block (which forms the roof of the cave). Continue up the very overhanging crack to the ledge.

FA: Adrian Jardin & Steve Bradshaw, 1984

Trad Magaliesberg
13 - 17 Life in the Easy Lane

Using the first grade 7 pitch of 'Onderstebo', gain the large tree. Step right onto blocks.

  1. 20m 13 or 17 Climb a V-shaped recess capped by a roof until under the roof (4m). Break out right (13) or break straight through (17). Continue up a clean recess/ crack slightly to the left to the top.

FA: Ian Guest, Tim Hoole & L. Middleburg, 1985

Trad 20m Magaliesberg
13 Onderstebo
1 7 22m
2 11 9m
3 13 10m

The climb starts immediately below a small cave at a point where many prominent thick roots descend over the rock face from a tree growing out of the rocks.

  1. 22m 7 Vertically up an obvious easy rock face to a large tree.

  2. 9m 11 Up from the tree for about 3m and then diagonally right to a ledge. Scramble 12m to right into a corner (tree belay).

  3. 10m 13 Straight up the corner in the rock wall to a small overhang. Move right (strenuous 'Onderstebo' move). Continue to climb the recess to top.

FA: T. Louw, W. Politzer & P. Ronald, 1948

Trad 41m, 3 Magaliesberg
15 Vertebrae
1 15 25m
2 13 28m

Start on the left hand side of a recess 3m right of 'Onderstebo'.

  1. 25m 15 Climb a groove on the left hand side of the recess until it is possible to move right under the overhang and across a short wall. Follow the groove above to a stance and tree belay.

  2. 28m 13 Move diagonally right over easy rock to the foot of a steep red wall. Ascend a corner on the left until it is possible to step onto the wall. Either climb straight up the centre of the wall or move across to a rib on the right hand side and climb that.

FA: Merv Prior, 1968

Trad 53m, 2 Magaliesberg
19 Trivia
1 17 25m
2 19 15m
3 17 25m

Start about halfway between 'Onderstebo' and 'Retribution', just left of the roots coming down from the face and below a shallow cave 4m up.

  1. 25m 17 Scramble up to the foot of a short, steep face, just right of the cave and just left of the roots. Delicate climbing diagonally up left leads to an easier angled ramp above the cave which is followed to a stance on a ledge.

  2. 15m 19 Climb straight up for 4m and then move diagonally up right to the base of a shallow open book. Climb this to a small overhang and then step very delicately right onto a ledge and stance in the recess, about 3m below a large overhang.

  3. 25m 17 Climb up to the overhang and then make an awkward, strenuous move out left onto a small sloping ledge. Continue diagonally left to the base of a shallow recess above the overhang which is climbed to the top.

FA: L.P. Fatti, A. Dick & Art McGarr, 1975

Trad 65m, 3 Magaliesberg
19 After Lunch
1 17 25m
2 19 30m
  1. 25m 17 as per Trivia

  2. 30m 15 Above the first stance there are two breaks leading to the face between 'Trivia' and 'Onderstebo'. Take the left break leading onto the face. Climb up the middle of the face to the top.

FA: George Mallory & Charles Edelstein, 1983

Trad 55m Magaliesberg
16 Hangover
1 13 15m
2 16 18m
3 10 34m

Start 2m downstream from the small tree at the start of 'Retribution'.

  1. [13] 15m
    Climb a few meters of the start of 'Retribution'. Move awkwardly left into the corner, then continue up until level with the large ledge on the right. Traverse onto the ledge. (Same ledge as found at top of first pitch of 'Retribution').
  2. 18m 16 From the left side of the ledge, climb diagonally up left to the overhangs 8m away, via a delicate step up at 4m. Traverse boldly left on good grips for 5m before moving up. Ascend 6m to a large ledge on the right.

  3. 34m 10 Climb the face above trending leftwards to the recess which is followed to the top.

FA: Art McGarr, Paul Fatti & D. Peters, 1974

Trad 67m, 3 Magaliesberg
15 Retribution
1 11 12m
2 15 12m
3 11 12m
4 14 20m

The climb starts about 20m upstream from 'Onderstebo', 2m left of a slender tree.

  1. [11] 12m
    Ascend a crack to a wide ledge screened by trees.
  2. 12m 15 Up approximately the centre of the grey slab above ledge. At about halfway up a short traverse of about two steps to the right thence straight up to a wide platform.

  3. 12m 11 Starting at the extreme right hand side of the platform climb up in corner of red rock to a point immediately underneath the very large overhang. Traverse right about 6m to a stance adjacent to a slit through which daylight is seen. A chockstone in this slit can be used as a belay.

  4. 20m 14 Traverse right round the nose and up to other side of slit where chockstone can again be used as belay. Then straight up to summit.

FA: S. Penny, T. Louw & R. Kinsley, 1950

Trad 56m, 4 Magaliesberg
17 Retribution Direct
1 17 25m
2 14 20m

For a direct start, start 1m right of the tree at the base of easy grade 7 crack (formerly known as 'Solo').

  1. [17] 25m Climb up into a small recess with a little overhang. Move left and up a crack to a tree. Continue above the tree to a short wall, move slightly right and up to a ledge. Move diagonally left onto a steep wall on good holds (small blocks which appear to be loose are in fact sound). Continue up to an undercut block. Traverse slightly left to a good ledge. Move up and over right to a large ledge with tree. Continue above the tree laying away on a slanting crack to the top of pitch 3 above using the same belay stance (chockstone in a slit).

FA: Clive Ward & John Gregory, 1976

Trad 45m, 2 Magaliesberg
17 Bonsai
1 14 15m
2 13 20m
3 17 40m

Start 5m left of cave with hanging roots upstream from the start of 'Retribution'.

  1. [14] 15m
    Climb a narrow crack.
  2. 20m 13 Climb narrow slanting crack from a ledge about 4m right from top of first pitch. From top of crack bear right up face. Exit from the top of the crack with blocks on other side to a large ledge.

  3. 40m 17 Climb the crack with a tree and roots in it on the corner of a buttress. Step right, around onto the face, climb up to overhangs, traverse right (small tree) and hand-traverse on a good ledge to a small platform (strenuous). From there climb to top.

FA: Jerry Linke, H. Vogl & Clive Ward, 1975

Trad 75m, 3 Magaliesberg
17 Ogive
1 11 16m
2 13 12m
3 17 18m
4 7 12m

Immediately downstream of an easy grade 7 crack formerly incorrectly known as SOLO is a root covered cave. Start 4-5m upstream of cave.

  1. 16m 11 Ascend the wall to a ledge and nut belay (or tree belay on right).

  2. 12m 13 Continue directly up the wall above the first pitch to a small overhang. Either move left under it or move left above it to gain a large ledge and block belay.

  3. 18m 17 Ascend the chimney or rib on its left which leads to the left hand side of the "ogive" (arched overhang). Traverse right under the overhang, step down and make an awkward move right to gain the front face of a detached pillar. Move up right to a chockstone belay in the chimney.

  4. 12m 7 Continue up the chimney to the top.

Notes: The top pitch runs very close to 'Retribution', keeping parallel with it and joins the same crack system to the top. A direct finish at grade 19 has been added by T. White and S. Morkel.

FA: Merv Prior

Trad 58m, 4 Magaliesberg
15 Emmas Dilemma
1 15 25m
2 13 25m

Starts 7m right of a corner crack which provides an easy ascent to the right hand end of 'Retribution' ledge.

  1. 25m 15 Start on a grey wall. Move up and left for 3m on an ascending traverse to a ledge. Move slightly right. Follow an obvious shallow depression up to a large ledge.

  2. 25m 13 Climb the yellow wall with a bulge in the middle behind the stance. Keep right of an obvious easy crack to the left which joins Retribution top pitch. Climb the left side of the bulge following a definite crack. Finish up easy rock.

FA: Clive Ward & John Gregory, 1976

Trad 50m, 2 Magaliesberg
13 Double Base
1 11 25m
2 13 34m

The start is 5m downstream from the start of 'Illegitimate' and is marked by a prominent pinnacle, whose top is a little lower than the top of the face. The first pitch takes the recess.

  1. 25m 11 Climb the shallow recess and then diagonally leftwards across the grey slab to the tree.

  2. 34m 13 Climb up the grey slab to just right of the white bulge at the foot of the steepest part of the red face. Ascend the face on good grips to a little ledge level with the pinnacle on the right. Climb diagonally left up to the top of the face.

FA: E.J. Ellis & D. Peters, 1969

Trad 59m Magaliesberg
18 Illegitimate
1 16 18m
2 10 12m
3 18 15m

Downstream from 'Pink Corner', on the same side of the kloof is a small pinnacle, the top of which is lower than the top of the kloof wall. On the left of the pinnacle is a crack which runs the whole way up the krantz, ending in a spectacular open book.

  1. 18m 16 Ascend short wall to the left of the crack climbing right in a series of short steps to foot of crack. Ascend the off-width crack to the first reasonable ledge where there is a tree belay. (The face to the left is easier.)

  2. 12m 10 Continue up the crack to just below the open book. There is a good chockstone.

  3. 15m 18 Climb the open book (chockstone half way up).

FA: D. Bell & Merv Prior, 1951

Trad 45m, 3 Magaliesberg
19 Bayonet
1 11 34m
2 19 20m

The route takes the arete on the prominent pinnacle to the right of 'Illegitimate'. The start is directly below the arete and just to the left of a set of overhangs at ground level.

  1. 34m 11 Climb straight up the grey face to the arete of the pinnacle. Use layback flake on the arete to gain the overhangs. Move onto the right hand face to avoid these and once above them swing back onto the arete. Continue up the arete for 5m to a ledge.

  2. 20m 19 Continue to the top of the pinnacle. Step onto and ascend the smooth face above using a peg for aid to gain a ledge. Move left off the ledge and continue to the top.

Notes: 2 pegs on the route suggest that part of and perhaps the whole route has been climbed previously. It is unknown who made the first free ascent.

FA: Paul Fatti, D Peters & Art McGarr, 1974

Trad 54m Magaliesberg
11 Pinnacle Route
1 10 25m
2 11 30m

Start just downstream of 'Pink Corner' at easy grey slab with corner on right. Scramble up slab (5) to ledge and continue leftwards past trees to base of pinnacle (upstream side).

  1. 25m 10 Ascend corner between pinnacle and main cliff and walk through behind pinnacle to far side (possible stance behind pinnacle). Step down slightly on downstream side of pinnacle and then traverse (crux) to tree (slight ascent) and on to large ledge (slight descent) and good stance.

  2. 30m 11 Climb easily up leftwards to top of large block (15m). Step off block to left and ascend steeply to top.

Variations possible on front of pinnacle (10), and to the left of the block on pitch 2, (5) or right (13)

FA: T. Bright & T. Louw

Trad 55m, 2 Magaliesberg
19 Foreigner
1 5 12m
2 19 18m
3 19 24m

The route starts between 'Pinnacle Route' and 'Pink Corner' and goes up the right hand side of the prominent red wall between the two routes.

  1. 12m 5 Scramble up the obvious recess to a broad ledge below the red wall.

  2. 18m 19 Climb the vague break directly above the recess of the first pitch, bearing left just above a bolt (found in place by the opening party). Belay on a small stance on the right, close to the belay on 'Pink Corner'.

  3. 24m 19 From the top of the last pitch, climb up for about 1,5m before moving right, then up a further 1,5m until it is possible to move left into a corner. Climb the corner to the top.

FA: E. February & Alan Lambert, 1979

Trad 54m, 3 Magaliesberg
17 A2 Russian Roulette
1 17 A2 15m
2 15 10m
3 9 30m

Scramble up to a recessed crack in a steep face midway between 'Pinnacle Route' and 'Pink Corner'.

  1. 15m 17,A2 Climb the steep recess 4m to a peg. Aid up (5 points) moving left at the top. Pull up and climb into a niche. A more comfortable stance can be made 3m to the right.

  2. 10m 15 Traverse to the right, crossing the Pink Corner route, until beneath a tree. Climb up to the tree. Stance common with 'Pink Corner'.

  3. 30m 9 Traverse right 2m, then straight up just to the left of a ridge. Continue to the top.

FA: E. Pickl, E. Budding & Eckhart Haber, 1976

Trad 55m, 3 Magaliesberg
15 Pink Corner
1 15 8m
2 15 22m
3 11 12m
4 10 22m

This climb is on the buttress about 15m downstream from 'Skeleton', starting to the right of a very large block at the foot of the face.

  1. 8m 15 Ascend a steepish face, with sloping grips, to a platform with a small tree. This pitch can be obviated by scrambling up easy rock around to the right.

  2. 22m 15 Ascend loose-looking but easy rock for 5m (fixed piton), traverse left under a small overhang and then ascend 5m to a larger overhang (eye running belay point). From here traverse left and ascend easier rock for 12m to a small stance (fixed piton).

  3. 12m 11 Ascend then traverse right and ascend to a cubby hole in which there is a stamvrug tree.

  4. 22m 10 Ascend the face to the left of the recess above the cubby hole. About 12m up, the climb proper ends at a wide terrace, but one can continue up the face for another 9m on steep rock.

Variations: a. 13 At the level of the terrace on pitch 4, traverse left under some creepers and ascend the face about 9m downstream of pitch 4. b. 17 From top of pitch 2 ascend straight up i.e. avoiding the traverse right to the stamvrug tree. One can then end up on the normal pitch 4 or continue up and out left with variation (a).

FA: R. Davies, F. Villa, E. Chadwick & H. Lude, 1949

Trad 64m, 4 Magaliesberg
18 Tomb Wall
1 18 18m
2 13 12m

The climb ascends the steep red wall immediately left of 'Skeleton' and follows the arete to the top. Ascend the slab to the left of 'Skeleton' cave and chockstone belay, below the corner.

  1. 18m 18 A meter-and-a-half left of the corner taken by 'Skeleton' is a shallow groove running up the red wall. Ascend this (18) for 6m, then follow good incut holds up leftwards to the arete. Continue up the arete to a ledge and peg belay.

  2. 12m 13 Continue up the arete to the top.

FA: A.D. Barley, R.P. Barley, K. Fletcher & A. Carmen, 1968

Trad 30m, 2 Magaliesberg
15 Skeleton
1 15 18m
2 13 22m

The route starts immediately to the left of a cavern situated above a prominent scree slope.

  1. 18m 15 The first pitch starts on a ledge on top of sloping rock. Above this stance the rock wall forms an obtuse vertical angle. The first pitch goes up the easier inclined face to the right of the angle to a small platform.

  2. 22m 13 Up the angle for about 2,5m then a traverse of about 4m left, thence diagonally up towards the right to a shallow recess which starts at an overhang. There is a small tree in this recess. Pass the tree and continue up the recess to the summit.

Note: There is some loose rock on the second pitch, which can, however, be avoided with care.

FA: T. Louw, L. Lincoln & H. Howard, 1948

Trad 40m, 2 Magaliesberg
10 Eve's Pleasure

Start 20m upstream from 'Skeleton' cave and scramble up 10m to large cave. Walk left and upwards to tree belay.

  1. 40m 10 From tree traverse left (very exposed) to overlook 'Skeleton' cave, then ascend steeply, exiting to the right just past a tree. Continue easily to the top.

FA: R. Charlton, E. Bannerman, T. Martins, M. Lude & J. Bett, 1949

Trad 40m Magaliesberg
13 Bliksem
1 7 9m
2 13 5m
3 13 22m

Begin just right of the cave above the scree slope.

  1. 9m 7 Climb as for 'Eve's Pleasure', then traverse out to the right and up until past the tree in the open book on the left.

  2. 5m 13 Straight up in the open book. (Variation: Traverse out right at the first opportunity.)

  3. 22m 13 Climb over the crack on an overhanging slab and traverse right and then up to a fixed piton, then left and up to a block from where the overhang can be overcome. Again right and up until past the last overhang. Scramble 3m to belay.

FA: H.M. Verloren van Themaat & J. du Plessis, 1966

Trad 36m, 3 Magaliesberg
15 Cowboy
1 7 9m
2 13 5m
3 15 20m
  1. as per 'Bliksem'

  2. as per 'Bliksem'

  3. 20m 15,A1 A bold lasso on the third pitch avoids the use of excessive aid. From the top of the second pitch, step across the open groove and gain a steep recess by an awkward move. (Peg in place.) Climb the recess moving right at the top to a fixed piton under an overhang. At this point, the original route traversed left. Lasso a spike above the overhang and, using a sling for aid, climb the overhang direct. After moving up for a few meters, traverse right around a nose and then climb to a good stance and belay.

FA: P. Goodridge & David Hughes, 1974

Trad 34m Magaliesberg
20 Lobotomy
1 15 25m
2 20 25m

The climb starts 2m to the left of the "obvious crack" in 'Deception' first pitch, crosses the line of 'Hospital Hill' and finishes up the steep face to the right of 'Hospital Hill' top grade 20 pitch.

  1. 25m 15 Climb to top of open book. Move right and step onto the face on the right. Move around the corner and climb diagonally right for 6m to stance at a peg 2m below the steep recess of 'Hospital Hill' top 20 pitch.

  2. 25m 20 Traverse 2m right to beneath a short open book capped by an overhang. On the undercut right hand wall of this open book is an obvious horizontal crack. Reach up to the rail and climb up and to the right until you can stand out on the tip of the nose formed by the right wall of the open book (crux). Climb diagonally left for 2m then continue up steep face to the top bearing slightly right (sustained).

FA: J. van Eeden & S.J. Mallory, 1982

Trad 50m Magaliesberg
17 Deception
1 15 22m
2 17 25m

The climb is located between 'Eve's Pleasure' and 'Hospital Hill'. Start at cave.

  1. 22m 15 Climb obvious crack just left of cave, continue easily to a little cavern on right. Belay.

  2. 25m 17 From right hand side of cavern climb diagonally right past fixed piton and up a further 2,5m. Traverse 1,5m right to below little overhang. This is just left of third stance of 'Hospital Hill'. Ascend overhang strenuously to welcome resting place. Continue straight up to fixed piton driven in deeply. At this point the face is overhanging. Swing out right, onto little nose, ascend diagonally right to top.

Note: Protection is good but scarce.

FA: J. Esterhuyse & R. Davis, 1978

Trad 47m, 2 Magaliesberg
17 Hospital Hill
1 9 12m
2 15 5m
3 17 17m
4 15 18m

Start a few meters downstream of 'Crescendo' from a cave high up. An intriguing route.

  1. 12m 9 Traverse right and ascend 12m into gloomy gully closed in at top. (This is the cave with the pointed roof referred to in description of 'Crescendo').

  2. ?m 15,A1 Ascend 5m and then traverse left out of the gully onto steep face. Around the corner is a fixed piton. Abseil 8m from piton and pendulum to ledge 3m to left (piton belay).

  3. 17m 17 Ascend 9m then traverse 8m to the left between two overhangs. The overhang above is very large, the one below smaller and ripple-marked. (The first 1,5m of the traverse is the crux.) Piton belay at end of traverse.

  4. 18m 15 Up and slightly right on steep rock with fair grips.


2 and 3. 20 Avoid abseil by dropping down onto rail. Rail left strenuously.

3 and 4. 20 From crux move slightly left, then up overhanging recess strenuously to top. (Oct 1979 D. Cheesmond, B. Gross and C. Lomax)

FA: R. Davies & B. Penzhorn, 1963

Trad 52m, 4 Magaliesberg
21 Casualty Ward
1 21 25m
2 15 25m

Start as for 'Hospital Hill', i.e. scramble up to the base of the high "Gothic" cave which reaches right to the top of the crag. In the right wall of the cave is an overhanging jam-crack.

  1. 25m 21 Climb the jam-crack into a small resting cave. Continue up the steep crack to belay in the deep, sloping cave. (Large nuts useful for runners.)

  2. 25m 15 Chimney out spectacularly and horizontally to the lip of the cave and up the slab to the top.

FA: Dave Cheesmond, B. Cross & Chris Lomax, 1979

Trad 50m, 2 Magaliesberg
20 Paranoia
1 17 25m
2 20 30m

Start 5m upstream of 'Casualty Ward' i.e. at the upstream entrance to the cave which is several meters above the ground.

  1. 25m 17 Climb up to a recess and continue up to a roof 20m up. Traverse right around the arete to gain a ledge just above a small tree on the Apex face.

  2. 30m 20 Climb up diagonally right past a large loose block to a ledge then back diagonally left to the top of a block. From there move strenuously up to big jugs and finish diagonally right on smaller holds. Exit just right of aloes.

Note: Steep sustained face climbing mostly on good jugs.

FA: George Mallory & Steven Mallory, 1985

Trad 55m, 2 Magaliesberg
20 Apex
1 13 15m
2 15 15m
3 20 22m

This climb, which has a common start with 'Crescendo' follows an exposed line to the right of the high cave of 'Hospital Hill'.

  1. 15m 13 Climb directly up to a large tree 5m above the ground and then continue diagonally rightwards via a small overhang to a small ledge. Stance is common with 'Crescendo'.

  2. 15m 15 Climb the recess above the stance for 5m and then traverse left for 3m along an exposed ledge. A long pull up leads on to another ledge and then continue straight up the exposed face to a very small stance with peg and nut runner belays about 3m below the overhangs and 5m right of the lip of the cave.

  3. 22m 20 Step down 1,5m from stance and traverse left for 3m across the face to below a 2m recess capped by an overhang. Climb the recess to the overhang and make an exposed traverse left and then up to surmount the overhang. Continue up steep rock to a small ledge at the base of the recess. Traverse left for 1,5m and then climb the slightly overhanging face, initially on good holds, but getting poorer higher up to an off-balance resting place where a small nut runner can be placed for protection. Traverse left across the exposed face just above the roof of the cave and continue on off-balance traverse to the grey face opposite, where the angle eases. Climb easily to the top.

FA: Paul Fatti & Art McGarr, 1972

FFA: Kevin Smith & M. Mears, 1981

Trad 52m, 3 Magaliesberg
17 Crescendo
1 11 15m
2 15 18m
3 17 22m

The route is on a prominent yellow face immediately upstream of a large high "Gothic" cave, the pointed roof of which reaches nearly to the top of the krantz.

  1. [11] 15m
    Start on a small grey face in a small corner climbing to a good ledge with two trees.
  2. [15] 18m
    Take off from the ledge on the downstream side, climb upwards for 6m, then bear right into a corner. Climb as high as possible in the corner until it is possible to slide one's fingers along a prominent horizontal crack in the nose on the right and taking the weight on the hands swing round the nose. Traverse right 6m to a ledge and tree.
  3. [17] 22m
    Traverse left and diagonally upwards for about 6m where a piton can be placed which safeguards both the leader and last man on the previous pitch. Climb up onto a small leaning-out ledge by means of a long arm pull then traverse 12m to the right round a nose and up past a clump of aloes.

Note: Exposed. Strength and balance required.

FA: E. Scholes & P. Campbell, 1949

Trad 55m, 3 Magaliesberg
15 Cat Walk
1 11 15m
2 15 18m
3 15 22m

The route is on a prominent yellow face immediately upstream of a large high "Gothic" cave, the pointed roof of which reaches nearly to the top of the krantz.

  1. [11] 15m
    Start on a small grey face in a small corner climbing to a good ledge with two trees.
  2. [15] 18m
    Take off from the ledge on the downstream side, climb upwards for 6m, then bear right into a corner. Climb as high as possible in the corner until it is possible to slide one's fingers along a prominent horizontal crack in the nose on the right and taking the weight on the hands swing round the nose. Traverse right 6m to a ledge and tree.
  3. [15] 22m
    ('Cat Walk') Ascend the face directly above the stance. To get onto this face, a small overhang must be negotiated followed by a delicate traverse to the right (difficult). Then continue directly upwards on steep rock with good holds to the top. This variation is easier and less strenuous than the original pitch 3.

FA: R. Davies & R. Charlton, 1956

Trad 55m, 3 Magaliesberg
19 Deep in Space
1 11 20m
2 19 40m
3 13 15m

The climb starts about 30m upstream from the start of 'Hospital Hill', at a point where a tall tree is growing close to the cliff. Beginning up a small chimney and continues up an attractive open book to a small tree, then traverses left over Lobotomy and back right again to finish straight up above the starting point.

  1. 20m 11 Climb up chimney and open book until you reach a small stance with a small tree.

  2. 40m 19 From the stance move slightly right and up for 3m to a small rest point on a large sloping ramp. Then traverse left for 7m (strenuous) to a very exposed rest point below a large semi detached flake. Move around the flake on the left and continue rightwards (awkward), then move rightwards (10m) to a small ledge with 2 good pegs in place.

  3. 15m 13 Traverse left for 15m and then climb up short steep face above, between 2 large aloes to the top.

Note: A pleasant and exposed route spoilt by poor protection and bad rock.

FA: Neil Margetts, 1985

Trad 75m, 3 Magaliesberg
17 Proboscis
1 7 15m
2 12 8m
3 17 14m
4 10 12m

The climb starts about 15m upstream from 'Crescendo' opposite a large tree with trunk about 60cm in diameter. There is a small but prominent triangular overhang about 18m up which resembles a nose. The nose points downstream. The route goes to the left of the nose.

  1. 15m 7 Start on a staircase which goes up to the left. Then climb diagonally right to a wide ledge. This pitch is on grey rock. The remainder of the climb is on red rock.

  2. 8m 12 Start at left hand end of ledge with a pull-up. Continue up to another ledge on which there is a tree over to the right.

  3. 14m 17 Start at left hand end of ledge again. The face slopes back initially but is rather devoid of grips. It then steepens but the grips are good. At the top of the steep section which passes to the left of the nose, climb out to the right onto a small ledge. Piton belay.

  4. 12m 10 Continue up pleasant clean rock to the top.

FA: D. Bell & F. Villa, 1950

Trad 49m, 4 Magaliesberg
15 Bypass

The climb is located about 10m upstream from 'Proboscis' and generally follows the buttress on the right of 'Proboscis'. The crux of the route is a series of small overhangs at the same level as the crux pitch on 'Proboscis'. The route here bears left until a ledge is reached just right of the nose of 'Proboscis', thence up and slightly right (steep) and past a small cabbage tree. A grey face finishes the climb. There are several variations to the lower part of the climb.

FA: M. Urban, H. Blades, P. Street & R. Charlton, 1960

Trad Magaliesberg
19 Shibboleth
1 15 20m
2 17 10m
3 19 10m
4 19 10m
5 17 15m

Route takes a column and then a wall to the left of 'Fanlight'.

  1. 20m 15 Climb front of column turning the headwall on the left.

  2. 10m 17 Step across from summit of the column onto the wall (4m to the left of FANLIGHT). Step diagonally left into shallow recess, then straight up steep wall 5m. Then good holds lead to belay stance.

  3. 10m 19 Traverse left on a slab wall to stance directly opposite by using hand rail or by making fine moves slightly higher.

  4. 10m 19 Step back right onto wall and climb shallow recess making gymnastic moves near the top to reach small stance under summit overhangs.

  5. 15m 17 Traverse right 5m (where a stance can be made if rope drag is anticipated). Step up left onto sloping block and make exposed moves over roof then climb wall to summit.

Note: Owing to zigzag nature of route the pitches have been kept short.

FA: Clive Ward & Alvin Wood, 1980

Trad 65m, 5 Magaliesberg
17 Fanlight
1 11 18m
2 17 18m

The climb is situated just below 'Easy Way Out', starting behind prominent pinnacle.

  1. [11] 18m
    Start up face. Traverse 3m right into crack. Climb overhang in crack and continue up crack to stance below face.
  2. [17] 18m
    The pitch follows a shallow crack, sloping slightly left, with an eye hole at the top which is visible from below. Start pitch by mantelshelf and then move left to crack. Follow the crack to the eye hole which is at an overhang and finish up short face to top. This pitch was opened artificially, but has since been found feasible free.

FA: R. Charlton, B. Penzhorn, M. Urban & S. McLean, 1960

Trad 36m, 2 Magaliesberg
7 Easy Way Out

The start is from approximately the same position as for 'Easy Option'. Having gained the rocky ledge about 9m above stream bed follow this to its left extremity from where a 3,5m wide slab inclined at an easy angle slopes up almost to the summit. The route lies on this slab all the way to the top.

FA: R. Forsyth

Trad Magaliesberg
11 Easy Option
1 11 22m
2 9 20m

Start about 3m to right of 'Easy Way Out'.

  1. 22m 11 Ascend face moving left for 2m then straight up for 6m. Climb left into diagonally right sloping corner crack up to corner belay 14m.

  2. 20m 9 Proceed directly up easy face. Ascend to top moving slightly left.

FA: H. Wong

Trad 42m, 2 Magaliesberg

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