1 17 25m
2 20 30m


Start 5m upstream of 'Casualty Ward' i.e. at the upstream entrance to the cave which is several meters above the ground.

  1. 25m 17 Climb up to a recess and continue up to a roof 20m up. Traverse right around the arete to gain a ledge just above a small tree on the Apex face.

  2. 30m 20 Climb up diagonally right past a large loose block to a ledge then back diagonally left to the top of a block. From there move strenuously up to big jugs and finish diagonally right on smaller holds. Exit just right of aloes.

Note: Steep sustained face climbing mostly on good jugs.


Storia via

10 Feb 1985Prima ascensione: George Mallory & Steven Mallory



Lat/Lon: -25.78059, 27.65925

Alcuni contenuti sono stati forniti sotto licenza da: © MCSA (MCSA)

Citazione grado

17,20 Grado comunitario registrato
Marc dM
20 SACIN - South African Climbing Info Network


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. There is currently a moratorium on bolting in Magaliesberg.

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