1 9 18m
2 11 18m
3 8 18m
4 8 25m


The start of this climb may be located by reference to three caves near the base of the rook and spaced about 30m apart. The route commences about 9m to the left of the most westerly of these three caves, in a small recess, and is marked by a beacon at ground level. The starting point is actually on a broad grass ledge which is reached by clambering over a rocky slope at the bottom of the krantz. Between the starting point and the cave on the right there is a natural feature on the rock having the appearance of an inverted broad arrow chiselled into the rock. This is greenish-yellow in colour.

  1. 18m 9 From the beacon work up in the recess towards the left then traverse right over the top of the recess, thence upwards to the right towards the crack immediately above the cave. This crack is covered with aloes and a stance on a small ledge is found on the edge of these aloes almost in the crack.

  2. 18m 11 From the stance in the crack step to left thence vertically upwards over good sound rock to a large sloping ledge.

  3. 18m 8 This section is obvious and a number of easy alternatives present themselves. The most vertical is the best.

  4. 25m 8 Work up to the final rock slope on the right or left of an overhanging rock immediately above the 'cave crack'.

Note: The rock is sound and holds good. The first stance can accommodate two people only with comfort. Top section is disappointing after the first two pitches.


Storia via

1938Prima ascensione: P. Houmoller



Lat/Lon: -25.73110, 27.82306

Alcuni contenuti sono stati forniti sotto licenza da: © MCSA (MCSA)

Citazione grado

9,11,8,8 Grado comunitario registrato
Marc dM


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. There is currently a moratorium on bolting in Magaliesberg.

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