
Questa area è chiusa per le arrampicate.

Flora e fauna: Vulture Colony & Black Eagles

Some of the main Skeerpoort cliffs are off limits to avoid any possible disturbance of the vulture colony. Further, climbers are asked to avoid climbing at Eureka Dome from April to October since Black Eagles are known to nest in the area.

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Ha creato 4 anni fa
1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8


Starts from grass ledge, about 9m to left of 'Lunacy' and 3m to right of a buttress projecting from the face. The climb follows an almost vertical line up the face from the starting beacon, in 3 or 4 pitches of grade 8 climbing. Climbs directly up the buttress and on left of buttress, also of grade 8, are considered variations of 'Eureka Face'.


Storia via

6 Mar 1932Prima ascensione: A.C. Partridge, H.T. Brock, R. Seath, A.J. Kennedy, R.J. Matthews & C. Hutchinson


12 Nov 2019 Avvertimento Flora e fauna: Vulture Colony & Black Eagles


Lat/Lon: -25.74963, 27.75278

Alcuni contenuti sono stati forniti sotto licenza da: © MCSA (MCSA)

Citazione grado

8,8,8,8 Grado comunitario registrato
Marc dM

limitazioni per l'accesso

The area is on private property; liaise with the MCSA regarding access.

Some of the main Skeerpoort cliffs are off limits to avoid any possible disturbance of the vulture colony. Further, climbers are asked to avoid climbing at Eureka Dome from April to October since Black Eagles are known to nest in the area. However, as this is a South facing crag, it gets very cold in winter which means it’s best to climb there in the summer anyway.

ereditato da Eureka Dome & Skeerpoort


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. 9 climbs (including the longest Magaliesberg climb, Upthrust) cannot be climbed at all due to vultures nesting on the cliffs.

ereditato da Eureka Dome & Skeerpoort


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