1 20 25m
2 19 25m
3 6 18m


Starts just to the left of the very steep recess with roots coming down it, to the left of 'Pidgeon Hole' recess. There is some thick tree cover around the start.

  1. [20] 25m
    Climb a small steep recess for 5m to a rusty fixed piton. Traverse left for 1.5m and then diagonally up steep rock for 5m to a small block above which there is another fixed piton. Move up the steep shallow recess above for 1,5m and then move strenuously up right onto some blocks. Step back left into the shallow recess and move up to 1,5m below an aloe where there is a fixed piton. Traverse right for 1,5m and then climb steep rock to where the angle eases. Then diagonally right to a stance in the main recess.
  2. [19] 25m
    Step back down left from the stance and traverse delicately left into the corner. Move up strenuously on good holds and continue up the steep corner to the large ledge. Climb the crack above for 3m and then step left on to the easier angled face which is climbed to the large ledge and tree belay.
  3. [6] 18m
    Continue to top.

Storia via

1982Prima ascensione: Charles Edelstein & Party



Lat/Lon: -25.81698, 27.58352

Citazione grado

20,19,6 Grado comunitario registrato


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. There is currently a moratorium on bolting in Magaliesberg.

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