
Ascensioni in Comunidad Valenciana come Onsight da Vin Send

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Tutti 29 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Dom 18 Feb 2024 - Montanejos
Los Estrechos La Yedra
6c mortadelo y mi flemon Sportiva 35m
35m. Varied fine climbing on subtle unchalked holds and tiny feet.

Sab 17 Feb 2024 - Montanejos
Carretera de Montán Barranco París-Dakar Laberinto de los Dragones
7a Me enamoré de una bombera Sportiva 25m
Several pumpy sequences on medium holds. Love the feet. Thanks Kiki.


6c Reunión de camión Sportiva 25m
Varied. Tricky puzzles.

Ven 16 Feb 2024 - Montanejos
Barranco de la Maimona Pilas alcalinas
7a+ Relics Sportiva 30m, 11
Steep line on reachy jugs. Act quick and don't hold back on strange dropknees.

6b+ La dama de la guadaña Sportiva 30m, 6
Restday for the toes. Sorry biceps.

6c Coyote Sportiva 30m, 9
Steep, gradual and flowy.

Mer 14 Feb 2024 - Jérica
Pared de Enfrente Huajolotes
6c Utopia Sportiva 20m, 9
Vertical slab that constantly keeps you on the edge. Sweet funky moves. Perfect. Ultraclassic in the grade.

7a Lost on you Sportiva 38m, 17
L1+L2 (35m). Very nice. Builds up slowly, eventually demanding funky moves and a hard to read end. Thanks Kiki.

Mar 13 Feb 2024 - Chulilla
Pantano Oasis
6c+ Pasajeros del Silencio Sportiva 35m
Everything seemed the crux. Sustained. Mean straightwall boulders. Actually nice for their style. Thanks Kiki.


Lun 12 Feb 2024 - Chulilla
Pantano Chorreras
7b Sendero Luminoso (right-ext) Sportiva 50m, 30
Magical journey that goes 50 meters up on bigger-than-life tufas, with eventually no trace of chalk. Highly recommended adventure, especially at dusk all alone in the canyon.

7a Sendero Luminoso Sportiva 37m
No reason not to extend this beauty!! Ok having a short rope is a reason.

6b+ Long dong John Sportiva 38m, 16
Vertical climb between dramatic tufas.

Dom 11 Feb 2024 - Chulilla
Chulilla Town Muro de las lamentaciones
6c El ramallito Sportiva 35m, 16
Classic must-do long 6c.

6b Yorkshire pudding Sportiva 35m, 15
Surprisingly tricky start meters.


Sab 10 Feb 2024 - Chulilla
Chulilla Town Muro de las lamentaciones
6c/c+ Presiscrack Sportiva 35m, 14
Dramatic crackflakedihedral. Really cool. Comparable in grade and style to Freyr's (Belgium) Liedekerke and Love Me Tender.

7a El muro de las lamentaciones Sportiva 35m, 16
Absolutely stunning. Long continuous route on 'gouttes d'eau'. Just perfect. Dancing. Toes are less enthusiast though.

Sab 10 Feb 2024 - Chulilla
Chulilla Town Pared de Enfrente Sex Shop
6c+ La Diagonal Sportiva 70m
Big fun fissure with cavities. The polished feet don't spoil it. Thanks Kiki.

Gio 8 Feb 2024 - Buñol
Carcalín Corral de Cabras
6c La maños Sportiva 15m, 8
Yes! Weird and elusive the entire way up. Magic if it works. Glad i didn't fall because i would never have figured how to get back in. Buñol seems to be the anti holiday grade place.


6b Els Bunyolers Sportiva 20m, 9
Techy and tricky on small stuff. Welcome to Corral de Cabras. Goodbye simple pop climbing.

Mer 7 Feb 2024 - Cocentaina
Mas de la Penya Sector 3
6c Por Tutatis Sportiva 35m
More jugs in one route than in a whole year in Belgium.


Mer 7 Feb 2024 - Cocentaina
Mas de la Penya Sector 1
6c Ultims pases Sportiva 37m, 18
Generous beautiful pillar. So much climbing in this one. Thanks Kiki.

Mer 7 Feb 2024 - Cocentaina
Mas de la Penya Sector 3
7a+ Mora Sportiva 32m
MAGNIFICENT. Blobby flake/dihedral that goes on for 35m. Felt mean in the scorching sun, having to put in 17 draws. Once over, I felt like I ran a 15km comp with a sprint right before the finish. Probably took as long. Skyhigh wall in a sacred place, full of life.

Lun 5 Feb 2024 - Vallada
Tierra de Nadie
6c Big Bang Sportiva
Long and a few times interesting. One of my favourites here.

7a+ Aegalis Sportiva
Good one with great tufas! Keeps serving ergonomically shaped jugs. Max grade V in the 1930's ( most routes here, which might explain the incredible popularity).


7a Enigma Sportiva
Waw! 38 vertical meters of jugs except for one puzzly moment. Cool cruisy climbing. Thanks Kiki.


6b El gendarme Sportiva
Maybe 6a


6c Resistant Sportiva
More like 6b?


Sostenere theCrag non fa bene solo al tuo karma
avrai accesso anche a incredibili vantaggi su theCrag e non solo.
6b+ Coralis Sportiva
Baffling crystals. Thanks Kiki.

Dom 4 Feb 2024 - Bellus-Alboy
Altet Estiu placa
6b+ Pere flac Sportiva
No chalk traces. Real route finding in a natural beauty (if you find the flow), Céüzian style 😍 (perfect minimal subtle feet on a vertical slab like in the Pont sur l'Infinit sector).


Tutti 29 ascensioni visualizzati.

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