
Pubblicazioni associate all'area e ad aree più ampie Torside Clough

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Tutti 2 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

Autore/i: Alan James & Adrian Berry

Data: 2023

ISBN: 9781873341988

A comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering in the Peak District, covering well over 3,000 boulder problems. It includes all the areas from Wimberry in the north, through the Eastern Edges, to the Central Gritstone and Limestone and the grit of Staffordshire.

Aree: Peak District

Autore/i: S. Broadbent

Data: 2022

Volume 1 of this climbing guide contains more than 4700 routes on 89 crags in northern England and Wales / primarily 5 to 7b on the French scale.

Aree: Peak District

Tutti 2 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

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