
Pubblicazioni associate all'area e ad aree più ampie Decadent Wall

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Autore/i: Dave Bingham

Data: 2019

ISBN: 9781938393358

Wolverine Publishing:
Whatever style of climbing you prefer, Idaho Underground highlights over 1,500 well-known and lesser-know routes, from the spectacular limestone walls of the Fins to truly underground lava tubes.
  • Full-color 2nd edition includes over 1,500 routes and problems for sport climbing, trad climbing and bouldering at the Fins, Snake River Basalt, Boise and Sun Valley
  • Author Dave Bingham, an Idaho climbing legend, also spotlights lesser known areas, including the Black Cliffs, Teddy Bear Cove, Dierkes Lake, Leslie Gulch and more
  • Wolverine Publishing will donate $1 from every book sold to local climbing organizations

Aree: Idaho

Tutti 1 pubblicazione visualizzati.

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