
Nodi in Armed and Dangerous

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Armed and Dangerous

The shorted, less-intimidating section left of the main (central) wall.

The following three routes start off a ledge a couple meters above the base of the cliff.

The following three routes start off a ledge a couple meters above the base of the cliff.

5.6 Rainbow

Start on the ledge, go up over steep juggy rock then angle leftwards up more slabby rock.

Belayer should consider slinging the tree to anchor in.

5.9 Men in White Suits

Right hand bolt line leading up off the ledge. First bolt is a bit high (though over easy ground), so belayer may with to anchor to the tree to the right. Technical on the early part of the face, then more powerful near the end.

5.6 Brendan's

Follow the right-angling corner/ramp from the right end of the ledge.

5.7 Half Nelson

New (since 2009) short route that starts down and right of the ledge.

5.11- Full Nelson

2nd pitch, goes up the steep headwall above "Half Nelson".

5.9 Bonnie and Clyde

Bouldery start to easier finish.

5.8 Anchovie Caper

Start between some trees growing close to the wall, just before the base turns a corner.

The start is bouldery, leading into easier climbing up the arete. Rock is much smoother without the usual sharp Rumney edges.

The following two routes start above Anchovie Caper.

The following two routes start above Anchovie Caper.

5.9 Panama Hat

Starts from the end of "Anchovie Caper", going up and right from the belay.

5.11a Flying Squirrel

Also starts above the end of "Anchovie Caper", go right from the belay, the up onto a ledge, then up an arete. Joins "Mister Meaner" at the top.

5.10b Fish Corner

On the right of Anchovy Caper, climb in the dihedral now protected by a lower bolt. Start on a crimp with good footholds and toss to a jug on the right to get up the dihedral. Then easier climbing up to the anchor.

5.9 Green Mile

Climb the smooth (and, for Rumney, very low friction) slab with a thin crack in it.

5.8 Mentally Disturbed


5.10a Juicy Fingers

Left up a crack, then right; shares anchor with "Scene of the Crime"

5.10a Scene of the Crime

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.11c Cereal Killer

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.10b Armed, Dangerous and Off My Medication

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.10d Clusterphobia

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.8 Metamorphosis

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.7 PG Slack

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.6 PG13 Barbershop Duet

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.11d Mitosis

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.13b Mesresha

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.10c Seasame Street

Rumney Climbers' Association coordinates access issues.

5.7 The Big Easy

Starts over a low overhang.

  1. 5.7, 10 bolts.Low overhang, slab, then a bit steeper.

  2. 5.4, 5 bolts. Continue up easy slab.

Many people just climb the better first pitch.

5.9 The White Buttress

Extension of The Big Easy or Bourbon Street

5.9 Greener Pastures

Extension of The Big Easy

5.10c Bourbon Street

Extension of The Big Easy

5.11c Cloud Atlas

Alternate second pitch of The Big Easy

5.8 Toxic Gumbo

Climb the over-hanging corner up and right, then up good climbing above.

5.9 Boats from Cuba

Alternate second pitch to The Big Easy

5.10a Arugula, Arugula

Climb straight up through the left side of the large roof.

5.10a Far From Feral

Climb straight up through the right side of the large roof.

5.8 The Maltese Falcon

Slab at the right end of this section.

Tutti 36 nodi visualizzati.

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