
Ascensioni in World come vari tipologie da Phil Box

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1 - 100 di 345 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Sab 13 Gen 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
16 18 Troposphere (Troposphere p5) Sportiva 110m Molto buona
15 18 Troposphere (Troposphere p4) Sportiva 110m Molto buona
18 Troposphere (Troposphere p3) Sportiva 110m Classica
17 18 Troposphere (Troposphere p2) Sportiva 110m Molto buona
15 18 Troposphere (Troposphere p1) Sportiva 110m Buona
Sab 18 Dic 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 Vernal Equinox Sportiva 28m, 11
Hard boulder problem in the middle

Sab 18 Dic 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
22 Caritas Sportiva 18m, 7 Mega Classica
Absolute top quality climbing, virtually the best I`ve done. Along for the ride on the FFA

Sab 18 Dic 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
18 Rubicon p1 Sportiva 85m Classica
Very fun climbing, highly recommend. Along for the ride on the FFA

22 Rubicon p2 Sportiva 85m Molto buona
I had problems with this climb, great but a little hard for me. Along for the ride on the FFA

Dom 28 Nov 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
14 Heliosphere Sportiva 35m Buona
I rope soloed this one for the FFA.

Sab 27 Nov 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
24 Zenith Sportiva 25m, 8 Molto buona
Seconded Lee on the FFA, I dogged a few moves though:((

22 Latitudes Sportiva 35m Classica
Seconded Lee on this superb pitch.

Dom 14 Nov 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 23 Voyager (Voyager p2) Sportiva 95m Classica
Superb pitch with some great layback moves.

17 Voyager p4 Sportiva 95m Buona
An easy top out pitch to the Halfway House Terrace.

23 Voyager p3 Sportiva 95m Classica
Kudos to Cam for ticking the FFA of the crux

Ven 16 Lug 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 Aphelion p4 / Rubicon p3 Sportiva 87m Classica
It might be short but it is stellar and tough.

21 Aphelion p2 Sportiva 87m Classica
Once again I seconded Cam on this FFA pitch.

16 Aphelion p1 / Voyager p1 Sportiva 95m Molto buona
Phil lead Cam seconded

22 Aphelion p3 Sportiva 87m Mega Classica
Once again kudos to Cam for the FFA of the crux pitch.

Dom 27 Giu 2004 - Redcliffs
Trad bumblies
16 Trad Bumblies Revenge Trad 5m Molto buona
Nearly as good as the climb to the left. Phil 1 Chris Jannusch 2.

Dom 27 Giu 2004 - Redcliffs
22 Foetal Attraction Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Lee Skidmore 1st and me second on the FFA. Took a year for me to put this one up in between injuries and too hot summer weather.

Dom 27 Giu 2004 - Redcliffs
Send in the Clowns
16 Traverse Of The Clowns Sconosciuto 35m Molto buona
Lee one, Eric 2 and me third on this first ascent.

Dom 27 Giu 2004 - Redcliffs
Trad bumblies
16 Give It The Finger Trad 7m Molto buona
Onsight ground up ascent, it will clean up with traffic, Phil 1 Cris Jannusch 2.

14 Better Late Than Never Trad 5m Molto buona
Chris Jannusch 1 Phil 2

13 Afternoon Delight Trad 5m Molto buona
This is the best route in this little trad corner of the world. Phil 1 Chris Jannusch 2.

14 Theoretical Trad 6m Molto buona
One of the moves reminds me of a grab on Theory at Frog. Phil 1 Chris Jannusch 2.

10 Fern Gully Bumble Trad 6m Buona
Chris Jannusch 1 Phil 2

Dom 13 Giu 2004 - Redcliffs
Sharks fin
22 Trireme Trad 40m Buona
Alternate pitches FFa by Simon Voss, Robert Knight and Phil Box. Steep climbing over three distinct roofs. It is marred somewhat by the start pitch which is akin to a vertical beach.

Dom 13 Giu 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Satyricon Trad 35m Classica
The guidebook is wrong, this is a classic and well worth the varied climbing it offers.

Dom 30 Mag 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Trad 33m Classica
Loved it and dunno why I haven`t been on this climb before.

Lun 15 Mar 2004 - Burleigh Heads National Park
16 You Tarzan Sconosciuto 15m
14 Narrow Is The Way Trad 15m
14 Jungle Gym Trad 13m
15 Amazon Trad 15m
17 Anaconda Trad 15m
Ven 2 Gen 2004 - The Paradiso
22 Too Tall Oxen Sportiva 32m Classica
Its all good the ribs are healing fine, dont beat yourself up too much Lee for dislodging the rock on me mate.

2004 - The Paradiso
17 High Noon Sportiva 10m, 4 Classica
I repeated it the next day in my volleys.

21 Shock Wave Sportiva 13m, 5 Classica
Excellent climb on bomber solid rock.

Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Alchemy Wall
19 Blue-Eyed Blonde Trad 25m Molto buona
I`m gunna hafta take copious notes next time so I can remember what the hell I climbed.

19 Walking the Plank Trad 25m Molto buona
So what if it was a top rope ascent, I`m not too proud to admit it.

Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs White Stack
17 Tashtego Trad 10m Classica
It`s all good when the onsight is ticked.

Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Light Fingered Maddison Buttress
21 Light Fingered Madison Trad 15m Molto buona
Gotta love ticking a reasonably hard climb

Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs White Stack
18 Mithras Trad 20m Molto buona
Watch out for the wave action in a big sea.

Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Whitewater Wall
12 Apline Trad 70m Mega Classica
This was an excellent solo, a long dyke with beautiful handholds just made for climbing.

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Lassie's Wall
11 Pandora Trad 27m Classica
More, more, gimme more. Loved it.

15 Cordon Bleu Trad 25m Classica
Mmmmm, I love this short wall and all of its cracks and steep slabs.

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Whitewater Wall
19 No Turn Unstoned Trad mista 45m, 1 Molto buona
Great climb in a spectacular position.

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Lassie's Wall
13 Artemus Trad 25m Classica
Love that granite sea cliff climbing

16 Rose Ramble Trad 22m Molto buona
Lassies wall is fantastic

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress
18 Harlequin Trad 28m Classica
Joyous crack climbing but a way thin slab finish

9 Crayfish Crack Trad 40m
Apparently I did this on second but can`t remember doing it.

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Lassie's Wall
15 Antagonist Trad 25m Molto buona
Loved every climb we did at Coles Bay

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress
16 Ice Nine Trad 35m Classica
Loved the start and the step across the sea cave below.

Lun 29 Dic 2003 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Lassie's Wall
16 Road To Ruin Trad 25m Molto buona
A place to get major tickage happening

Dom 28 Dic 2003 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
18 17 Barbe Di Vendetta Trad 90m Mega Classica
I did the 1st and 3rd pitches and Lee did the second pitch. The top pitch is 45 metres and not 15 as advertised in the guide. Watch for loose rock in the top pitch.

Sab 27 Dic 2003 - Hillwood (private land)
Rock Of Ages & Surrounds
17 Parallel Universe Sportiva 18m Molto buona
I changed my mind this one is the best at Hillwood

20 Fresh Fire Sportiva 18m Classica
Actually I think thiws is one of the best at Hillwood

Sab 27 Dic 2003 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Dungeon
15 The Great Escape Trad 10m Molto buona
One of the best at Hillwood

Ven 26 Dic 2003 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
19 Ghost Rider Sportiva 27m, 10 Molto buona
Even better than the best at Hillwood.

Ven 26 Dic 2003 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
Duck Reach Vamp Buttress
17 19 Five Bells (Free Parking) Trad 20m Classica
Tricky exit to the top.

Ven 26 Dic 2003 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Dungeon
21 Smashing Idols Sportiva 10m Molto buona
Definitely one of the best

Sab 13 Dic 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Mega Classica
I`ve done this climb many times but just for the heck of it I ran up it in bare feet and no tape gloves and two bits of pro. This was the third climb I ever did way back when and I did it in bare feet then too but that was on second.

Dom 23 Nov 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Sleight of Hand Trad 8m Molto buona
The person who soloed this as an FFA has my total respect.

22 Lord Drool Sportiva 6m Molto buona
This would be a very ballsy lead as pro is almost non existent apart from one bolt

Sab 15 Nov 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
NE Buttress Sector
19 Sunburnt Buttress Trad 190m Molto buona
I onsigthed the second, third and fifth pitch. This is a great route for an adventure but be aware of severe runouts on the second last pitch with problematic bolt finding. The rest of the climb is very well bolted.

Dom 18 Mag 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Ethicmans Dilemma Trad 22m Buona
Of course I liked it, I love jammin

15 Rest Area Ahead Trad 10m Molto buona
Another hidden Frog gem

14 Psychedelic Apricot Trad 15m Buona
What can ya say when the route offers two pieces of pro, one blue Alien and then the biggest cam that can be bought.

21 Oppenheimer's Monster Trad mista 25m, 2 Classica
Why does this climb not have three stars. An improbable climb that I would not ordinarily consider but when on it found it to be fantastic

20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m Molto buona
Im working my way through all the harder climbs Ive seconded in the past. Call this one an oldtimers onsight.

19 Humility Trad 15m Molto buona
Another one of the few face climbs at Frog. Give it a go you`ll be pleasantly surprised

Dom 4 Mag 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
24 The Republican Guard Sportiva 15m, 5 Classica
Success at last FFA has been sent.

Dom 27 Apr 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Warlock Trad 26m Classica
Another day in paradise crack climbing at Frog. I led this in the rain

20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles Trad 32m Classica
Fantastic climbing at the grade.

Dom 30 Mar 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
23 Gut Punch The Budda Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
Dogged up seconding Lee on the first ascent

24 Voluptuous Sportiva 11m, 7 Mega Classica
I can`t really lay any claim for the FFA as I was merely there and worked it on top rope while Lee also worked it.

21 Cunningly Deceptive Trad mista 25m, 2 Media
Very careful gear placement needed on the start of this one

Dom 9 Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Epic Journey Trad 30m Molto buona
Thanks Lee for pushing me up this

24 Down With His Pants Trad mista 20m, 3
I was sure that I wouldn`t get this.

Dom 9 Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Babys Bottom Trad 8m Molto buona
11 Parsons Pleasure Trad 10m Molto buona
Sab 8 Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Southern Comfort Trad 15m Molto buona
I thought that I had previously esconded this climb but I checked the records and found out that this is an onsight.

Dom 2 Mar 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
15 18 Lancelot Trad 90m Classica
Cameron Fairbairn lead the first two pitches in one push and I lead the second two pitches together. This is a great climb except for the exposed crux which is unprotectable. A little caution here is needed to surmount the crux.

Dom 2 Mar 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
18 The Sword In The Stone Trad 25m Classica
This is actually the original second pitch and then Cameron Fairbairn put up a more direct line on two bolts later in the day but it goes at 24.

17 The Court Jester p2 Trad 20m Classica
You too can enjoy this fun masterpiece.

23 Maponus p2 Trad mista 25m, 2 Mega Classica
I feel honoured to have been a part of the first ascent team. Cameron lead the first pitch and I lead the variant second pitch and then Cam lead the direct second pitch. We each seconded the other.

Dom 16 Feb 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
17 Guenevere Trad 90m Classica
Fun little first pitch direct start to Lancelot

Sab 15 Feb 2003 - Mt Tibrogargan
Carborundum Wall
21 Airtime Over Pumicestone Trad mista 250m, 24 Mega Classica
Lee and I worked hard to put up this route. Way special to tick this as a first ascent.

Gio 2 Gen 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Abseil Gully
12 The Eyrie Trad mista 45m, 3
8 Tongan Corner Trad 59m
10 Sweet Irish Trad 49m
Gio 2 Gen 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Afghan/Girl in the Mirror wall
17 Khyber Pass Trad 48m
Gio 2 Gen 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Abseil Gully
16 15 Another Man's Juliet Trad mista 48m, 3
13 Atlantis Trad 60m
14 Set, Piece, Battle Trad mista 50m, 8
Mar 31 Dic 2002 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Ancient Mariner Buttress
21 Cowboy Clip Sportiva 10m
I loved this. It`s got a fantastic easy heel hook

Lun 30 Dic 2002 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Bunny Bucket Buttress and Hotel California Area
21 22 Hotel California Sportiva 330m
Climbed this with Lee and I swinging leads. On the eighth pitch a hold broke and I came off.

Dom 29 Dic 2002 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen White Linen Wall
20 Dr Foopsickle Sportiva 8m
Dom 29 Dic 2002 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
23 Acceptably Cosmic Sportiva 10m
Sab 28 Dic 2002 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
18 Traverse of the Gods Trad mista 52m, 3

1 - 100 di 345 ascensioni.

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