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등급 루트 장비 스타일 등반가
목요일 13번째 1월 2022 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz - 누구와 Stephanie Levesque 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 아주좋음
Nabor Andariza
Anchors looking like shit, downclimb and back jump to clean.

월요일 29번째 11월 2021 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz - 누구와 William Wardlaw-Kelly 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 아주좋음
Scott Roberts
월요일 10번째 12월 2018 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz - 누구와 Ryan Sklenica, Dan Johnson 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 좋음
Failed miserably trying to pull around the initial roof on lead. My ability to "release" was apparently lacking. Did the roof quite easily on toprope, so I think the current state of the bolts must have stopped me trying on lead. Interesting and worthwhile climb.

일요일 9번째 12월 2018 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz - 누구와 o_g, Ryan Sklenica 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 아주좋음
Dan Johnson
Loved this route, totally my style climbed through to the roof and did the “release” perfectly really happy with my flash attempt, took a fall on the second aluminium can ringpull hanger on the roof and it held! Guess they will last another 10 years. Superb climbing long crux sequence. At the top end of 24, another project on the list this should go easily though. Very close to a crag classic for me

목요일 29번째 11월 2018 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 아주좋음
Ryan Sklenica
Another awesome route. The rusty dyna bolts along with the homemade tinfoil hangers adds a bit of spice to it!

화요일 13번째 4월 2010 - Adamsfield
The Trapeze
24 Circus Oz 스포츠 클라이밍 20m 좋음
Alan Williams

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