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These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

Carpark Sector

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

Carpark Sector
V0 2 Moves

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Fluke

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Slab

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V3 High Arete

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0+ Warm Up Arete

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Finger Pain

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V5 The Reaper

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V3 Less Than Optimal

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V5 The GIft: Part Two

Sit start.

V4 Little Halle Bopp

Sit start and dyno to the top. Good edge to topout.

Shield Left

Stand start and up left side of the shield with hard compressive movements to the slopers. Good holds to topout. A low start possible, will be harder.

V5 to V6 Shield Right

Stand start and up the right side of the shield using slopers.

V5 The crack

A deceptively hard start up to the notch at which point things ease. Small footers.

Traverse project

Traverse across and through the shield topping out at the side of the boulder before the dyno. A sit start dyno to traverse may be possible - 10+?

V4 Arete

Up past the shield of now broken rock, turn onto the face and layback your way up.

V6 Project downhill

Start as low as possible and topout with a big throw from a left-hand notch on the arete.

V2 Slab left

Up the left side of the slab.

V3 Slab right

Up the slab on poor footers trending more to the right.

V1 Chris' Crack

Sit start.

V3 Easy "Slab"

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V3 Papa Smurf and The Sex Chair

Start as for Little Halle Bopp

V3 Aziz

Sit start.

V1 Tight Squeeze

Sit start.

V1 Game Boy

Just around the corner from Tetris. Start matched on flake and up through small positive holds to top out. Needs a bit more cleaning.

V5 Tetris

Sit start.

V1 Ray's Your Weapon

Just behind Tetris when facing it. Sit start on the horn and balance up onto the slab to top.

V0 Easy Up

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Son of a Motherless Rabit

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Irish Wristwatch

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 You Gotta Have Faith

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V3 Penance

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V5 Peity

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Ressurection

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V5 The Holy Grail

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Worthy of Praise

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Walking On Water

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Like a Stick In The Head

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Stairway To Heaven

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Loaves and Fishes

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Fear Not, My Child

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Trinity

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Only The Penitent Man Shall Pass

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 40 Days & 40 Nights

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Son of a Motherless Cow

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 The Popular Peoples Front

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Where is My Messiah Now

Sit start.

Mooney Sector

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

Mooney Sector
V3 Baked As Bro!

Sit start.

V4 Pulling On Nothing

Sit start.

V5 Around The World

Sit start.

V6 Black Mist

Sit start.

V3 The Globe

Sit start.

V1 Teste Topout

Sit start.

V4 Three Finger Stripe

Sit start.

V3 Aretes Are Out But Not For Some

Sit start.

V5 The Gift

Classic! Sit start.

V0 Peanut Corner

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Ren Can't Spell

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V2 Jesus Wept

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Ant Surprise

Sit start.

V0 Bogong Home Wrecker

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V3 Moth Man

Sit start.

V0 Ib's Arete

Sit start.

V0 Ray’s Arete

Sit start.

V1 Ray’s Arete Variant

Sit start.

V4 Variant of the Variant

From the slopey rail at half-hight, dyno for the top, avoiding the arete

V5 Shooters

Sit start.

V3 The Face

Sit start.

V5 The Ray’s Boulder Traverse

Sit start.

V0 Duncan’s Arete

Sit start.

V2 Harder Than It Looks

Sit start.

V3 Heel Beta Is The Bomb

Sit start.

V4 One Sock

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V6 Simian Deficiency

Sit start.

V7 Simian Deficiency Low Start

Sit start as for 'Half a yellow sun' then moving right into Siman Deficiency.

V5 Razor

Sit start.

V5 Half Of A Yellow Sun

Sit start.

V3 Afternoon Rays

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Bum Crimp Slab

Sit start.

V1 Funnel Web

Sit start.

V1 Ib's

Sit start.

V2 Dave's Warm Up

Great overhanging boulder 75 meters downhill of Simian Deficiency and to the left. Stand start left of arete, up and mantle. Sit start and you're a boss.

V6 Your Child should have a name

Sit start at obvious flake/scoop combo. Compress, bump throw and delicately mantle your way to the top. Fantastic.

V5 Crip Walk

Slab bouldering 50m North of Dave's Warm Up. This super delicate slab-mantle will frustrate those without a large wingspan. Start left hand side standing and traverse the centre of the boulder, then up. Scrubbed by Zach, sent by Neil...sigh.

V1 You'll never see him with high heels.

Start on the right hand shelf, then mantle up. More committing than difficult.

V0 Please don't snap

Up the right hand arete via the chunky flake.

V0 A Cracking Good Line

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

Lower Main Sector

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

Lower Main Sector
V0 Popping The Cherry

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V0 Stumpy

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V5 Every Trick In The Book

Sit start.

V0 Welcome Back

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V1 Arthur

Sit start.

V0 Martha

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V6 The Fighter

These boulders lie in a national park. While there are no current access restrictions, please respect the nature of the park and aim to minimise your impact. Refer to the NPWS alerts page for the park for up-to-date access information.

V4 The Squeeze

Sit start.

V6 Single Female Lawyer

Stand start on the obvious left-hand diagonal jug (not high crimp sidepull) with right hand on arete and compress up – one of the best lines around. A must do classic.

Matti Puckridge

V8 Single Female Lawyer Sit Start

Sit start and do the first move as for problem 11 (The Squeeze) then move right to the start of Single Female Lawyer and head to the top!

{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

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