
Access: Limited

Due to landslides and road cave-ins along Barron Gorge Rd, this area is closed to public car access. Can instead park at -16.866122,145.671846 then walk or ride a bicycle to desired crag. Updated May 2024.

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개발된 수개월 전 - 편집된 수 주일 전


Squeeze up the slopey arete.

루트 역사

There is no known route history.


26 Jan 2024 경고 Access: Limited

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위도/경도: -16.84791, 145.64738

Grade citation

Callum Mather


Brush holds, respect veg, wildlife, and the rock as much as possible. Take all that goes with you back out of the gorge inc. fruit scraps. Please also take any rubbish you find.

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