
루트들 Lower Tier Left Side에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
13 GT Stripe

Wide corner on left side of bushy alcove a few metres right of where the old pad straight up from Waterworks Track reaches the cliff.

FA: Heather Phillips & Alan Hope, 1982

전통등반 25m
16 Not The Kingswood

Start at the arete 2 metres left of "GT Stripe"

  1. 10m (16) 'Arete' then wall, exiting left of a large boulder onto large ledge.

  2. 15m (12) Up the right edge of the main face.

FA: Keith Egerton & Kieran Loughran (alt), 1982

전통등반 25m, 2
16 Pretty In Pink

Start just left of where the old track meets the cliff and just right of an empty bolt hole.

Follow a corner crack through a roof then a face from a terrace.

FA: Keith Egerton & James Falla, 1984

전통등반 25m
16 Sweet Thursday

Start: The next gully to the left has two corners on the right side. The right-hand, short corner.

Climb the corner and finish straight up the wall. A variant finish at the same grade is to move left into the left-leading diagonal.

FA: Jim Nelson, M.Spence. Variant: Felicity Rousseaux & Stephanie Perrie, 1978

전통등반 25m
18 Sundae

A lovely climb.

The elegant sloping corner just left of Sweet Thursday.

FA: Keith Egerton & Peter Cunningham, 1978

전통등반 25m
23 R Eat It

A classy arete but fiddling in the protection is scary.

Start as for Sundae.

Up Sundae for 8 metres and move out left to the arete and up.

FA: Louise Shepherd & Geoff Weigand, 1985

전통등반 25m
13 Noisy Dog Night

Start at a tree at the base of the left wall of the Sundae gully.

Climb the wall for 10 metres then move up left to a large ledge. Climb the arete on the right.

FA: Peter Cunningham & Heather Phillips, 1981

전통등반 40m
13 Copybook

Amusing start and a good continuation

Start 10 metres left of the Sundae gully at an undercut corner.

Pull into corner and up it and easy chimney.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Arthur Glencross, 1981

전통등반 40m
17 No Name Country

Start a few metres left of Copybook, just left of the centre of the wall.

Climb the wall until just below the left edge of the big roof. The arete on the left to an exciting finish.

FA: Ian Anger & Kieran Loughran, 1985

전통등반 40m
21 R Bushwalking In The Gramps

Start is difficult to protect.

Start at round arete just left of No Name Country.

Up arete to a ledge. Continue up the wall, keeping left of the arete.

FA: Geoff Weigand (solo), 1984

전통등반 40m
23 BITG Variant Start

Climb seams 2 metres left of the start of Bushwalking In The Gramps past a poor pin (probably not necessary)

FA: Kieran Loughran & Tony Pearson, 1984

24 R District Nursing Service

Start at orange corner 15 metres left of Bushwalking In The Gramps.

Corner to roof and move right to easy ground

FA: Geoff Weigand, 1984

전통등반 20m
22 Ulla

A fine climb spoiled by a silly crux.

Start at orange corner as for District Nursing Service.

Corner to roof and traverse left below the roof to a small ledge. Either move into the gully or use as many cheating stones as necessary to continue up the wall.

FA: Ulla Pearson (to ledge). Geoff Weigand & Tony Perason (complete route), 1984

전통등반 40m
27 Cherry Boy

Geoff was pointed at this to keep him away from STD Wall.

Thin technical seam up the overhung wall at the left end of the crag. Might be more popular if the crappy fixed wire was replaced with a bolt.

FA: Geoff Weigand, 1984

전통등반 20m

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