
루트들 Leviathan Bloc에서

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  • 제 시간에 도착
  • 경사진 곳에 들어서다
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  • 날씨
  • 관점
  • 바위형태
  • 컨디션
  • 하강
  • Vegetation
  • 경사도
  • 스타일
~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V2 Seamen Up!

Start on low jug, move through slopey rail into seam.

FA: Jimmy Stephens

볼더 4m
V2 Walking the Plank

Start on low jug move to slopey rail and move left to jugs.

FA: Louis Godsell, 2014

볼더 4m
V1 R Port Holes

Sit start directly below pocketed wall, climb straight up through pockets to tallest part of boulder.

FA: Troy Mckenzie, 13 9월 2014

볼더 8m
V5 On Your Knees

On your knees captain. Crouch start with right hand on crimp and left hand on rounded side pull and up through slopes to easy, but tall top out.

FA: Troy Mckenzie

볼더 8m
V3 Cannon Fodder

Novelty. Jump start into slopey jug, top out via seam. Add a direct start from low seam if you can, will be tricky.

FA: Jimmy Stephens

볼더 8m
V6 Deep Sea Delicacy

Start as for Rapuntzel, solve an interesting slab traverse to join into CF, finishing up this.

FA: Goshen Watts, 16 8월 2015

볼더 9m
V4 R Rapuntzel

Let down your hair... But don't punt off the top! Climb on tall arête through jugs and seams. Make committing mantle over the lip.

FA: Louis Godsell

볼더 10m

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