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등급 루트 장비 스타일 등반가
토요일 9번째 3월 2024 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Marcos Canales, Axelclimbtv, Chuck, Michael Velsigne 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Wunna Kyaw
nice roof sequence. pulled past the hard move to access roof.

목요일 14번째 9월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Paddy Kemmis
토요일 26번째 8월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Cameron Lovell
Cool climb, will go for sure but hard to psych myself up for a propper burn when there are puddles in some of the holds

금요일 21번째 7월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Breanna Slattery
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
YES!!!! upside down climbing awesomeness

일요일 25번째 6월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Drew Henman
금요일 7번째 4월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Freya lamont 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Cameron Lovell
Onsight fell apart on the last move of Lobster going to what I thought was the clipping jug but turned out to be nothing at all. Quickly met wet holds in the roof and decided to come back another day

일요일 8번째 1월 2023 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster — 2 attempts 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Jimmy O'Reilly
Fun style

일요일 19번째 6월 2022 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Scrumpy 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Sean Gallagher
Better burns today than first time around. Just need to clean up some beta and manage the pump.

토요일 30번째 4월 2022 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
jack hatton
토요일 31번째 7월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Trent 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Such a fun roof! Stoked to send it

일요일 20번째 6월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Lachlan, JASON PIPER, Cameron 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Luke Yerbury
Warm-up hanging draws. Bit moist.

화요일 15번째 6월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Peter Melouney 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
일요일 13번째 6월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Michael Edenborough
토요일 12번째 6월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Michael Edenborough
일요일 6번째 6월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Zeke Whitfeld
수요일 14번째 4월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 tom and tobin 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Drew Henman
All clean on the warm up.

목요일 18번째 2월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Sean Gallagher
Awesome line, just need endurance for the red point!

일요일 31번째 1월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Nathan Hingee
수요일 20번째 1월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Drew Henman
Got to the last clip, changed out the draw for something a little more practical, then turned left instead of right and doing the last move. I’m claiming the tick and ignoring anything that Pommy says.

일요일 10번째 1월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Stephen Rawls
토요일 9번째 1월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Meredith Apple
went feet first then all spun around, need to get better a roof reading

금요일 제 1 1월 2021 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Andrew Quizon
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
William Frost-Foster
목요일 31번째 12월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
토요일 24번째 10월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Michael Moore
Draws up for warm up

토요일 17번째 10월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
2nd go after slipping off spoogy holds at the start of the roof. Awesome climbing.

화요일 6번째 10월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Luke Yerbury, Aidan Watts 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Michael Moore
Honestly didn’t like it on my first run, however I warmed up to it with a few more goes. Was an end of day shindig, deep fried the forearms.

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Aidan Watts, Michael Moore 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Luke Yerbury
Cleaning run, managed to get this at the end of the day! Less style than last time.

목요일 제 1 10월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Jess Roach
금요일 18번째 9월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Aidan Watts, Caitlin Schokker 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Luke Yerbury
This thing played mind games big time. Felt intimidating on the first go, then sorted beta and kind of had fun next go, then surprisingly it went down! A lovely climb in the end!

토요일 25번째 7월 2020 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Great features and climbing, love to try this with a good breeze, thanks for the gear Team Pulse!

토요일 7번째 12월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Dylan, Scrumpy 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Shaun Shuncan Duncan
Put the draws up, had a rest at mid roof and worked beta on finish moves

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Dylan, Jessica Robinson, Scrumpy 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Shaun Shuncan Duncan
Beta flowed and the pump stayed away! Super psyched to bag this guy

일요일 17번째 11월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Magdalena de la Torre
Nice to try it again today, putting the draws up!

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Magdalena de la Torre
Endurance lap and draws cleaning!

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Magdalena de la Torre
Loved it!

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Magdalena de la Torre
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Lucas C
The most pumpy tame roof thugging I know! What a cracker!

토요일 16번째 11월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith, Magdalena de la Torre 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 좋음
Lucas C
Tis ting good!

목요일 10번째 10월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Relieved to send before possible closure

목요일 5번째 9월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Tom Hodgson
(Old Ascent)

토요일 24번째 8월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 James Hockey, Bodhi, Tullia 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Jarrah Turner
Just wasn’t feeling it.

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
목요일 15번째 8월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matt King
일요일 11번째 8월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Rod de Paiva, george 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Dan Brown
Cruised it today! Felt great!

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Rod de Paiva, george 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Dan Brown
Too clean.

일요일 4번째 8월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 James Hockey 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Jarrah Turner
Super cool, wasn't ready for it though. Hope I can come back.

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Dan Brown, Donald Gibson, David Muir 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Awesome roof climbing!pretty straight forward with beta and draws already up..

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
James Hockey
토요일 3번째 8월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Roman 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Dan Brown
Gassed out trying to get the draws on the anchors.

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Donald Gibson, Roman 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
David Muir
Awesome route! Wasn’t feeling it today but feels very doable, more so than fisherman’s basket. Project open and keen to return!

월요일 29번째 7월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Adrian 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Tim Osborne
Still on the warm up, felt good so tried first move of extension and pumped off straight away Keen to put some work into it though!

수요일 3번째 7월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Al Bradley, Adrian 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Tim Osborne
Warm up run

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Al Bradley, Adrian 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Tim Osborne
All clean from anchors of lobster after mincing my footwork

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Al Bradley, Adrian 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Tim Osborne
Sent! Definitely keen to do a few more laps on it and suss out the 28 above!

토요일 22번째 6월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Jacob Netherton
수요일 19번째 6월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Tom Mitchell
월요일 10번째 6월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jessica Robinson 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
2 laps fell just befor the anchors both times but getting more solid with my beta

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Shaun Shuncan Duncan
What an amazing line! Definitely need to work on my feet. First 23 one day hopefully.

목요일 6번째 6월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Maxwell Cullen
Third attempt overall after a few wet days. Such an excellent route. One burn to sort out the moves and ticked on second proper lead attempt. Awesome.

토요일 18번째 5월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Drew Henman
금요일 26번째 4월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Sunny Thapa 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Cut twice to arrange feet on the tick. 3rd attempt clean today. Good fun and awesome the draws were already up

금요일 12번째 4월 2019 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Happy to get this considering the flake felt like soap and was not expecting to get the send

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
월요일 19번째 11월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Charlie Champion De Crespigny
일요일 28번째 10월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Pavel Novak
일요일 14번째 10월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Ruby 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Really cool juggy roof. All moves done.

일요일 22번째 7월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Graeme Wood
First tried this over a year ago, not many sessions but went easily today

일요일 6번째 5월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Mitch, JP 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Donald Gibson
Lovely moves out the roof including a perfect heel and toe hook to take a partial rest at the mid point. However, even with that rest, I couldn’t clip the anchors on the on sight attempt. I’ll definitely be back. Some motivation to lose a few Kgs!

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Mitch, JP 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Donald Gibson
The moves up the initial wall went smoothly and the roof was going well until I tried an alternative way of making the last moves and fell again close to the finish

금요일 23번째 2월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
But greasy today, but still climbable.

23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
Honing in on the sequence. First couple of moves on the roof are solid. A little progress

월요일 15번째 1월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Julian Hurrell, Ashlee Simpson 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
3x shots. First and second made to first Roof bolt. Feeling out the sequence.

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Julian Hurrell, Ashlee Simpson 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
Getting stoked on this now, finding the clipping positions and starting to relax on the roof.. high point to third roof clip.

일요일 14번째 1월 2018 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Tim Mayer
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
Happy to have made the anchors. Lots of work to be done on the roof.

목요일 28번째 12월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Meggan Turner 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Matthew Robbins
Checking out beta

화요일 26번째 12월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Matthew Browne
high Point at third roof clip, didn't really play around after this. Endurance needed. Eye on the prize!!

토요일 9번째 9월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Jason Smith, Julian Hurrell 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Had three shots but still had to dog a couple of times through the roof but slowly improving and getting better at the moves.

일요일 25번째 6월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
John Hollott
토요일 28번째 1월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
Went to clean an old dog while I was in area. Absolute spooge - whole flake was soaking/slimy - I had no idea it could get like that being an ever-dry crag. Ah well.

월요일 16번째 1월 2017 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Rod de Paiva
Draws were up, so it made it doable for the Onsight

일요일 10번째 7월 2016 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Ben Jenga, damion best 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Lindsey Winterton
토요일 2번째 1월 2016 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m
Jon Ash
일요일 제 1 11월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 좋음
Lucas C
토요일 17번째 10월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Tristan Lever 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Bah so much for a "ever-dry" crag. The entire flake was more than moist. Nice pumpy jug haul - next time!

수요일 2번째 9월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko
Warmup before doing it twice again on the way to the Morney.

토요일 18번째 7월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Ian.Grabowski 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 좋음
Lucas C
wow what a softy iam didnt even have the balls to clip after the roof lol roof actually doesnt look to hard up until the last move.next time i will be keen to go for it

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Lucas C 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
2nd try in 2 parts - to the roof - roof to anchors.

23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Lucas C 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 클래식
월요일 8번째 6월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Sam Clark 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko

금요일 15번째 5월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko
토요일 11번째 4월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 아주좋음
Tom Collins
23 Roast Lobster - 누구와 Piper 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Tim Haasnoot
Rpt. Couldn't come to lobster and not do a lap.

목요일 2번째 4월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko
Had to do numerous laps today with Tom as the holds were almost completely soaked in parts. We had mer minutes to get back on the climb before it became wet again. Finally sent this bad boy. Phenomenal roof climbing

P.S Double toe hook FTW!

일요일 25번째 1월 2015 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko
Awful conditions today made this climb less than enjoyable,

토요일 20번째 12월 2014 - Bouddi National Park
Wagstaffe - Lobster Cave
23 Roast Lobster 스포츠 클라이밍 12m 완전 구식
Niko Eltarenko
Absolutely awesome. Did it twice as I had to clean it and no one in my group could get past the roof. When you're up there you feel like a part of the roof may crack and fall, but it has been reinforced with bolts and maybe glue too. Beware though, a couple of holds are quite sandy and suspect looking. Visually it's intimidating, but climbs easy and flows well for the grade given. Especially if you rest at the top of the 21


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