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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
미확인 년도
V4 Trunk Monkey
볼더 Dark Forrest
15 Pine O Clean
미상 10m Umina
V2 I Want to be an Astronaut

Just in front of the boulder on the ground. Make a big first move to the first good break then easily up through the jugs to a tricky exit.

FA: Josh Kent

볼더 Umina
18 Lickety Split
미상 5m West Gosford
V3 Ridin on the Bump Stops

Follow the crack up and right and move into the horizontal break (grab as undercling), top out up and right.

Start: Sit start at crack as for 'Road side assistance' Can be done as a stand start at V3

FA: dan

볼더 3m Woy Woy
V1 The dipper
볼더 Woy Woy
V3 Krang
볼더 Woy Woy
V1 Shin Splints

Standing up is the trick to this one. climbs great once you know how. Has been done hands free

Start: Standing on ledge at the rounded nose

FA: dan

볼더 3m Woy Woy
24 Rock Lobster

Traverse the entire wall at roof level right to left starting next to block at right end of cave.

Set: paul

FA: Paul Riviere, 2008

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 12 Bouddi National Park
Lee - Project

Only partially equipped (FH & UB). Note: need grinder (cutting disc), putty, green alien, then come in from the top to finish. Keep off.

Start: Start 10m R of 'Siesta'.

미상 Deliverance
V2 Knob Jock

Same as Knob Jockey except use low ramp for feet start.

볼더 3m Umina
V6 Emperor's new groove

Sit start under the L/H roof as for 'Jade Emperor'. From the sit gain the good slopey rail, a low traverse right gains the good jug then top out via the mantle exit.

FA: Dan Da Silva

볼더 3m Koolewong
26 Hallelujah

4mts R of Praise the Lord. Hard.

Set: paul riviere

FA: paul riviere, 2007

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6 West Gosford
22 pinocchio

The alluring arete R of Mary's Little Lamb. Starts from the ground and just L of the arete. #3 cam adds a bit of comfort getting beyond the horizontal break before heading R for the arete. rap anchors on top.

FA: richard jeffrey

전통등반 15m Blackwall
V4 BB King Bikini

Sit start ledge pockets to trav R on break. Top out on slab

FA: Jason Piper

볼더 Koolewong
Unknown #4

Left at the top of the access trail and follow the base of the cliff for about 50m. All U-bolts. Anyone with knowledge of name, grade and FA or project status please add.

스포츠 클라이밍 8 Point Clare
V1 Trackside high step

Boulder up 1m right of the bolted arête route, on the up hill wall facing the corridor the track runs through. Easily TR from a U-bolt immediately above

볼더 5m Koolewong
V2 Huntsman

Climb the crack as for incy wincy but all hand holds are in.

볼더 6m Koolewong
V5 The Extended Golden Shower

Start on the horn, shouldery moves to the right linking into the Golden Shower. The top rail is in for feet, the lower rail is off.

Set: Joseph Prinable

볼더시등 중 Umina
V1 The Best Man

Start on lowest holds and climb up to break before traversing left to arete and heading straight up to topout. Holds on the face are also in.

볼더 Bouddi National Park
V4 Bok Choy

Stand start on incut side pull and slopey side pull moving directly up. top out slightly right of 'Red Chili'.

볼더 3m Point Clare
V4 Frick Off Variant

As for 'Frick Off' but stepping off left before the mantle. Less Scary than 'Frick Off' but not as cool.

볼더 5m Point Clare
V1 Left Diagonal

Sit start at left rising diagonal at left end of east face

볼더 3m Berrys Head
V4 Defeatist

Sit start in the obvious low undercling gaining the ledge, then move through the sloper to topout. All the pockets to the left and right of the climb are out. The high left sidepull is also out.

볼더 2m Copacabana
V0 Sapphire

Start matched on the far left rail, traverse the ledge in the break to the nose

볼더 4m Apex boulders
V4 Tree Pipe Line

Start on the low sloper crimp rail on the lower lip and bump up to the good break through obvious intermediates before treversing left to finish up Three Five Nine. The other boulder to the left is out for obvious reasons

FA: Bill Zhou

볼더 4m Chapman's Hill
22 Scallops

Up the nice orange/red rock moving leftward at the 3rd bolt. Then cast off left from good block to slopey crimpers and reachy moves, to get across to 4th bolt. Trend up and left to get stood up via little footers. Great technical climbing, that is well protected.

FA: Paul Rivere

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Bouddi National Park
21 Forbes Fortune
스포츠 클라이밍 15m Umina
16 Chocolate Coated Parents

The trad corner, often dirty, now has lower offs

전통등반 12m Joll's Bridge
V3 Problem 1

FA: Anthony Alexander

볼더 Brooklyn
V7 The Crow
볼더 Blackwall
19 PO Box
미상 7m Umina
24 Heart of Darkness

Up the small corner to start, good stance leads to a juggy roof. Large flake has been reinforced. Best to back jump to clean.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m Blackwall
18 Slip and sue

Start at low arete just right of leaning tree. Slab to single BB

FA: jason piper

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 West Gosford
23 Solumn Column

Start R side of nose at fixed hanger. Up passed carrot and L to join Getting Over it at 3rd bolt (carrot), and up.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 3 West Gosford
22 Pumped so Brother

Traverse right at the second bolt and finish on Maiden Voyage anchors.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m Tascott
25 Flash Me

This climb starts and finishes beneath the left end of the overhanging block. Climb the vague bulge (bolt) onto a sloping ledge and a balancy clip. Continue diagonally right and up past crux, then back left below the block to anchors. One of the best on the coast. Paul riviere

스포츠 클라이밍 17m Bouddi National Park
V0 Tricky Dicky
볼더 Woy Woy
V5 Burnt weenie sandwich

Starting in the back of the cave at Six Feet Deep, move directly back and out to the finish jugs of Knob Jockey and Hot Rats using some nice crimps and pinches.

볼더 Umina
V3 Mercedes Benz
볼더 Umina
V0 Josh's arete
볼더 Woy Woy
V2 Night Train
볼더 Woy Woy
22 Call it what you like

Up the face to cave at 2/3 height then final headwall

FA: paul

전통등반 20m The Bluffs
V9 Magic Beans

Start: Sit start as for Yummy noodle. Then move right on underclings below the capped roof. Finish up 'Dead bolt direct' left of the block above.

볼더 Dark Forrest
볼더시등 중 Umina
V1 traverse

traverse entire boulder staying avoiding hands on top. careful of tree

볼더 Woy Woy
23 G

Up orange streak

스포츠 클라이밍 12m The Bluffs
V4 Right of Arete
볼더 3m Koolewong
V9/10 The Goldilocks Zone

Sit start on left hand crimp and right hand undercling pinch. Head straight out the rooflet into gold member. The back step isnt in to start.

볼더 4m Umina
14 Spiders silk

Undercut start onto slab right of blunt arête to share single U-bolt anchor with 'Charlottes web'

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Koolewong
V4 1296 options extension

Sit start on small undercling below shelf

FA: James Kershaw

볼더 Southern Cousin
V3 Head Game

Straight up through the mono pocket. Bit easier than Heady.

볼더 4m Bouddi National Park
V3 Pilum

Stand start to Falarica from the first good sloper move directly up and top out.

볼더 3m Point Clare
V1 gotta catch em

Start as for gotta catch em all. Traverse left using the small crimpy edge to middle of the face before gaining the juggy horn feature above then moving left to the lip and mantle

볼더 3m Rumbalara boulders
V4 Rock 'N' roll-over

Sit start with left hand out wide on pinch and right on thin undercling. Feet must be on the wall NOT on flat rock. Move up to right pinch then using the incut edges on lip to gain the flat lip. Traverse left on lip to the centre of the cave(crackline) then rock over mantle.

볼더 2m Mossy forest
V0 - 1 You're the lady I've looked for

Cool semi-highball that starts low on the far right side of the bloc. Make your way straight up and slightly left using juggy ledges and then top out.

볼더 Forresters Beach
V7 Dr Bob

Starting on the finish jug of "Room With a View" and head directly up through a long move to the crimp rail, continuing straight up to top out.

FA: Sam Healy

볼더 Blackwall
V7 Dab Meister

Start matched on undercling on the far right of cave moving up and right to finish matched at the obvious break.

볼더 3m Bouddi National Park
V4 Green activists

Stand start with L/H on low sidepull, R/H above on gaston edge, get a high left foot and work your way straight up using any holds

볼더 3m Apex boulders
V1 Freedom 35

Sit start matched in the undercling. climb up the crack using all faces and holds. Top out.

볼더 3m Chapman's Hill
V2 Daikon Lite

Start as for Daikon into huecos, but heading to right of arete permissible, just avoid standing on large ledge

볼더 3m Point Clare
17 Ethel the aardvark

The left side of the arete to LGS. Climbs quite differently, then share final 2 bolts to anchor of MOL

스포츠 클라이밍 15m Popran
23 Roast Lobster

Up 'Lobster', Diagonally right then through roof flake to lower off.

FA: Jason Piper

스포츠 클라이밍 12m Bouddi National Park
16 Mr Window

Through the rings passing right of the 'window'. Apparently a hold has broken around the 3 rd bolt in 2012 making this a little harder and landing the victim with a T 10 #

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 Point Clare
24 Drop Them Pants

Deep reachy pockets to start, then desperate black slab. Finish with exciting haul past horizontal break to single monster u-bolt anchor half way up the cliff.

Start: Starts two metre left of 'Swampy Cow Corner' below black wall.

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Deliverance
19 Uncle Clouse

12m L of CS. A nice bouldery pocketed start. Up 4m to first pro (#1, #2 friends). Grunt through bulge then up easier wall with wide range of friends and a medium hex. Good climbing finishes at tree (clean rap from here).

FA: Andrew Powell

전통등반 17m Joll's Bridge
V4 Sweet Cheeks
볼더 Dark Forrest
23 Left most route at crag

FA: paul riviere

스포츠 클라이밍 8m Blackwall
20 Slab Climb variant

Starts at l crack ( H and A) , trending diagonally right to first FH

스포츠 클라이밍 20m West Gosford
미상 West Gosford
19 Hazy Days

From right hand edge of cave, up left to bolt and stance, then straight up to DBB anchor.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m Tascott
23 Footloose
미상 8m Bouddi National Park
V0 Ride On
볼더 Woy Woy
V1 Dead sea gull
볼더 Woy Woy
V1 The argonaut
볼더 Woy Woy
V4 Limited slip
볼더 Woy Woy
V6 Strike Three

This problem starts as for the Established line but heads left, reversing the start of Extended line to gain the big rounded hole. Confused yet? I am.

Now move around to the left face and fire up for the top of the groove to top out.

Start: As for Established line

FA: dan

볼더 3m Woy Woy
26 Schooner School

Up the thin slab then veering left near the top.

FA: Jason Piper

스포츠 클라이밍 28m Popran
V4 Womb Raider

Sit start below the hollow bone feature just to the right of the access slope on the water side of the boulder. Up past a good flat hold to a big throw over the top.

볼더 4m Koolewong
22 Holy Cow

10mts R of Christian Soldier. Does not look much but worth the effort. Interesting moves above the top bulge. Lower off anchors

Set: paul riviere

FFA: paul riviere

FA: paul riviere, 2007

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 West Gosford
6 Chimney

Bridge up between walls to slightly tricky finish. Preplace anchor off tree to avoid sketchy leaf littered finish.

전통등반 8m Koolewong
V0 Salvation

The vertical crack like feature facing the track. SIt start

볼더 3m Koolewong
V11 Braveheart

Usual cave start. Traverse out left to the slotted jug (effectively reversing Mad Max) then straight through the roof on two poor left hands. Huck for glory!

볼더 Bouddi National Park
V3 Original

Start as for cool ranch but instead of continuing to traverse right, finish by topping out earlier (far left of right hand side of boulder)

볼더 Bouddi National Park
V0 Great Mount Suruga

the line just to the left of 'Moon Princess Kaguya' following the thin line of incut crimps to top out.

볼더 3m Point Clare
Closed project

Closed proj

볼더시등 중 4m Rumbalara boulders
Proposed route 1 (Open)
볼더 Point Clare
V0 Him Him Him

Sit under left hand ironstone plug and pull on

볼더 2m Forresters Beach

Slab line up the centre of the north side of the Centre Piece topping out.

볼더 4m Point Clare
Open Project

Start as for William Turner heading left to a small left hand edge and make a big move to a sharp right hand. Top out

볼더 Bouddi National Park
V4 Long Bow

Start around the corner from Falarica on carck and undercling, follow the crack up and around as it trends left ultimately joining the end of Pilum.

볼더 6m Point Clare

Stand at left hand end of down hill face with hands on the 2 juggy holds below the small elk horn. Traverse right to step with both feet onto the spike of rock leaning on boulder

볼더 5m Chapman's Hill
22 Harder than Pamela Anderson's Tits

3m L of B. A devious problem.

FA: Will Monks & Peter Monks

미상 8m Bouddi National Park
16 Ant Scene
전통등반 17m Point Clare
21 Amphibious? (Route bolted by S Ahern)
미상 Koolewong
24 Lipstick
미상 15m Warrah Trig
19 Bike Boy
스포츠 클라이밍 15m Umina
V2 Periscopes
볼더 Umina
V2 Man vs Machine

1m right of Buzz. Start on low break then climb up via the diagonal seam running up to the left only. Do not use the holds from the problems either side.

볼더 Umina
V0+ Sneak Preview

Start from the two obvious pockets and climb straight up over the bulge.

볼더 Umina

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