
루트들 Too Pocket Slabs에서

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루트 필터들:

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  • 스타일
  • 컨디션
  • 관점
  • 경사도
  • 하강
  • Vegetation
  • 바위형태
  • 제 시간에 도착
  • 적법성
  • 식수 처
  • 경사진 곳에 들어서다
  • 날씨
~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
VB Baseflake Arete

Gain the baseflake at right side of main slab finishing via the arete.

볼더 3m
VB+ Crescent Arete

Start at left low base of crescent utilising the feature to move right and up the finish via the arete.

볼더 3m
V0- Top Crescent

Climb as for Crescent Arete only utilising the top crescent feature.

볼더 3m
V0+ Pocket Slab

Left side of main slab via the triangular pocket and crimps.

볼더 3m
V0 Blunt Rib

Starting immediately around corner from Pocket Slab, gain the blunt rib moving up and left to finish.

볼더 2m
V0- Flake & Slab

Just left of Blunt Rib utilise the flake to ascend the slab keeping feet right of the the flake system/gully.

볼더 2m
VB Descent Gully Eliminate Right

Utilise the flake to ascent the gully and slab.

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VB- Descent Gully Right

Up the gully and right.

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VB- Descent Gully Left

Up the gully to exit via boulder on left.

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VB Descent Gully Eliminate Left

Up gully and left utilising the boulder on left only.

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VB Bulgy Slab

Climb the bulgy slab from the detached stone.

볼더 2m
VB- Easy Slab

Easy slab metre left of Bulgy Slab.

볼더 2m
V0+ Too Pocket Rib

Sit start from too pocket feature and thin undercling moving right into and up Blunt Rib.

볼더 3m
V1 Too Pocket Slab

Climb as for Too Pocket Rib continuing right into and up Pocket Slab.

볼더 3m
V1 Too Pocket Gully

Sit start from too pocket feature and thin undercling moving left into and up the gully via flake.

볼더 2m

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