
Commy Cliff

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  • 등정들 38




Short bouldering wall with several juggy easier problems.

접근 문제들 Tura Head으로부터 상속된

Unknown currently, looks to be on public land as there's a walking track here with a lookout and natural rock pool at the end of the headland.


Located just above 'The Boat Ramp' on an ochre red cliff. Look down to the right once you're at the end of the headland.


루트 추가 그림안내지도 추가 재 주문 대용량 편집 변환된 등급
등급 루트

Sit start to pull off the pockets in the horizontal break and the sidepulls and hit the big rail and then balance up to the top of the cliff and mantle out.

FFA: Nick Murphy, 1 2월 2020

Sit start and pull off the big pocket follow into the right trending crack on jugs and mantle out.

FFA: Nick Murphy, 1 2월 2020

Start sitting off the jug at the bottom of the crack and gaston up the two sides.

FFA: Nick Murphy, 1 2월 2020

Sit start on the undercling to the left of the other big undercling. Up to top. Easy if you are tall.

FFA: Liam, 22 5월

Open Project Big move from big undercling pocket all the way to the top

Set: Nick Murphy, 1 2월 2020

Sit start, up the layback flake to the left of the crack.

FA: Mitch Lindbeck, 1 7월 2021

Last crack on the right before you end up in the dirty rockpool. Grade is for a standing start, sit start yet to be done.

Set: Nick Murphy, 1 2월 2020

FA: Mitch Lindbeck, 1 7월 2021

Stand start in the water a couple of metres right of the previous route at the next crack. Up to top.

FA: Mitch Lindbeck, 1 7월 2021


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화요일 4 7월
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