
접속점들 Sector GDH에서

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Sector GDH

A bunch of faces offering some medium length moderate routes just past the waterfall.

12 Still Chunky But Funky

Low angled corner crack. Start up on scree slope.

20 Rappin With Gas

Start just right of the corner crack. Traverse out along ramp then up to anchors.

20 Armourflex

Start right of Rappin on the buttress. Great climbing up the buttress.

17 Fissure de Graisse

The crack to the right of A. Stuff in a bunch of cams, try not to pull anything off, and up you go.

20 Ma Biche

If you can climb past the slightly flaky start without bitching too much then the rest of the climb is really good on some nice grey rock. A few good moves past the bulge to jug city.

19 Slappin with Crap

Start just right of MB. A bit shitty for the first couple of moves but there is plenty of pro to stop you dying. Once you get above the start by a few meters the rock is great and the moves interesting enough to keep you off drugs.

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