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Laurel Camp Rd

Laurel Camp Rd is the main north / south road that bisects Pierces Creek. There are many great sectors that can be accessed from the road including Tumblers, Sushi and Playboy.


The most developed area in Pierces at the moment. The problems are densely packed on good quality granite.


Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

The Asia block

The large wall of boulders on the left side of the atrium

V1 The Beaglenose

Straight up the pillar, on the opposite side to The Nose. Balancy start, and up straight over bulges using slopes and side pulls.

V0 The Nose (#1)

Stand start and up. Step across to the top of the main block or bridge between the two blocks to descend.

V2 Gap (#2)

Stand start - up the face in the gap.

V4 Bei Zi (#3)

Stand start and up, immediately right of the blunt arete.

V5 The Tumbler

Stand start. Up crimps and vert features.

V5 Stein

Stand start up brown trousers, up a few moves then pull left onto the face and up on thin crimps.

V3 Brown Trousers

Stand start from arete in corner then climb up and top out.

V5 Brown Trousers Arete

Stand start from arete in corner then climb up and top out (block on right is out).

V6 Funk Star

Stand start from face/arete right of corner then climb up and top out.

V8 Funk Star Deluxe

Stand start from face/arete right of corner. Done on face crimps. Or the Warner version of a classic arete dyno to flat jug.

V7 Mug

Stand start and up.

V5 Hot Cocoa

Thin crimps up the highest line at the Tumblers.

Stand start, and up slightly left.

V6 Rebirth of Cool

Stand start as for Hot Cocoa, then move right to finish.

Frozen Metal Head (#11)

Not sure if re-climbed?

Thawed Metal Head (#12)

Stand start. Up and across to the rails above the steep face, and up to finish. A sit start at the undercut arête also looks possible, but harder.

V4 Not Quite a Metal Head

Stand start and straight up, using the hanging flake feature.

V2 Taza (#13)

Stand start and up slab. Thin start, then a diagonal line of good quartz edges.

V2 The Silk Road

Traverse the back side of the Asia Block. Start up Taza, and traverse at mid height to join the top of Tip Toe Arete.

V2 Beker (#14)

Straight up the slab, starting directly below the small scoop feature. Thin hands to start. Finish between Taza and Beker RHV.

V0 Beker RHV

Stand start at low blunt edge, then up slab tending slightly left, using the obvious scoop feature towards the top. Can sit start, at same grade.

V0 Treeline

Straight up, in front of the tree between Beker RHV and Crystaline

V1 Crystaline

Up the face, in the alcove right of Beker. Some nice quartz edges. Sit or stand start (slightly to the right), at around same grade.

V0 Tip toe arete

Slabby arete immediately right of crystalline. Sit or stand start, at around same grade.

V0 Practice Mantle

Sit start with a layback up the flake, continue up and across the arete to a mantle at the top

Right side of the Atrium
V3 Mantle

Stand start just around the arete from The Drop (i.e. round the back of the bloc), matched on the diagonal rail. Move up and left to the juggy scoop, then up.

V1 The Drop

Stand start a couple of metres right of Chalice etc, right at the end of the wall before the ground steps down. Up the arete and scoop-ey wall.

V5 Ristretto

Sit start with slopers/crystals for left hand and a decent side pull for the right, then up to grab the good side pull higher on the right. Basically one hard move to start, then more easily up.

V3 #15

Sit start on good low holds, then head up and right to finish out on easier terrain.

V5 Chalice

Sit start (as for #15) and up, finishing via a good rail high on the left. Excellent gymnastic moves on decent holds down low to a technical finish.

V8 #15 LHV

Sit start as for Chalice, on the lowest holds, then top out to the left through a wafer-thin crimp. Matching on that (or using the other crimp for your left hand) and throwing to the rail is the crux. Possibly a minor variant of what was Pizza Knob (V4) which got damaged during the fires and is rated V8 in the new guide, but topping out on the same tiny holds.

V8 Pizza Nob

Sit start and up with big moves on small crimps, with a tough topout.

V4 Verre

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V0 Pokal

One of the only warm ups at the slab area. Sit start and head up right on the ramp.

V5 Tonka Truck

Sit start, and top out on the right.

V6 Tonka Direct

Sit start, and straight over the nose of the block using crystals/small edges.

V6 Tonka Truck Left

Sit start and top out on the left.

V4 #21

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

Pheonix area

A loop track through this area starts behind the metalheads on Asia block, goes past the Phoenix boulder, and a few others to come back out behind the Trackside boulder. So far, only the boulder with Phoenix has been redeveloped since the fires, but there are several others along the loop track.


Currently blocked by fallen trees


Currently blocked by fallen trees

V1 Continental Plate

Sit start on the right side of the plate, and up.

V3 Double dip

Up the double scooped wall, immediately left of Continental Plate. Sit start, using the left edge of the plate and then heading slightly left.

VB Uplift

Stand start and up, just right of the scoop.

VB The Slab

Up the slabby scoop. Downclimbing this and/or jumping onto a pad is possibly the easiest way off this boulder.

V3 The Phoenix

Stand start, with a good handhold on the left. Up the face past a good sidepull high on the right, then good edges on the high slab to finish.

Into the Fire

Stand start up the narrow undercut wall between The Phoenix and Tectonics, finishing directly up the slab.

V5 Tectonics

Up the slab, on excellent compact rock. Thin step up to start, then good edges to the top.

V2 Continental Drift

Stand start at Rift Zone, and traverse straight across and then up, to finish at Tectonics.

Crystal Method

Not clear that a start still exists for this, as it appears in the topo? Would be pretty thin... (yep, thin but goes - but slab above is iffy)

V6 Rift Zone

Undercut sit start to gain the good rails, then nice edging to the top.

V2 Rift Zone stand start

Stand start, and straight up the flake features. A few different sequences are possible, all around the same grade and quality.

V6 Rift Zone LHV

Sit start as for Rift Zone. After the first moves to get set on the good horizontal rail, head diagonally left and up past two more good rails, then up to finish.

V2 Tom Cat

Visible on the boulder down the hill from Rift Zone. Sit start at the jug, then up the nice fin.

V2 Croc

Sit start just right of the arête, then up.


Another track heads down to the creek, passing under the Tonka's. This leads to the Trackside and Bardak areas

#33 Carissian Landau

Missing a key hold after the fires - although might still be possible on smaller crimps?

V7 White Man Can't Jump Variant

Stand start then climb up trending rightwards and top out (block on left is out).

V6 White Man Can't Jump

Stand start then climb up and top out (block on left is out).

V7 #34 jump-mantle

Start from the bottom and jump to grab the lip, just like a basketballer going for a dunk. Then execute a techy mantle. Hope you've got spotters. As with any dyno, the grade will be very height dependent, particularly considering you're jumping from the ground without the help of any holds to lever against.

V4 #35 The Wood Cutters

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V3 #36 slopes traverse

This is a traverse over slopers waaay above the ground. You've been warned - bring pads and spotters!

V3 #37 mantle

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V1 #38

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V5 #39

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V2 #40

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V1 #41

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

VB The Slippery Dip

Stand start. Into the scoop, then up the ramp.

V0 Roof Tiles / #43

Stand start, and up the slab. A good tall-ish easy line. All the key holds are clean, but will improve with some more brushing.


Steepish face, with a thin seam.

V2 Decepticon

Tricky stand start up into scoop, then more easily to the top, staying right of the arete the whole way.

V0 Trackside

Up between the two gum trees.

V2 The Scoop

Straight up into the scoop. Also serves as a good descent from this boulder, jumping from the scoop onto a pad.

V1 Hiding in the Open

Up the thin face, immediately left of The Scoop, and right of the Crimp Ladder face.

VB Crimp Ladder Right

Easily up the right side of the face, on good edges.

VB Crimp Ladder Left

Easily up the left side of the face, on good edges.

V0 #48

Has been checked and confirmed post fires. Pretty wet gully though! Probably not a climb to pursue unless it's summer or hasn't been raining/misty for quite a while.

V1 #49

Has been checked and confirmed post fires. Pretty wet gully though! Probably not a climb to pursue unless it's summer or hasn't been raining/misty for quite a while.

Past the creek

Continue past trackside and over the creek to Bardak and Fish Cream.

V3 #50 mantle

Every problem on this boulder looks to have been destroyed by the fires. What's more, it sits in a very wet gully, so expect any landing to be a slip-sliding bit of fun.

V4 #51 traverse

Every problem on this boulder looks to have been destroyed by the fires. What's more, it sits in a very wet gully, so expect any landing to be a slip-sliding bit of fun.

V5 #52

Every problem on this boulder looks to have been destroyed by the fires. What's more, it sits in a very wet gully, so expect any landing to be a slip-sliding bit of fun.

V1 Warm Up

Like the name says...blunt arete opposite Bardak. Walk off the back after mantling.

V0 #54

Every problem on this boulder looks to have been destroyed by the fires. What's more, it sits in a very wet gully, so expect any landing to be a slip-sliding bit of fun.

V4 Not Bardak

Sitstart matched on the undercling and head up and right. Stay out of the Bardak crack

V4 Bardak RHV

Start Bardak from the incut level with the undercling

V6 Bardak

Sit start and up through jugs. Moderately overhung, a hard move with poor feet will get you to the topout. Start on the lowest incut/undercling or you may sacrifice a grade.

An easier variant can be done by heading up and right following the first move.

V6 Fish Cream Left

Sit start. Up through now broken flakes using a two finger pocket to gain the break and some crimpy rails reminiscent of 'Vendetta'. From there you could either go direct or left along the rail for roughly the same grade.

Fish Cream Right

Looks like it'll still go if you put the work in, up on thin crimps

V0 #58 Toby's Crack

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V1 #59

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V1 #60

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V0 #62

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

V1 #63

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful


A lovely little area with parking very close nearby (circa 50 metres) that holds a number of excellent problems.

A very compact and easily accessible bouldering with almost every style. A number of problems are recreated and climb like the originals before the fires. The rock quality is quite good for the area.

Note from Justin: Hi - I cleaned up the area post fires in 2008 and 2011. I number of new problems where done during this period that are not in this crag guide. At some point I will get to update the info in this forum or another bouldering guide - after the new guiding guide is published. Cheers.

V0 #1

Dirt roads, but all 2wd usable if you are slow and careful

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