
루트들 Slopey Wall에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V2 Stone Thrower

The cliff band to the right of WKDNC. Sit start with high LH crimp and obvious Rail Rh. Excellent moves on incut crimps slightly moving right and then up to a athletic mantle above on the ledge. Traverse far left to get down

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Scott Walsh & Josh Shipp

V4 Fire starter

Sit start under the steep wall next to the slab shelf for feet- RH in Gaston jug and LH on barely there pinch. Sequential climbing up to a committing mantle. Down climb to get down when you are standing on the slab above. All the holds of the V2 are out.

V3 Where Kelpies Dare Not Cross

The bloc just before Luke’s Scoop. Start in a stand start with Right Toe Hook. Straight up

FA: tom toro, 2020

V3 Luke’s mint scope

Stand-start in obvious jug, heading left and up through jug to committing mantle over lip. Stand on top and stack pads to jump down.

FA: Kilroy

볼더 4m
V6 One Shoe Magoo

Stand Start on LH side pull jug and Rh rail- both in the crack. Punch up left and then straight up on slopers and edges to a big move that guards this one. At first this line seems difficult with the slippery holds- but it’s all about hip positioning and foot work. This line eliminates all holds of the V3 and was also first climbed with only one climbing shoe on.

FA: Angus Davidson, 8월 2020

V5 Teaspoon Of Concrete

The old school high ball line centre of Slopey wall . Stand start with good holds and move up the very slopey ledges up then steep wall. A surplus of pads and and teaspoon of concrete is needed to top this rig out.

FA: Simon Moses, 2004

V6 Teaspoon of concrete sit

Sit start slightly left of where the stand starts. Match start with a few moves up then move right joining the horizontal sloped ledge and up to finish as TOC

FA: Brennan Bast & Glen Hayford, 16 12월 2021

V5 Crawl Away

Sit start low on two opposed slopers and climb directly up through edges and a small pinch. Finish matched on the break.


볼더 3m
V7 Don’t Ever Fade Away

Start just right of “Crawl Away” on obvious slopey rail, move straight up to gain the large horizontal slopey ledge that runs midway across the wall. Traverse this ledge far left using tricks- to get into T.C and top this out. Don’t let your arms fade away...

FA: simon moses, 2004

볼더 9m
V3 Soaking Pads

“Don’t Ever Fade Away” lite. But without traversing the ledge leftwards. Start just right of “Crawl Away” on obvious slopey rail, move straight up for a desperate top match, just over the lip

FA: 26 9월 2022

볼더 3m
V1 Between the webs

Clean thoroughly with a brush beforehand to temporarily vacate the spiders.

Start matching on a flake, head up with a few jugs and crimps to a slopey match at the horizontal seam.

FA: notlongnotstrong, 31 12월 2020

볼더 3m
Another Proj

Left of “Fed By A Silverspoon”. Needs a clean but it’ll go

볼더 4m
V4/5 Fed With A Silverspoon

Sit start on jugs in the crack and climb the slopered ledges. Finish on the lip matched on a triangle hold. Steeper than you think!

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V7 Yesteryear

Sit start in vertical flake/corner feature. Powerful moves up to slopers, finishing matched on the horizontal rail- up and left.

FA: Liane Brown, 2002

볼더 4m

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