
루트들 Daintree & Mossman에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Mt Pieter Botte North Peak
5 South Face

From the saddle between the two peaks, scramble upwards north through weakness. Easy slab to summit.

FA: Six Kuku Yalanji people, Dudley Le Souef, Frank Hislop & Mr. Anderson, 1896

전통등반 40m
Mt Pieter Botte South Peak
17 AID:A1 Walking in the clouds

S/SE Arête. Up off-width/chimney to top of balancing rock (no pro). Over bulge. Slab to top. Approximately 55 metres. CPs and sky hooks.

Set: Neil Monteith & friends, 1993

FA: Luen Warneke & Jodie Rummer, 29 12월 2019

인공 55m
Cape Tribulation Little Bluff
16 Boiled Lobster

Up offwidth crack at right end of wall. Protection becomes a little sketchy at the top unless you have seriously BIG cams.

FFA: C Firth, 2008

전통등반 11m
Mossman Bluff
21 AID:A1 Schadenfreude

FFA: Alistair Byrom & Jon Pearson, 2000

전통등반 180m, 8

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