
Kafka's Boulders

  • 등급표기: AU
  • 사진들 4
  • 등정들 82
  • Aka: Captains HQ




Group of sandstone boulders 40m North of the Break wall. Tide dependant, lots more development potential Captains HQ is the West facing wall, developed by DT.

Western facing wall, 40m north of the boatramp break wall. Exposed on low tide.

접근 문제들 O'Sullivan Beach으로부터 상속된

A lot of the boulders are tidal dependant. As high tide approaches boulders will begin to get surrounded by water.

윤리문제 O'Sullivan Beach으로부터 상속된

Family friendly area so try not to swear.



루트 추가 그림안내지도 추가 재 주문 대용량 편집 변환된 등급
등급 루트

Eliminate. Sequence: Start on knees or campusing, left flat sloper, right hand good sidepull, head directly up, and mantle. Only use the top Boulder not the bottom one.

FA: Toi Suriyasenee

Start very low, on left hand barnacle sloper side pull, right hand decent sloper. Trend right through low slopers, sidepulls, and crimps through to the right hand side pull starting hold of, In Denial. Finish up In Denial.

FA: Toi Suriyasenee

Crouch Start, Left/Right on slopers, trend right and up.

FA: Toi Suriyasenee

. Sit-start left hand undercling, and Right Hand Good sidepull, head up through crimps and sloper and top out mantle

edit: follow the line.

Sit start matched undercling on breadloaf feature. Bust straight up on right leaning edges, mantle out.

FA: Martin Cummins, 17 4월 2016

Start on far left ledge. Head to the right and up going over the hole in the rock and climb to top of top of boulder. Eliminate large flat ledge once over hole.

Starts over pool of water. Starts on good left and and right hand side pull and head up on good holds and top out. Try not to fall!

Caution: As of July 2020, the large block used on the top out is dangerously loose

Right hand in finger pocket. Left hand on left pocket. Use left sloper and high sloping jug. Commiting move up to jug then scramble to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 2016

Start as Jack Sparrow. Head up left of (Jack Sparrow Left) through slopers. Scramble to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

Hang start on jug with feet in foot cave at chest height. Traverse left horizontally keeping feet high with heel hooks. Make way up the parallel cracks.

Set: Daniel Toone, 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 6 11월 2016

Jack Sparrow route but only use Left hand crack.

Set: Daniel Toone, 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 2016

Jack Sparrow route but only use right hand crack

Set: Daniel Toone, 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 2016

Start on main (Jack Sparrow) jug. Head directly up and left of (James Hook) using sloper only. Grab jug after and scramble to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

Hang start on jug. Move directly upwards on arête. Scramble to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 2016

Start from (Jack Sparrow) jug. Head right of (James Hook) using only crack. Scramble to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 18 11월 2016

Start traverse as for (Jack Sparrow). Once you get to good central jug before heading up cracks, keep traversing left around corner past (Davy Jones and Black Beard). Holds on flat top out ledge are off limits.

Set: Daniel Toone, 24 11월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 24 11월 2016

Head up cavity only using feet and back smearing. Hands are off limits

Set: Daniel Toone, 24 11월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 24 11월 2016

Sit start under roof using side pools. Work your way over roof and up to top.

Set: Daniel Toone, 2 12월 2016

FA: Daniel Toone, 2 12월 2016


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