
루트들 Colosseum Boulders에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V5 Unnamed 5

Starts on jug in the roof then pulls to crimps and mantles to the top Classic

FA: G Phillips

V8 Serendipity

Obvious start down low, left hand side pull, right hand slopey crimp. Punch out right and compress your way through. Topping out straight up until sitting on the ledge, then try get down....

FA: Ryan Sklenica, 2019

V9 Unnamed 4

Start at the back on double underclings at right hand end of the first roof section (4m left of the climb "Caligula"). Climb out and right on large pinches and slopes to finish on the jugs around the corner

FA: C Hylander

V6 Unnamed 3

Star under the route Et tu, Brute. Straight out to finish in the big dish above the lip .

FA: G Phillips

V8 Unnamed 2

Starts as for the v6 but head right jumping to the first hold of Et tu, Brute.

FA: C Hylander

V7 Unnamed 1

Sit start, 4m right of the route Et tu, Brute. Out through roof to the lip . Then up to jug.

FA: C Hylander

V5 Unnamed

Same start as the v7 but at the lip traverse left along the lip and up to jugs.

FA: G Phillips


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