
루트들 Break Down Lane Left에서

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  • 적법성
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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V4 Jettison

A fun dyno, from the undercling jump directly to the lip. Jumpfest

Start: Stand Matched on undercling

FA: Guy Koller, 2006

V2 Moon Raker

Climb the corner using some intermediate side pulls

Start: As for 'Jettison', on the undercling

FA: Daniel da Silva, 2006

볼더 3m
V3 Tor's Slab

Climb the blank slab by jumping or smearing your way up to the flat top ledge. Often wet

Start: Standing in front of blank slab

FA: Tor Viken Rise, 2000

V5 Katy Rose

Climb the arete type thing using only the corner and pinches on it before making a big move to the lip. The holds on the right face are off.

Start: Standing at left leaning feature

FA: Daniel da Silva, 2006

볼더 3m
V3 Trans Nightmare

Climb the little face veering right

Start: Standing

FA: Daniel da Silva, 2000

볼더 3m
V2 Salvador

Climb past the hole and over. Usually wet

Start: Standing below the dirty seeping hole

FA: Daniel da Silva, 2000

볼더 3m
V6 Tic Tac Toe

Climb up and right on super slopey features avoiding the crack on the left. Classic subtle sloper pulling

Start: Standing 1m right of the hole just before the rooflet, starting with a slopey R/H edge

FA: Rich Sonnerdale, 2000

V1 Shin Splints

Standing up is the trick to this one. climbs great once you know how. Has been done hands free

Start: Standing on ledge at the rounded nose

FA: dan

볼더 3m
V7 Dragged Along

Sit start at the right most point of the horizontal break under the rooflet. Traverse left a few moves, then break out to the lip. Using the series dishes on the face for hands, kick the feet over to the arete and mantle over to join "Shin Splints" and top out.

FA: Tom Hodgson, 10월 2019

볼더 4m
V0 Slopey Pete

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