
Publications linked to and above Harakiri

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Author(s): Christoph Klein & Jürgen Winkler

일자: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-95611-182-2

지역들: Austria

Author(s): Adi Stocker

일자: 2014

ISBN: 978-3-95611-022-1

On the 44,000 meters of climbing researched for this book, epochal alpine milestones mingle with enjoyable new route creations. Climbing legends such as Albert Precht, Klaus Hoi and Heinz Zak comment on their passion for steep rock. Routes by climbing greats from long ago, such as Angelo Dibona or Hias Rebitsch, have been accurately recorded in line with modern requirements. There is also plenty of space dedicated to new routes secured with bolts by creative talents such as Ralf Sussmann, Rudi Kühberger and the author himself. 40 long routes with at least 20 pitches, where you can clip bolts in keeping with the spirit of the times, but sometimes also have to make do with rusty protection.

지역들: Austria

Author(s): A. Pasold

일자: 2021

The Climbing Guidebook Vorarlberg includes no less than five mountain groups: the Bregenzerwald Mountains, the Lechquellen Mountains and parts of the Rätikon, Silvretta and Verwall.

지역들: Silvretta

Author(s): Florian Wenter & Lorenz Delago

일자: 2017

ISBN: 9783956110733

A selective guidebook covers the best bouldering areas in the central Alps across Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy, including Magic Wood and Mello.

지역들: Silvapark Galtür

Author(s): A. Jentzsch-Rabl, A. Jentzsch

일자: 2020

지역들: West

Author(s): M. Meisl

일자: 2016

지역들: West

Author(s): Ulrich Röker & Harald Röker

일자: 2023

ISBN: 9783938680520

A definitive guidebook describing the bouldering at Silvapark near Galtur in the southwest of Austria near the border with Switzerland, covering 598 problems from Fb 1 to Fb 8c.

지역들: Silvretta

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