
루트 역사

Route setter: M. Schinfessel


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위도/경도: 50.22375, 4.89353

Grade citation

6a 공동체 등록 등급들


Setting up new routes or retro-bolting in the area is not allowed without permission of the CAB.

Please reduce your use of chalk to a minimum and remove tick marks when done.

Using trad gear to improve route safety is allowed.

Many routes in Freyr have a top-out finish - please do not install top ropes on these routes.

Rappelling down is only allowed in case of an emergency.

Freyr is situated in a designated Natura 2000 site. It's a nature reserve: the place is pretty clean, keep it that way or clean up any thrash you come across! Some routes can be tagged with a red-and-white ribbon, which means the endangered Peregrine Falcon nests along the route, so please don't climb that route that time.

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Author(s): Marc Bott, R. Beckers

일자: 2022

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing at Freyr, covering 640 routes from F3 to F8c+.

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