
등정들 2018-7-00 그리고 2018-12-31 사이에 등반 된 British Columbia에서 topher에 의한

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등급 루트 장비 스타일
토요일 10번째 11월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.10a Health Hazard - 누구와 Rose 혼합 고전등반 25m, 2 좋음
5.11a Partners in Crime - 누구와 Rose 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Start was seeping a bit, but most of the important bits were dry. Great fun first half, then a reprieve before some nice ring locks in the easier upper half.

5.10b The Ugly American - 누구와 Rose 전통등반 25m 평균
A bit dirty and wet

5.11a Werewolves of London - 누구와 Rose 혼합 고전등반 35m, 1 아주좋음
Balancy move into the crack, then easy up the transition left at halfway.

5.8 Quarryman - 누구와 Rose 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
월요일 15번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief Above Bellygood
5.10b Upper Black Dyke - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 150m, 31 좋음
Final pitch only as part of Stairway to Heaven. A little dirty, and soaked on R side, but didn't touch anything wet until the top. A little chossy.

5.9 Traverse of the Gods - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 55m 클래식
Did as one pitch. Awesome feature, well named!

5.10b 5.11b Universal Key - 누구와 Alice 전통등반 좋음
First pitch only as part of Stairway to Heaven. Good, fun climbing with a couple of reachy moves. Stepping left a near the top was quite a stretch!

월요일 15번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief Dihedrals
5.10c 5.11b Millennium Falcon - 누구와 Alice 전통등반 500m 좋음
Pitches 11 and 12 as part of Stairway to Heaven. Alice led runout p11, I led p12. Slightly tricky getting off belay, then mostly a ramble to the upper crux roof. Crux is moving to the roof, not turning it. Well protected cruxes.

월요일 15번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Bulletheads Bulletheads South
5.10a Comfortable Shoes (Women In Comfortable Shoes) - 누구와 Alice 혼합 고전등반 55m, 7 아주좋음
Alice led p1, me p2. P1 is really fun and a bit different, p2 was a bit dirty and more stock-standard slabbing.

5.10c Xenolith Dance - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 45m 아주좋음
P1 only. Good lead by Alice. But it's still not a xenolith!

5.10a 5.10c Chassè Right - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 45m
p2 (10a) only, accessed by traversing from Xenolith Dance anchors.

5.9 Moonwatcher - 누구와 Alice 혼합 고전등반 20m, 5 평균
Weird bolting in the upper half. Foot slipped out, but managed to catch myself.

월요일 15번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief Penthouse
5.10a Mr. Ciechanowski - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 25m 평균
Beware. The massive jug on the right after the roof is flexing, and will break off soon.

월요일 15번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Raven's Castle
5.10d Whatever - 누구와 Alice 스포츠 클라이밍 40m 좋음
Was meant to do Ladies First, but it was getting dark and completely missed the bolts. Progressively harder right to the top.

토요일 13번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Above Broadway
5.9 Memorial Crack - 누구와 Neil 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Gets easier each time.

5.8 Granville Street - 누구와 Neil 전통등반 120m 평균
Fun enough rambling climbing on the slab +/-crack, but needs traffic to clean it up and become worth doing again.

토요일 13번째 10월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron North Apron
5.9 5.10b Vector - 누구와 Neil 전통등반 150m 아주좋음
Everything else was taken, so jumped on this after the first two pitches of St. Vitus. A lot of grovelly wide stuff, and good to have two BD3. Good fun, I'd do it again, unless St. Vitus is free...

금요일 12번째 10월 2018 - Tricouni Peak
5.4 North Ridge - 누구와 Aeron 알파인 600m 좋음
Mostly 4th class with optional low 5th sections. Recommend going into the bowl and doing the full ridge to get a view of the glacier. We also got to walk through a 150m long snow cave under one of the snow patches near the base of the route. Lots of loose gravel and boulders on the lower part of the ridge slowed us down, as well as photos of all the mushrooms on the walk. The upper part of the ridge took all of about 15 minutes, with much less loose rock. Wouldn't normally bother roping up for that at all, but it got things moving faster. The walk to Cypress Peak took longer than wanted, but we got to see massive grizzly tracks, and then it was the walk down a super long esker back down to the road and jogging back to the car. About 9.5 hours total, could probably wipe almost 3 hours off if going solo.

수요일 19번째 9월 2018 - Cypress Falls Park
Cougar Crag
5.12a Double Shot No Foam Soy Latte 스포츠 클라이밍 13m, 4 아주좋음
Screwed up my sequence to accidentally find a better one. Will try to remember it for next time...

5.11c S.O.S. 스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 5 평균
Was feeling a lot harder than it looked until I found some jams. Would improve if it was a bit cleaner.

수요일 19번째 9월 2018 - Cypress Falls Park
Tombstone Tower
5.12a Tombstone 스포츠 클라이밍 16m 좋음
Rope solo. Short crux section. First half of the crux was hard, the second half was dripping. Should be hard but doable when dry.

5.11d Grave Digger 스포츠 클라이밍 15m 아주좋음
Took a couple of goes to figure out the crux, but got it! Nails move into the crack above the horizontals

일요일 9번째 9월 2018 - Cypress Falls Park
Cougar Crag
5.11b Flake Route 스포츠 클라이밍 13m, 5 아주좋음
Did this to start and finish. Much easier at the start of the day! Knowing the holds and sequence helps a lot on this steep rock

5.12a Double Shot No Foam Soy Latte 스포츠 클라이밍 13m, 4 아주좋음
Three shots, probably all too close together. Cool move past the first bolt, and then took a while to figure out the crux section with the tick marks and chalk everywhere. Figured out the feet on the second shot, then just got too pumped for the crux on the third shot. Loving this crag, is a great workout.

금요일 7번째 9월 2018 - Cypress Falls Park
Cougar Crag
5.11b Flake Route 스포츠 클라이밍 13m, 5 아주좋음
Getting a little tired...Hard start, maybe missed something on the way to the start of the flake. Easy up flake and corner, then cruxy move out right. Move right foot up for move.

5.11a Pool Boy 스포츠 클라이밍 13m, 6 아주좋음
Great climb, good value for the grade.

5.10c Awkward Proposition 스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4 좋음
Fun and steep, just a pity the top was so filthy

5.10d Cougarlicious 스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 평균
Was having troubles with getting the pro-traxion running smoothly while keeping the rope out of the water. Might have been more fun if things were running smoothly.

목요일 6번째 9월 2018 - Mount Rexford
5.0 West Ridge - Mt Rexford 전통등반 500m 아주좋음
Lovely little scramble.

5.9 Southwest Ridge - North Nesakwatch Spire 전통등반 210m 클래식
Soloed up to the crux, then wasn't certain about whether or not some of the rock above was chossy, so backed off and scrambled around to do the crux as a roped solo. Soloed remainder of route. Definitely the best route up here. Great climbing on awesome rock.

수요일 5번째 9월 2018 - Mount Rexford
5.7 South Nesakwatch Spire - North Ridge 알파인 200m 좋음
Continuing on from the north spire. Mostly scrambling and low 5th until the small pillar at the top. Went straight up the steep crack on the northern side, downclimbing the offwidth on the way back down.

5.6 North Nesakwatch Spire 알파인 300m 좋음
A bit of a choose-your-own-adventure in terms of difficulty. Mostly 3-4th class to within 50m of the summit, then took a wide chimney with twin cracks for about 25m, finding two easily retrieved nuts on the way!

월요일 3번째 9월 2018 - Squamish
Murrin Park Betazoid / The Milkman's Wall
5.8 Jugs, Not Drugs - 누구와 barb 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 좋음
Fun, juggy gym climbing. Pity it's so short.

5.11c Gertrude - 누구와 barb 스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 3 좋음
Good fun. Steep jugs with a single V3 move at the 3rd bolt. Would deserve a star or two if it was a bit longer.

일요일 2번째 9월 2018 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Brunser Area
5.10a Sunny Boy - 누구와 Barb 혼합 고전등반 25m, 3 아주좋음
Surprisingly good. Runouts would be quite scary if 10a was your limit.

5.10c Washington Bullets - 누구와 Barb 전통등반 20m 클래식
Awesome moves. Had the anchor up already, so just toproped it, but worth coming back to lead. Not much good gear leading up to crux, but enough.

5.9 Handful - 누구와 Barb 전통등반 15m 평균
Technical start and keeps you honest for the grade, but definitely not worth two stars.

5.8 Flake Off (Flake Off (aka Flake On)) - 누구와 Barb 전통등반 25m 평균
5.6 Flake On - 누구와 Barb 전통등반 20m 평균
금요일 20번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Funarama
5.9 Funarama - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Was hot in the sun, so Deano just moved the anchor across from Point Blank. Would be good to have a small wire for the last move.

5.9 Point Blank - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 18m 클래식
Super fun mantle to get the horizontal, then rattly fingers with hand jam pods to top

금요일 20번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Octopus' Garden
5.9 Monkey Coefficient - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
5.8 Octopus' Garden in the Shade - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 20m 클래식
금요일 20번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Lower Crag X
5.9 Baby Lizard - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 40m 아주좋음
5.10c Side Street - 누구와 Deano 혼합 고전등반 45m, 2 평균
목요일 19번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Above Broadway
5.9 Memorial Crack - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Access to Squamish Buttress

목요일 19번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Squamish Buttress
5.10c The Squamish Buttress - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 210m 클래식
5.12b Gemini - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 45m 완전 구식
Wow. Quite the step up! Super long pitch with long sustained sections of super shitty finger locks. Completely wasted by the time I got to the top. Well worth a TR solo, as long as you don't screw up the sustained first 10m and hit the ground with rope stretch.

목요일 19번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron North Apron
5.9 St. Vitus' Dance - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 150m 완전 구식
5.10a St Vitus' Dance Direct Start - 누구와 Deano 전통등반 22m 클래식
Much nicer start to St Vitus, giving an extra pitch of actual climbing.

목요일 5번째 7월 2018 - Elbow Lake
Sector 3
V4 Knobular Direct 볼더 3m 아주좋음
Took a couple of goes to commit to the last move. Tried it again to finish off and slipped my foot into a hole coming off and ended up with 10 stitches. A bouldering pad would have been clever...

V0 Union Pigs 볼더 4m 평균
V2 Union Pigs Direct 볼더 3m 안하는 것이 좋음
Just the one move. Pretty ordinary.

V4 Knobular 볼더 3m 좋음
Second shot

화요일 3번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Smoke Bluff Wall and Environs Mosquito Area
5.10b S-M's Delight - 누구와 Crazy John 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
5.10b Seam of Destiny - 누구와 Crazy John 전통등반 25m 안하는 것이 좋음
화요일 3번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Neat and Cool
5.10a The Offwidth - 누구와 Crazy John 전통등반 25m 평균
5.10a Neat and Cool - 누구와 Crazy John 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
화요일 3번째 7월 2018 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.11b The Yorkshire Gripper - 누구와 Crazy john 전통등반 25m 클래식
Awesome, and with solid gear. 0.75BD and smaller cams, with good wires too. Hard mantle at the top.

5.10d 5.10c Popeye and the Raven - 누구와 Crazy john 혼합 고전등반 25m, 4 클래식
10c in the guide. Thought the crux was over and then found the real crux...Placed a wire at the start of the corner, then another after the 2nd bolt.

일요일 제 1 7월 2018 - Squamish
The Chief The Bulletheads Campground Wall
5.11b Varicose Veins - 누구와 Janet 스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 11 아주좋음
Unbelievably didn't screw it up, despite my best efforts. Crux is around bolts 3-4, with top section pretty simple.

5.10d 5.10b A Pitch in Time - 누구와 Janet 전통등반 15m 클래식
5.8 Fungus The Bogeyman - 누구와 Janet 전통등반 45m 아주좋음
Really fun. Did the more direct thin start, and then did a hand jam onto an unfortunate tree frog at the start of the second pitch. Don't worry, he jumped away into the crack.

5.10c Rainy Day Dream Away - 누구와 Janet 전통등반 35m 완전 구식
Awesome climbing, had me working up to the last jug.


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