
루트들 Kananaskis Lakes에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Mt. Indefatigable
5.7 R The Shining Path
전통등반 700m, 12
5.7 Joy

Great climb, impossible to get lost on. All gear anchors, very few fixed pieces. Bring doubles or triples of 0.3-1 cams (BD). Amazing views!

Can be done in 9 pitches with a 70m rope and around 10-14 with a 60m. Note the descent trail down Mt Indefatigable is long closed for Grizzly protection. It is possible to descend via a 500m scree chute back to the approach path. After scrambling up to the meadow follow the knife blade ridge east until a scree fan is seen descending steeply all the way down.

FA: Paul Stoliker, Dave Clay & Keith Cover, 1982

전통등반 610m, 10
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.8 Thriller
1 5.5 60m
2 5.6 60m
3 5.7 55m
4 5.8 55m
5 5.8 55m
6 5.8 60m
7 5.7 60m
8 5.8 60m
9 5.7 60m
10 5.8 60m

find all of the information you need here:


Thriller is a fully bolted climb approximately 20-30 feet to the right of the Trad Climb Joy.

There are plenty of loose rock in the ledges. Ranging from small pebbles to softball size.

Although the first ascensionists suggest that you can rappel the climb with two 60 m ropes. It would probably be not ideal if there are parties below you as you WILL knock down rock towards them.

If you choose to climb this with parties above you (probably not ideal) be ready to dodge rocks.

Following the usual descent of joy will be ideal if there are people under you, or if people are climbing joy.

The descent involves scrambling up further until you reach a meadow (exposed 4th and 5th class scramble, some spots with poor rock quality) - passing by 2 massive gully's (each gully 2 basketball court length in width) these gullys have rocks dividers in the middle which may confuse people into thinking they are separate gully's. - crossing through some dense trees until you reach the 3rd gully (consensus easiest)--might have taken us 40min-from the top of thriller to get to the top of scree slope, you will notice rocks that look more orange to your left once you have reached the third gully. the scree slope is fun but quite challenging. It is possible to scree ski the other gullys but are definitely sketchier and rockier than the 3rd best gully.

at the bottom of the scree slope you will go through some rocky switchbacks and a faint trail through some trees until you return to the established trail.

Had a blast on this route, and thank you to Andy, Urs, and Choc for putting this up. What an adventure

Set: Andy Genereux, Urs Kallen & Choc Quinn, 2023

스포츠 클라이밍 590m, 10

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