

A new project to the right of AOC (6c) and to the left of Minuit Dans L'Univers (7c+/8a).

It start under the second vire, with a realy short 7a before a first boulder problem which is 7B, it continues without rest on a 8A/B boulder problem of three moves on very bad pockets.

We take a very flat three finger pocket with the left hand and a realy crazy but very bad mono - pinch with the right hand for jump on a good mono/two finger pocket. Then there is a very aleatory 7B boulder problem with a very big last move.

After there is a very big rest before a last section with flat crimps and good mono finger pocket which is around 7A+ boulder problem.

Darth Grader say the route is probably 9a/+.

루트 역사

2023Route setter: François Legrand


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: 43.82709, 5.39002

Grade citation

Erwan Legrand


  • No camping
  • No sleeping in car parks
  • No fire
  • Don't leave any trash
  • Brush off your chalk and tick marks
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