
Amberger Gebiet

  • 등급표기: UIAA
  • 등정들 1,776
  • Aka: Oberpfälzer Alb



접근 문제들 Nördlicher Frankenjura으로부터 상속된

Frankenjura has an established concept regulating whether climbing is permitted at a crag: https://ig-klettern.org/naturschutz/zonierungen/

For seasonal closures of crags, see: https://ig-klettern.org/naturschutz/aktuelle-sperrungen/

For bouldering, first check: https://ig-klettern.org/klettern/wissenswertes/boulderappell/. Especially, no publishing of boulders, and no bouldering after sunset.

There are seasonal closures for protected birds. See here: Closed crags

Additional information: IG Klettern closure list

Zone concept

  • Zone 1: NO climbing
  • Zone 2: climbing on existing routes
  • Zone 3: new routes possible

Please respect signs and zones.


see Mittlere Fränkische Alb / Oberpfälzer Alb / Mittlerer Frankenjura for info.



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