
루트 역사

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위도/경도: 52.00717, 10.21428

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9 공동체 등록 등급들



  • do not climb wet sandstone¹
  • do not use chalk²

  • no smoking, no wildfire

  • do not remove any plants etc
  • the forest is not a toilet
  • do not leave any waste

  • avoid the district of Wolfenbüttel⁴

¹Sandstone absorbs water and dissolves the clay inside the rock which holds the quartz together. Do not climb after rain, let the rock dry for at least 2 sunny sommer days, otherwise it will just break.

²Its hygroscopic property also makes the holds slick, since it will not wash out - it clogs the surface of the sandstone, the stone can no longer dry. AND we don't want to run foul with the owner and forester.

⁴See "Access issues" above.

Bodensteiner Klippen으로부터 상속된

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Author(s): A. Hake

일자: 2022

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