
Frost Blocs

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만일 이 {지역형태}가 어디있는지 아시면 등반공동체를 위하여 시간을 내어 위치를 알려주십시오. 문제가 있으시면 연락을 주세요 {저희에게연락 페이지}.

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Author(s): Stuart Millis

일자: 2022

ISBN: 9789887582809

This is a comprehensive guidebook detailing the bouldering to be found on Hong Kong, covering over 1,300 problems (from V0 to V12) spread across 14 different crags.

Author(s): Francis Haden

일자: 2020

ISBN: 9789887508908

A comprehensive guidebook detailing the sport climbing to be found in Hong Kong, covering 1,055 routes (from F4 to F8b), across 33 different crags.

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