1 5a 30m
2 4c 30m
3 6a 30m
4 6a+ 30m
5 4a 20m
6 6a+ 10m

루트 역사

4월 2019초등들: Gianni Lanza, Simona Perotti, Seba Biolcati & Roby Sellone


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위도/경도: 45.60815, 7.75569

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5a,4c,6a,6a+,4a,6a+ 공동체 등록 등급들

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Author(s): Massimo Bal und Patrick Raspo

일자: 2022

Kletterführer fürs wunderschöne Aostatal mit sportlichen 2468 Einseillängen sowie 316 Mehrseillängenwegen

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