
Flora and Fauna: Nesting birds

Hell's Gate cliffs are important nesting sites for a number of birds, including vulnerable species that face a number of threats in the surrounding area. Please check on the local Whatsapp groups for the latest sightings or restrictions and if you come across a nest on your climb try and bail off well before reaching, to avoid disturbing nesting animals and potentially causing active nests to be abandoned.

See warning details and discuss

개발된 약 2년 전


This route begins approximately 91 m left of the prominent overhanging area. It is easy to find for at this particular section the wall is less steep with a broken area some 46 m up from the ground. The route starts 12 m right of 'Caiaphas' at the base of a series of cracks

  1. 30 m Up cracks and trend leftward for approx 10m mounting a series of ledges. Move up towards a bulge and take an obvious traverse line leading off right below it. Continue along traverse for 12 m to an arete. Tension around this (peg in place with a 6foot cordalette), with precarious but exciting moves. Place small gear in a crack to protect your second. Continue onward rightwards for approx 6m with tricky moves up to a good platform and belay. (VS)

  2. 18m Move up leftward off the belay, traversing for approx 9m to a large obvious ledge. Gain groove up on right by way of a short steep wall, and climb groove for 9m threading your way among loose chock stones to a broken ledge. Possibly best to belay from the top of groove rather than in the broken corner above.

  3. 18 m Climb crack with questionable rock above for 6 m then step carefully right below a large block system along sloping shelf. Descend 3 m onto large ledge with tree.

  4. 37 m From ledge head up to follow obvious crack / corner system above. The rock is not great but decent placements can be found with hexes and nuts. At the top of the crack step left and make a couple of steep moves to gain a series of ledges that allow you to gain a ramp that will take you easily to the top

Seriousness: 2-3


루트 역사

13 4월 1975초등들: Iain Allan, John Cheesmond & Alan Walker


26 Sep 2022 경고 Flora and Fauna: Nesting birds

GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -0.86558, 36.35250

어떤 내용들은 ~로부터 허가아래 제공되었습니다. © Mountain Club of Kenya (Copyright Mountain Club of Kenya)

Grade citation

VS 공동체 등록 등급들
VS Hell's Gate Climbs


No bolting unless you're doing a new route (then please check with the MCK that it is a new route beforehand).

© Hell's Gate으로부터 상속된




완전 구식
안하는 것이 좋음

Overall quality 58 from 4 ratings.

Difficulty - VS

부드러운 감촉
거칠고 흔들리는 홀드의 루트

Based on 4 ratings.

Suggested Grade


Based on 4 ratings.

완등 형태

온사이트 3
플래쉬 완등 1
레드 포인트 2
완등 7

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