



In the bed of the (usually dry) Swakop river lies a vast collection of cliffs. A few have routes on them. This part of the Swakop river runs through the Moon Valley which is a fascinating landscape.


Less than an hour from Swakopmund is a part of the Swakop river which has a vast collection of cliffs on either side of it. Some of these have routes on them, the main section being Brauhaus-wand.

The rock is composed of gneiss, with areas of granite, feldspar, quartzite and dolerite. The rock is solid, but some is weathered at the surface and new routes may require cleaning of loose rubble. A helmet is recommended.

Climbing early in the day is recommended because of the heat.

접근 문제들

  1. The original developers request that chalk is not to be used.

  2. The south of the river is in the Namib-Naukluft National Park. The North is in the Dorob. This does not appear to present any problems, but climbers are urged to look after the area.


A 4x4 is very much recommended as the river bed has sand in many places. The climbing is about 57km from Swakopmund.

See map below.

From Swakopmund drive about 40km towards Windhoek on the B2. Turn right into the D1991. Follow this for about 18km. After passing the first buildings on your left you more or less enter the river bed. There is a road on your left directly after a ridge of rock. This leads to a farm and is signposted as such. Do not turn here. After about 50m there is another road to the left. Take this road. (If you reach Goanikontes Oasis proper, you have gone too far.) Follow this up the river bed for a little less than 5km. The main wall (Bruahaus-wand) will become apparent on your left.

The alternate approach, shown on the map below, is to drive to the Goanikontes Oasis. Turn right into a jeep track in the river bed just after the entrance to the Oasis. It is between 4 and 5 km to the climbs. Keep to the left of the main river bed.

숙박 장소

There are numerous places to stay in Swakopmund. Alternatively the river bed itself has many possible free camp sites (no facilities). Please remove all traces and use present fire pits if possible. Bring your own wood.

The Goanikontes Oasis is a splendid place to stay with camping, huts and a restaurant. Lots of trees and shade to escape the midday heat.


Please limit use of chalk if needed at all.


History timeline chart

The original development took place between 2010-12 by Volker Muller, Hasso Gantze and co (hence many of the names are German).


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