
Zachodnia ściana

  • 등급표기: POL

접근 문제들 Tatry Polskie으로부터 상속된

The whole area is a national park (Tatrzański Park Narodowy, TPN) and visiting it follows strict regulations. In particular

  • you are not supposed to leave marked trails with exempt for climbers
  • you are not supposed to stay in the mountains in dark (no bivouacking)
  • you have to pay the entrance fee to the TPN
  • you have to register your planned sport climbing and/or alpine climbing activity at: https://wspinanie.tpn.pl/
  • climbing (both alpine and sport) is allowed only in selected areas
  • additional restrictions on the time and place of climbing may be introduced by the TPN

Detailed regulations for climbing are published at TPN website

윤리문제 Tatry Polskie으로부터 상속된

Usual ethic of alpine climbing and mountaineering.


루트 추가 그림안내지도 추가 재 주문 대용량 편집 변환된 등급
등급 루트
1 2
2 3
3 5
4 3
5 2
6 2

FA: Br. Czech & i tow., 1925

FA: J. Czech jr & W. Szulc, 4 10월 2015

1 4 20m
2 7/7+ 20m

FA: W. Święcicki, 1985

FFA: J. Czech & J. Czech jr, 2009

1 4 20m
2 8- 20m
1 5 20m
2 9-/9 20m

FA: W. Święcicki, 1985

FFA: J. Czech & J. Czech jr, 2009

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1 4 20m
2 7- 20m

FA: J. Czech jr & W. Szulc, 2015


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금요일 8 9월
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