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Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku Mięguszowiecki Szczyt Wielki Czołówka
7 Greystone
6+ Szare Zacięcie
7- Kombinacja Szare Zacięcie - Greystone

First 3 pitches of Szare Zacięcie, then straight up in last three pitches of Greystone.

6+ Psia krewka
6+ Starek-Uchmański
M7 Książęcy Raport
4+ M8 Wall street
Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku
Bula pod Bandziochem

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku Bula pod Bandziochem
M5 Popołudniowy ekspres

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 Defekt mózgu

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M6/7 Cień wielkiej buli

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M5 Bladym świtem

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 Kondratówka

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M6/7 Sie nie robi

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 Ganja

Second pitch (crux) bolted as an independent dry-tooling route.

M4 Bez znaczenia

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 Wejście smoka

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M5 W samo południe

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 Od zmierzchu do świtu

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 Para w gwizdek

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 Globalne ocieplenie

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 Toksyczne kurczaki

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M3 Żleb

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 Komin Malczyka

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M3 Żebro

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M3 Droga Blondyna

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M4 W poszukiwaniu trudności

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M6 Bruce Lee i Złodzieje Dróg

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M5 Bez sensu

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M6 Chiński syndrom

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M4 Sie ściemnia

alternative 2-pitches start variant for Droga Blondyna

Sektor Memoriału Bartka Olszańskiego

Six drytooling routes bolted for Memoriał Bartka Olszańskiego competitions in 2012. Routes descriptions in Polish, drytooling.com.pl

M6 No name 1

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M7 No name 2

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 Ganja (crux)

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M9 No name 3

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M8 No name 4

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

M6 Wejście smoka (1. wyc.)

1st pitch of multipitch route.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku
Kopa Spadowa

A peak (2252m, 49.1855553N, 20.0872397E) in the north ridge of Rysy with a compact base wall in its west face.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku Kopa Spadowa
7- Pachniesz Brzoskwinią
5+, 7-, 7-, 6+

Well protected gymnastic climb. Structured face provides unique moves, some overhangs and another nice face.

6 Droga Skłodowskiego
4, 6, 5, 5, 4

Second pitch is a classic with delicate climb in cracks. Then a traverse and nice corner climb. Pitons in the route, bolts on belays (first three pitches).

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku
Żabi Mnich

A peak (2146m, 49.1891325N, 20.0857161E) in the north ridge of Rysy. Its west face hosts a handful of nice climbs.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku Żabi Mnich
6 Droga Chrobaka
5, 6, 4, 2 (150m)

Belays bolts/pitons, some pitons in the route

7 Fantazja
6+, 7, 3

A magnificent climb on hard slab with little protection and in steep face with small cramps but well protected. This route is told to be the first route in polish Tatry protected with bolts.

8- Pro pain

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

6 Wilczkowski

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

2 Normal route

From Czarny staw follow the cairned trail towards gully on right side of Zabi Mnich. Walk up the gully to the saddle. The climb easy rocks on southeast ridge to the summit.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku
Zadni Mnich

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

Tatry Polskie Dolina Rybiego Potoku Zadni Mnich
5 Droga Uznańskiego

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

7 Wakacje w Tybecie

After the second pitch of Droga Uznańskiego go right. First, easy part of Wakacje w Tybecie is not bolted. Topo: https://wspinanie.pl/topo/polska/tatry/zadni_mnich/wakacje_w_tybecie.htm

6+ Heinrich-Mróz

Bolted belay.

7+/8- Masowanie Kompleksów

It is recommend to reserve parking at Palenica Białczańska in advance.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Pieniński Pas Skałkowy

Belt of limestone rocks between Tatras and Beskids. Some minor volcanic andesite rock formations are also present here.

Przełom Białki

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki

Some routes are currently inaccessible by regular means due to river changing its flow in recent years. To climb them you need to traverse above water to first bolt and belay similarly to multi-pitch. Or you can wait till river changes its flow again, but it might reduce access even further. Routes require up to 16 quickdraws.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki Kramnica
VI+ Droga Muskata

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Rzepatówka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3 Płytostrada

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2+ Glizda wsiańska

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Król i Rzepa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Pani Wellington

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Latające płyty

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Kao San Road

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Pyłookowpad

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Cyckowa depresja

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ N.N.

Relatively recently bolted route, couldn't find person knowing it's name. Please comment if you know.

VI Kula i Zielak

This route zigzags. Follow old bolts and expect massive rope drag.

VI+ Prostowanie Rzepy

Start with old ring, then follow the new in roughly straight line.

VI.2 Kopalnia radości

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI- Popierdółka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V+ Chlorofil

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Koronawirus

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki Obłazowa
Grota Obłazowa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki Obłazowa Grota Obłazowa
VI.4+/5 Ser spodlaski

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ De puta madre

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+ Siódme poty

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.6+ Shimmer and Shine

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.6 Sars

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+ Kakaraka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+/6 Zimne poty

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.7+ Opus Magnum

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ Dwie twarze

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.6/6+ Mordor

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.6+ Bania u Cygana

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+ Dynamika Janosika

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+ Cursus ambitionum

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+/6 Dynamika Janosika wprost

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4 Faust

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ Terminator

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ Suicidal Tendencies

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3+/4 Nostromo

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5 Underworld

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3 Bishop

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+/6 Auschwitz

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2+ Wrota Auschwitz

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Evil dick

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki Obłazowa
Filar Obłazowej

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Obniżenie Orawsko-Podhalańskie Przełom Białki Obłazowa Filar Obłazowej
VI.1+ Bubutek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

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